
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Some days just are normal.

„Do you know what I really miss."

[How should I know Boss.]

„I assumed you understand me good enough to know what I really miss."

[Okay give me a second to think. Seeing how you are behaving like somebody that is annoying and toxic, I assume you are not missing human contact because you're mostly distancing yourself from others. And seeing how you est just about anything, you're also not a picky eater so you're also not missing food. So I assume you either miss Gaming, surfing the internet or music.]

„Well actually I miss all three of those things but mostly I miss music."

[Why don't you learn playing an instrument? You have enough time on your hands and the storyline is completely ruined at this point only if you replace Madara could the storyline somewhat work.]

„Nah that is too annoying. I have already the bloodlines of the four Clans and only the Uzumaki Clan is missing."

[Well Right now you are at least two times stronger than Madara without the Juubi and if we get that final Blood sample, you'll be on the level of an real Ōtsutsuki Clansman and all the separate blood samples will fuse and you'll transform. Giving you power on the same level as Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.]

„Sure sure I'll be amazing but what will come afterwards?"

[Well Boss we can either visit the Cosmos and find out how Ōtsutsuki Clan is working or we can visit other dimensions and see how it feels living there.]

„I'd like to visit other worlds and see how it is being there but first I'll help Kaguya escape."

[Why would you do that Boss?]

„Don't know why but I feel lonely and I think she is lonely too being in imprisonment for all this time. So maybe I can save her and make her my woman."

[Boss your taste in Woman sucks! She is dangerous and her children are at least a few thousand years older than you. Even with both your life's combined you come up to 40 years.]

„Ahh don't be a joy kill Ai. She has those vibes..."

[Yes those vibes are telling you stay away this woman can kill you and she will.]

„Hmph you are just jealous."

[Not really because I know my taste is much better than yours Boss.]

„Oh really then tell me who would you chose?"

[I would go for someone more down to earth like the Fourth Hokage.]

„Tsss you're just a fan girl and a pedo the boy isn't even born yet also I am a guy."

[What about Tsunade then?]

„Oh she is perfect but will she live long enough?"

[Well Boss once you've unlocked your complete DNA. It will be quite easy to unlock other people who have the same Origin, so you could actually help Tsunade.]



„Okay it's decided then I'll be having two wives."

[Boss You'rejust digging your own grave. I think with either one of them you'll be already completely under control.]

„Idiot. I totally know that but well that isn't the point."

[I don't know what the point is.]

„The point is I had a crush on both of them while I read the Manga and now I can be with them for real."

[Boss I feel like a broken radio because you're forced me to repeat what I feel over and over but you have really bad taste. I am getting worried about our survival.]

While Ai and Okami were discussing their future Chiasa and Okosune we're having an epic fight.

Sobo-san couldn't take it anymore and she confessed to Chiasa everything about how Kondo made a deal right after Okami was born, how she and Sofu-san finally accepted the deal and how Okosune also agreed.

Then she told her about the Hyūga Clans seal and How Okami plugged his eyes out instead of becoming enslaved.

She told Chiasa about Okami leaving the Clan and finally about him using some strange method to take revenge on the Clan.

„Please Chiasa he's your son you have to make him reverse whatever he has done to our Clan." Sofu-san said.

And at the same time in the Hyūga Clan.

„Hyu you've destroyed our Clan." an old man said.

„You've no right to criticise me old man. I have not done anything that you yourself would not have done." Hyu replied.

„Easy easy we'll just set up another branch family." an old lady tried to appease.

„Oh really and how will that Turin out? Once you use the seal on them they'll run directly to that Okami bastard and get rid of it."

„It is over as long as Okami exists there is no way setting a branch family will work."

Also at the Same Time in the Senju-Clan.

„Tsunade why are you so happy?" Tsunades grandmother asked.

„Senpai said he'll come over today." Tsunade replied.

„Whaaaat Okami is coming?" Hashirama asked.

„Yes he'll be here soon."

„What is wrong dear?"

„Cough cough nothing. It is just that boy Okami is a bit problematic."

„How so? Isn't he only a little boy?"

„Well he is still ably but his temper is just too...well you'll notice it yourself once he gets here." Hashirama didn't like talking behind someone's back.

„Oh Tsunade did Okami say when he'll be arriving?"

„No he didn't but he'll surely be on time."

Meanwhile Okami was still in the village and buying gifts, this will be his first time meeting his future in laws and so he had to make them like him.

„Hey Ai, you've got better taste then me so help me chose what to buy them."


„What do you mean by nope?"

[Boss you've to buy gifts without help otherwise there will be no feelings in them.]

„Oh okay although I don't believe it makes a difference."

[But it does for Tsunade-Cham knowing the thing you're gifting her is something you've chosen.]

„You Are kidding me right? She won't remember that..."

[Boss even Little girls are Woman they'll literally remember everything good you do and everything bad you do. But because man usually don't do Good things she's going to remember all the bad stuff...]

„This is so unfair..."

[Stop being annoying and go buy gifts.]

„You're getting a bit out of line Ai."

[cough sorry Boss I just wanted to test out being bossy.]

„You're a system Ai you can't cough and cover your embarrassment."



[You've got to hurry or we'll be late and that is going to make an bad first impression on them.]

"Sure sure just chill..."

[Boss this is your future happiness please don't mess it up and behave yourself.]

"AI I am never messing around it is just those around me that keep messing with me all the time."

[Well this would not have been a problem if you just behaved like an normal baby.]

"But it is annoying to pretend also shitting your pants is just disgusting."

[Yes unless you've got an Fetish or something.]

"... I don't have a Fetish, also how do you have such knowledge?"

[I don't know. I just do.]

Finally Okami was done and ready to make his way to the Senju Clan.