

Ryan a young man who is stranded to another world and embarks on an adventure and a true ruler

In_Fajar · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"Alright, we agree, but first I will explain about this best scroll. Challenger type scrolls have no space storage limit...said the merchant

"Infinitely limited??? with the meaning that I can freely draw anything ... Ryan said

"Not only that. This scroll can even store the image you prepared earlier... said the merchant

"Waaah kereeen.... Ryan said

After that they shook hands and agreed on the barter

Ryan comes home happy but he forgets that he hasn't eaten yet

"Aaah even though I was planning to buy food

Ryan said sluggishly by opening the door

Ryan after opening the door was very happy because

"Eeeh wait sooooooo much... Ryan said

"Xixi this as my apology.... Ellie said

"By the way, where did we get this much food from this morning... Ryan said while eating a lot

"From your pocket that you left behind.. Ellie said

"Yeah, it's okay, I'll just sleep tonight with a full heart even though I'm sad because you drained my money... Ryan said

Morning has arrived Ryan As usual sells health potions to the Elf market

In the afternoon, Ryan tried the Summoning Scroll and he tried to draw with which pen

immediately Ryan tried to draw a wooden block Then but the wooden block from the summoning scroll didn't come out but was drawn

"Wow, what's so great about this summoning scroll, even like an ordinary scroll, even if I use soil as a medium for drawing, it can be done ... Ryan said

But Ryan noticed an oddity

do I have to take it out now? Suddenly the wooden block just came out when Ryan said Get out

."eee is that the way hmmmm this might be useful for emergency things even on the Summoner scroll it doesn't require Mana or the material from the image just came out Hmmmm pretty great....waaaah I pulled what I said Ryan said

Until one night

heard a very loud monster scream

Thus awakening all the people and inhabitants of the Elf

"What's the matter, it's just disturbing my sleep... Ryan said

"Ryan look there's something big next to the market... Ellie said

"What thick fog is that... Ryan said

seen the figure of a giant Lizard that emits steam from the puff of smoke

The Elves are running and trying to save themselves

"ahhh should we act Ellie?... Ryan said

"Let's not just see, let the Elf guards deal with it.. Ellie said

the steam lizard was apparently a monster aiming for the power of the Sacred Tree of Zakarun it seemed the elven Guardians tried to overthrow the steam lizard but the effort was in vain as the lizard gave off steam so hot that the elven guards bounced off the lizard

meanwhile the steam lizard headed towards the Sacred Emerald Tree trying to absorb the energy of the Sacred Tree Not yet 1 minute Absorbing the energy The steam lizard was also attacked by the highly trained Elite Elf troops

The Elite Elf's attack succeeded in overthrowing the Steam Lizard One of them used Wind magic using Tornado energy to lift the Steam Lizard's body into an empty forest right behind Ryan's House.

"Oi why did they even bring danger to me... Ryan said

After being thrown into the forest and away from the Sacred tree

Suddenly the temperature around the forest rose The higher and hotter the giant Lizard Monster rose, now the steam emitted a fire that made the forest burn

all the elite troops rushed to cripple the lizard

But the continuously emitting flames prevented the Elite Elf Army from getting close

One of them used wind magic which meant to extinguish the fire but only made the fire bigger

"stop your magic

Ryan comes angry

"Are you not in your right mind, the wind actually enlarges the fire?

Elite troops answered

"Okay tell me who are you?

"I?? who am I??

"What happens if the fire hits my house Damn it

Ryan said by releasing a lot of Water elements so that the burned area has now been extinguished because of the water that Ryan released

"Wooooow what a magic energy....

The steam lizard is now soaking wet due to the effect of being splashed with water by Ryan but 30 seconds later the lizard can emit fire again from its body now it is targeting the elite elf and Ryan troops

The steam lizard emitted Fire mixed with lava vomit towards them


Suddenly everyone is shocked

"How can he expel lava from inside his body ... Ryan said

"Maybe it's the power effect of the Sacred Emerald Tree... Said one of the elite troops

"Wow, looks like I didn't sleep tonight... Ryan said

"Hey master can you cast water magic and spray it on his body to buy time Meanwhile we will attack him from close range, you're a water magic user right..... said one of the elite troops

"Wow, I'm a water user... Ryan said

(Hmm maybe I'll just use the water element so they don't suspect me if I can do it all, it could be even worse)

"Yes, of course, attack them from close. I will release as much water as possible... Ryan said

"Well thank you sir I will go straight to the Lizard's body, everything is in formation

The Elite Troops attacked at close range but this time they used Seal Magic which absorbed all the power of the Emerald Sacred Tree which then returned its Power to the Emerald Sacred Tree.

when the lizard was careless and weak The Elite troops issued the ultimate move with them simultaneously Chanting Wind Attack

They formed a tornado to hit And drilled into the Lizard's body Although it took time because the lizard's body was very hard "braaaakkk" The steam lizard was defeated

"Wow, the Elf Kingdom's troops are cool, okay, it's over. I'm going home...

Say Ryan

After that

"Our Chief found this in the body

steam lizard

hah what is this ball it broke a bit but... Ah forget it Report This Result to the King
