

Ryan a young man who is stranded to another world and embarks on an adventure and a true ruler

In_Fajar · Fantasy
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22 Chs


In the academy's healing period The craftsman group who was helped by Mr. Sio as his mentor The craftsman group repaired the Arena by rebuilding the building and a little damage around the academy

ryan who after the fight decides to rest and begins to test the black gem that appears after the explosion along with Ryuji

ryan used his Skill And after researching this Dark gem Ryan saw the detailed information in his Skill about the Dark gem Ryan had a bad feeling about this Dark gem he decided to test it out in a deep forest far from civilization

ryan : yosh, let's try what this gem can do

How shocked Ryan was after trying the Darkness gem he suddenly had an unstoppable anger and Ryan transformed into a Half Dragon

after that transformation Ryan tried out the black Orb that Ryuji released the other day

Ryan is getting out of control shooting Fireballs all around

suddenly a very bright light illuminates him and it turns out that the Goddess who gave him the Skill at the beginning of this World Starts talking to him Ryan can't move because the goddess is sealed

Goddess Tartea : Calm down, let go of the Darkness gem

ryan : Ryan started to control his consciousness and he turned back to normal

Ryan : You're not the Goddess I met in this world, who are you?

Goddess Tartea : I am Goddess Tartea Goddess whose job it is to maintain the balance of this world You have been chosen to balance this world

Ryan: Me? Is that why you gave me the Skill

Goddess Tartea : yes, you will know why the longer you stay here

Ryan : This Dark Goddess Gem can't be used safely?

Goddess Tartea : there is one way I will give you the limiter seal on your Darkness gem but don't break the seal

Ryan : ok give me the limiter seal

Goddess Tartea : Hoho, but I have a condition

Ryan: what are the conditions?

Goddess Tartea : You have to beat someone

ryan : Who is Dewi

Goddess Tartea : She is also from your world but she is out of control I want you to erase her existence right

Ryan: ha from my world

Goddess Tartea : yes He is a hero who managed to kill the king of calamity

Ryan: the king of disaster?

ryan : not that good he managed to kill the king of calamity world so it's safe anyway

Goddess Tartea : yes but after 2 years of her victory She is out of control and acting inappropriately

Goddess Tartea : I want you to kill her 5 years from now

ryan: uh 5 years is a long time lo

Goddess Tartea : Now she is a child but in 5 years she will be a cold blooded monster

Goddess Tartea : don't forget your duty to help me balance this world (lost like swallowed by light)

ryan : ok see you

Ryan tried the Darkness gem that was given the limiter and to his surprise Ryan was able to activate Half Dragon mode with his full consciousness but Ryan could only spawn Two limbs For example claw feet but still in human form

ryan tried to remove the dragon wings behind his back and managed to get a pair of dragon wings now behind his back

Ryan came home flying and he really enjoyed it

Arriving at the inn he tried to cover up the Darkness gem by turning it into a necklace

The first semester is over now the academy students will be given 1 month to take a long vacation

Ryan plans to look for water and lightning gems in the dwarf kingdom they hear there is a very high mountain it is said that there is a gem that Ryan is looking for

ryan invites Ellie to go on a trip to the dwarven kingdom

The Dwarves are known as craftsmen who are very qualified and the materials used are different and special

ryan Invites Ellie to use the air way to make it faster. Before that Ryan had prepared a mask so that when he flew his identity was not known by anyone Ryan made 2 masks and Ellie was told to wear them

ellie turns out to be able to also bring up demon wings on her back and they fly to the dwarf kingdom quickly only 1 day 1 night arrived if the road trip might take 3 to 4 days

Before entering the dwarf kingdom they landed in the forest near the dwarf kingdom

ryan : Ellie take off your mask

They walked towards the Dwarven Kingdom without suspicion

Successfully entering the kingdom he asked the merchant where is Mount Eroves the tallest mountain in the dwarf kingdom

Trader: Oh you're human, okay, Mount Eroves is behind the mountains. Well, that's the highest peak.

Ryan: Wow, apparently, thank you for the information

Merchant : by the way what are you going to mount Eroves

Ryan : I want to visit and conquer the top of Mount Eroves

Trader: oh I see sir but I heard from the wanderers there are a lot of scary monsters, you better stop going there

Ryan: oh it looks like there are a lot of monsters okay I'll undo my intention (yes I won't do it today but tomorrow I won't hehe)

ryan : come on, Ellie, find something to eat at the inn near here

Ellie: ok

That night Ellie and Ryan enjoyed the beauty of the dwarf kingdom whose buildings were very different and very magnificent

Ryan dissatisfied walking around and looking around he finally found a Dwarf's artisan forge shop

The craftsman and craftsman shop is the best in the Dwarven Kingdom. Seeing the objects created by the Dwarves in the shop window exhibition makes it a reference for a lot of antiques, weapons, armor, shields, jewelry, etc. whose raw materials are very unique and especially famous for durabilityand its qualityRyan wants to practice and wants to fully study for 1 month in the dwarf kingdom But it's delayed because Ryan has to find the remaining gems, namely Water and Lightning.

Ryan also returned to the inn while getting ready for tomorrow

In the morning Ryan and Ellie went to Mount Eroves after half a day they just arrived in the mountains and they saw Mount Eroves in front of them was very majestic and towering