
Archer of Green

A god's whim, was it for entertainment, was it for some rare enjoyment in their immortal lives. Whatever it was mattered not, as in death there was life. An awakening towards a journey. To the end of the dungeon, an end of a path. Given a partner, all in the game of this god. Cruel, apathetic, angelic, I don't believe any of these fit the being, the god. After all, I was given a new life, a partner to call my own. And so, I believe whether this was cruel or not is up to me. But as Atalanta reached for my hand, broke through that darkness's hold over my mind. It was only then that it truly begun. This adventure, all on a god's whim.

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17 Chs

Golden - 2

Breath in, set.

The target flickered in and out of my vision. Even as I focused any and all of my vision on just that. Taking every visual and auditory stimulation from my mind.

Isolating my mind further and further from reality.

Yet as I did, it only became more prominent. That weight over my shoulder, the itch that it produced, whispering in my ears.

A tale of the devil. A pleasure so great that my hand twitched. But I did not let that get to me, I steadied my hand. Releasing the tense grip I had on the bow.

Letting the breath that I had been holding go. The mere seconds in which this had happened doing nothing but bringing me to a more tranquil state.

Where then I released. Twitching my finger to let the arrow loose into the wind. 

Breath out, release.

A following of those two steps, repeating endlessly. A flow of golden hair the sole distraction. Yet as greatly as I had noticed it. So too was it easy to ignore it. As she rose into the air, grabbing the plate that my arrow had pierced.

That had flown further and into the hard sand that took up most of the space. Throwing it at me with such force.

Enough that I dove to the side, knocking another arrow and sending it towards her. One that she-

I narrowed my eyes, letting the golden hair, shining within the sun fade from my vision. Only the glint of her sword as she rose through the air once more. Currents of wind taking her body closer to me.

Another three.

Boards made of wood thrown at and around me. And once again I repeated the steps. Clearing my mind of all distractions.

Of everything that may try and take my focus away from their rightful targets.

Once more I let go of my breath.

Once, twice, thrice.

And just as the first fell, so too did the other three.

Yet as I landed among the ground, my foot sweeping and bringing my center of gravity low to the ground.

My teeth bared themselves against the empty wind. Dodging to the side. All as a force, kicking up the wind, flew over my head.

I ducked and retaliated, reaching to my side. Only to find that the arrows I had held close were gone. 

Looking around I saw them on the ground, behind my partner.

Ais stood tall, holding that rapier of hers perpendicular to her body. With a certain poise and grace.

I narrowed my eyes, a sort of focus. One that made me forget all about what I had been doing. Of the practice I had asked her to help with.

All in favor of the vicious smile I held on my face. Matched by the small smirk on her own.

She leaped towards me, and with no arrow to use I discarded my bow. Curling my hands into sort of pseudo claws. Ones that weaved and ducked under Ais's assault. Filled with a tempest that never ceased.

"Come~" I yelled to the air. My pupils dilated with such intense focus.

I collapsed to the ground. Smiling to the person beside me. As our sweat mixed together. As we leaned against each other for comfort. All tuckered out.

Both of our eyes were closed, enjoying the warmth and comfort of the other. Only silence followed us.

For there was not a single other member using the training ground as we were. It was only us. Why, I really couldn't tell.

But it was nice, finding this peace between us. As we fought against each other, helped the other train.

And with each session, with each exhausted smile. We grew stronger. 

I had yet to find time to update my status as Ais had advised me to do. But I didn't really care. Because…

"Here. Drink." I looked up and smiled. The object of my sight doing the same, all as she reached down and pulled me closer to her. Somehow she had obtained a water bottle. 

But before Ais gave it to me she took a gulp of it. Only then did she offer it to me.

"Thanks." I spoke. Gulping down drop after drop of water.

Sighing in appreciation at the refreshing taste.

She said nothing, merely letting me rest as she silently stared at me.

Eventually though the silence grew comforting. A sort of silent communication that brought us closer.

It had been… What a week since I had joined. And even though so much time had passed there really wasn't anything different in my routine. Not that I really had one either way.

But it was quite the same. Following around another person, doing the occasional chore here and there. And training, a lot of training.

Apparently I wasn't allowed in the dungeon unless under supervision. Which I could see the reasoning behind.

Didn't mean that I wanted to obey that.

I gestured to Ais, having her grow closer to me. Until I practically was breathing in her ear. 

Only it wasn't my voice that disturbed the silence, but another.

"A word." 

I tilted my head and looked up to Riveria, shivering as she grabbed my hand and brought me closer to her.

Turning my head I pleaded to Ais, but she just turned her head, looking anywhere but me.

'Traitor' I mouthed and she just looked further away. Avoiding my eyes.

"Sit, take these and write down your notes. I'll be checking after were done. Do not test me." 

Sternly she sat me down, handing me a pen and quill.

Sure I was able to read and write, and do that sort of good.

That didn't mean that I was suddenly great at reading and writing. It actually meant the opposite. I wasn't familiar with the syntax and common conventions like I had been with english.

Meaning that I wasn't able to write as eloquently nor with perfect grammar like I usually could.

Much to Riveria's chagrin.

Books slammed down on the table, making a noise that I flinched against. Frantically looking around to try and find an escape.

The doors were closed and so too were the windows.

There wasn't anywhere else to go and so I had to resign myself to doing this.

A whole six to eight hours of learning. All in one place.

Quietly I cursed Ais for not helping me, at Atalanta for allowing this to happen.

She of all people should take me out of here. This was practically child abuse. I didn't wanna.

"You can read, and so too can you learn."

She pointed to the board she had set up. Outlining the history of some foreign kingdom. Of their customs trade and all of that stuff.

It was so boring, and nothing that was really new to me anyways.

I mean I may have been crippled and forced to live in a hospital but that didn't mean I slacked on my education.

But I was forced to watch her recite lecture after lecture. Ones she made me recite back to her until she was sure that I had memorized it, taking the lessons to heart.

Until the sun had fallen in the sky. Until I was so exhausted that I could barely make it back to my room.

I didn't even have the heart to sneak out and go to the dungeon. I was that exhausted.

Yet when I went back to my assigned room, collapsing on the bed. I found myself not alone.

Not that it bothered me as I just curled up around her stomach, wrapping my tail around her arm and falling asleep blissfully.

Welcoming her warm embrace.

"Mm~ Good night." 




Not much going on in this one, just a bit of slice of life as Inari adjusts to his life in the familia, training and training. And getting up to speed on his education. and would ya look at that, Riveria is already earning her title as the mama of the familia.

Anywho hope ya'll enjoyed the nice little chapter. I'll be back in a day or so with the next chapter. Don't forget to check out my other book A walk among stars if your bored waiting for me.