
Archer of Green

A god's whim, was it for entertainment, was it for some rare enjoyment in their immortal lives. Whatever it was mattered not, as in death there was life. An awakening towards a journey. To the end of the dungeon, an end of a path. Given a partner, all in the game of this god. Cruel, apathetic, angelic, I don't believe any of these fit the being, the god. After all, I was given a new life, a partner to call my own. And so, I believe whether this was cruel or not is up to me. But as Atalanta reached for my hand, broke through that darkness's hold over my mind. It was only then that it truly begun. This adventure, all on a god's whim.

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17 Chs

Golden - 1

"Do I really have to do this?" Nervously I twirled my hair, letting it fall and rise. Letting the gentle ruffling of my hair affect my ears, giving me comfort among the stares of the others. Especially the lecherous gaze aimed at me.

Drool falling down her chin as she tried to creep over to me and do… whatever it was that she wanted to do.

"Mm…" Ais answered.

I let the breath fall from my mouth, a sigh echoing through the room. And with more than a little reluctance I shed my shirt. Covering my body against the gazes of the others.

There was a shine, almost stars in the god's gaze as I sat against the couch. Letting her grope at my body and do whatever it was that she needed to do.

"Hehe~" She giggled.

"Stop." I deadpanned, waving my tail away from her grasp.

"Yes, do stop." 

I jumped. God did I jump. My ears and fangs rising, my tail puffing up as I tried to curl myself against the familiar voice.


Atalanta glared at me. Curling my body in her chest, all the while glaring at the gathered people. Especially at the god.

"Explain." She growled, especially at the god. Whoever she was.

"Ah…" I pointed, "Ais told me that this 'falna' can make me stronger?"

Atalanta looked down at me, then to Ais, who I had pointed to.

"Is that a question or are you answering me?" 

I shivered at her tone, just a little. But it was enough for her to sigh and place me down against the couch.

"Are you his… mother? Sister?" 

The god asked, tilting her head and giving a lecherous grin to Atalanta.

"I do not need to answer that, Loki." Atalanta practically spat out, her eyes narrowing in disgust.

"Ah- No, I was doing your son a favor, to be in my familia, and by the sound of it you want him to be stronger, no?"

I looked between the two of them, trying to get away from the tension that the two were causing. Only for Atalanta to huff and turn her face, looking to me and huffing once more, "Do what you want."

I looked back at the god, Loki, and scrunched my face. Holding tightly to the cloth that was my shirt.

"So~ Squirt ya still want that falna of ours."

I looked to Ais, then to the spot that Atalanta had disappeared from.

"Ah… y- yeah."

I turned around, still embarrassed at having to be shirtless.

"Cool~" She sang, jumping over my back and groping my tail once again. Really I was sort of regretting this, but she was the god of my friend… partner… whatever we were.

"Hand me a paper will ya." Loki asked, turning towards Riveria, the stern elf.

[Inari Ōkami]

[Lv: 1]

[Strength: I1]

[Endurance : I1]

[Dexterity: I1]

[Agility: I1]

[Magic: I1]


[Agrius Metamorphosis: Grants Shapeshift(A)]

It felt like something had lifted over my shoulder, no, it was more like something was placed there. A weight that I could take off at any moment.

Curiously I pulled on it, feeling it give with barely any resistance. Yet when I tried to fully take that pelt off. The weight that tried to pull me down. I felt a hand stop me.

"Do not." She spoke. And again everyone in the room was on guard.

Atalanta took the paper in her hand and ripped it apart.

"Don't use that. Not unless you have…" She trailed off, but her words still rang in my mind. A tone to her voice that just made my whole body shiver.

I merely shivered and nodded. Letting her curl my body against hers. 

Atalanta looked around. Turning against each and every one of them. Of the dwarf and child. Of the Riveria and Ais. Of Loki, the goddess who had granted me this Falna.

"I assume that we are to stay in this…" She gestured at the mansion that we stood in, "Mansion."

"Yes. Unless of course," Loki stared at Atalanta, her eyes squinting so much that I doubted that she could even see from them, "You have somewhere else to stay." 

It was a testament to how much Atalanta didn't like not having a regular place to stay that she flinched.

That she agreed and took my hand.

"Then will you guide us to our room?"

"Who said both of you are staying? I only have an interest in that child of yours." 

"Then I will take mine and leave. I have no reason to stay, not with such…" She gestured to the others around the room, "Weaklings."

"Weaklings?" One of the others asked, gazing at Atalanta.

"Yes, none of you can bring Inari to greater heights, not with your current strength."

There was a heat in her words. A heat that I only felt when she helped children, when she glared and took action against those that had abused them. Or, in this case, when she thought that I would stagnate in such a place.

The blonde child, Finn if I had heard right. I still wasn't sure if that was his actual name though, he brought that spear of his to bear. Pointing it at Atalanta.

"Then prove it, prove that you are stronger."

The others looked at him, like they were seeing something new. An action that he had never done before.

"Finn?" Loki asked, that infuriating smirk of hers still glued to her face. As if she was scheming something.

"I want to know the difference between us."

"If that is what you wish." Atalanta turned. Walking through the mansion. Taking my hand and forcing me to follow behind her.

Eventually we reached the courtyard, where Atalanta and this Finn stared against each other.

And before my eyes could even register anything, Finn was already fighting and Atalanta was gone from my sight.

She sent arrows of light speeding towards him. And he was barely able to deflect them. 

In seconds he was already laying on the ground. Arrows piercing his shoulders, his torso, every non-lethal part of him.

Was that the difference between us, had Atalanta gone that easy against me? My eyes shined at that, for I knew that there was so much more to learn from her. 

An excitement that welled in my stomach. Because I knew, deeply in my heart, that I could do such a thing. That when I grew I could be as strong as that.

When Atalanta strode next to me, when she stopped to pat my head and hug me closer. I jumped and did it before she could.

Wrapping my small tail around her wrist and snuggling my head against her chest. Purring in her grip.

I was just so excited.





Hmm... its a bit shorter than I thought it would be but whatever. I was kind of struggling on whether I wanted Inari to join the loki familia or not. But I ended on yeah. As I thought that was the best idea.

And just for your information right now its about 9 years before canon meaning that many of the members of the Loki familia aren't as strong as they are in canon, it isn't explicitly stated but they should be around level 4 or 5, the executives and Bete, Tiona, and Tione haven't joined yet which is why they aren't here.

It also means that Ais is still level one and hasn't leveled up yet. If canon were to be applied she would level up in about a year. 

Well that's if canon was applied, wink wink.

That's all from me, hope ya enjoyed the chapter.