
Arceus’ Pirate Journey

In the Great Pirate Era, countless people rushed to the sea. The person who obtained Arceus’ power arrived in this world as the new Arceus and got in touch with the Lunarian race. Based on the reality that everything can be Mythical Zoan, the current him can also be called Mythical Zoan user. Whether it is One Piece or Pirate King, it has nothing to do with him, all he wants to do is to retrieve the lost plates first. During this process, he formed an alliance with Beasts Pirates, a famous pirate crew in the New World, and Mr. Kaido got his coveted Mythical Zoan Army. When Pteranodon becomes Aerodactyl, when Brachiosaurus becomes Tropius, the combination of Pokémon and devil fruit powers will bring a whole new change to the world…. Lunarian’s glory will surely reappear. *This is a fan translated novel by me ****Please support on pat*eon for extra chapters https://www.pat*eon.com/dmtranslations

dm95 · Anime & Comics
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662 Chs

Is this really something that someone with 5000 Berries is capable of?

"You should know that they can't do anything to me in the sea."

Here in the sea, Arceus with the Splash Plate can freely manipulate the seawater. If it wasn't for him wanting to test the Admiral's strength, he would have many ways to shake them off.

Just as there is Fire Spin on land, there is also a Whirlpool on the sea. As he has been farming for too long, he wanted to stretch his muscles.

"I know very well about your powers, but please forgive my stubbornness. Our duty is to help you find the lost plates, protect your existence, so I cannot retreat before you. If you have to do everything yourself, then creating us would have been meaningless."

Zeraora stood beside Arceus. This is the only time he has disobeyed Arceus' order ever since he appeared.

"Never mind, do as you please. It's about time you experienced the top-notch combat power of this world."

Zeraora hasn't had much experience fighting humans, and the only enemies he has faced were the Organ Dealing Assassination Group. However, they can hardly be considered as a benchmark for assessing the combat power of this world. Sengoku, who is accompanying the warship, can help him better understand where his strength lies.

"Understood." Seeing that Arceus didn't order him again to leave, he felt relieved. This is the first time he has been stubborn, but if Arceus insisted on him leaving, he would have no choice but to obey.

At this time, the hair on his body was completely standing up, a sign that he was using the stored lightning in his body. He floated beside Arceus, not using Magnet Rise, but his own unique ability.

Both the paw pads on his hands and feet can release a massive amount of lightning. He can create a strong magnetic field through this lightning, and use the power of the magnetic field to move in the air and achieve high-speed flight.

As Arceus and Zeraora left Genesis, they naturally caught the attention of the Marines. Sengoku has always been known as the Resourceful General, and information gathering is a crucial aspect of that.

There is no doubt that the Marine's intelligence network is far superior than that of the pirates. Both the Marines' own undercover agents and the intelligence provided by the World Government's Cipher Pol agents are centralized at the Marine Headquarters.

As an Admiral of the Headquarters, Sengoku has high authority in this regard, and all Admirals have their own familiar aides. Sengoku's aide had already brought the compiled information to Sengoku.

"Unknown creature? 5,000 Berries? Is there nothing else?"

"Yes, we have no record of the creature in the sky, and this bounty is the only information we have. However, Mr. Zephyr once reported similar information, but our Intelligence Branch analyzed it and concluded that it was the ability of King the Conflagration."

Arceus' lifestyle can be described as reclusive, and normally only Kaido appears in public, so the Marines have little knowledge about Arceus.

The bounty had left a biased impression that resulted in the majority of powers being attributed to others abilities.

"What about that Mink?"

"There is no information, it seems that he is a newly joined member."

Although there are no Minks within the Marines, Zeraora's appearance is too similar to that of a Mink. So, Sengoku assumed that Zeraora is a Mink and a devil fruit user, as there is no record of Minks being able to fly.

Before Sengoku could issue any new orders, Arceus had already delivered a gift to them. Draco Meteor, also known as Dragon Meteor Shower. He has always wanted to test the power of the new plate, and this was the time to experience the Draco Plate's power.

Dragon-type energy erupted out, forming a dense meteor shower in the sky, which then crashed towards the warship where Sengoku was.

"Is this really a pet? Are the people of the Intelligence Branch useless?"

As Sengoku watched the Draco Meteor hurtling over, he began to seriously question the abilities of the intelligence officers. If you can't make accurate assessments, then don't make any at all! Sengoku had never heard of this kind of creature before, so it was likely a Zoan-type user who was accustomed to using Beast-Form, and such individuals were not unheard of.

Sengoku's body emitted a burst of golden light before he transformed into a giant Buddha, and then he unleashed a shockwave that shot towards the sky.

Sengoku is known as Sengoku the Buddha, not because he has Buddha's disposition, but because of his Devil Fruit ability, the Human-Human Fruit Mythical Zoan - Buddha Form. In addition to his powerful Buddha Golden Body, one of his primary methods of combat was his palms generating shockwaves.

Without showing any favoritism, Impact of the Buddha enveloped the entire warship with him as the center. After a violent shaking, he successfully intercepted the probing attack, Draco Meteor.

"You've blocked it, not bad. So, what's your limit?"

A new batch of Draco Meteor appeared out of thin air again, and compared to the previous attack, there were more of them this time and they were larger in size. As for the debuff caused by the original Draco Meteor that temporarily lowers the Special Attack, it has been negated by the power of Work Up.

Watching the Draco Meteor descend again, Sengoku's mouth twitched. He knew very well that to deal with this kind of attack, he had to attack the source, but he couldn't leave now. He had already missed the opportunity.

If he were to leave this place to look for Arceus, the Marines on board would inevitably suffer huge casualties. Only his ability could perfectly protect this warship.

"Borsalino! Go and interrupt his attack!"

Sengoku didn't think it was a good idea to have Borsalino take over the defense of the warship. While his lasers might be able to shatter those strange meteors, it would be impossible to completely destroy them. Recklessly switching could cause other unintended consequences.

Therefore, the best decision is to have Borsalino interrupt the enemy's attack and prevent them from freely attacking the warship. However, Borsalino didn't follow his order. He has had a slight lazy habit since his days as a recruit.

"Sengoku-san, it seems like a hassle. Can't I not go?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay, okay, I got it. There's no need to rush."

Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Borsalino, the future three Admirals, had all become members of the Marines. Since joining, they had been referred to as monsters within the organization.

And they have lived up to their reputation as monsters. From the day they graduated from Zephyr's training camp, they were promoted to the rank of Captain, which was the highest rank a new recruit could achieve in the Marines. The rank of Vice Admiral not only required strength but also military merits.

However, those who were specially recruited by the World Government could break this rule, including those who were directly awarded a rank above Captain.

Sakazuki and Borsalino joined earlier than Kuzan, and it had already been five years since then.

Borsalino is currently a Rear Admiral at Marine Headquarters. While their strength exceeds this rank, they still lack sufficient achievements. Currently, each of them is training under the guidance of others. Marines intend to nurture them so that they can take over the Admiral position in the future.

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