
CH 9: Monsters

(A/N: Quick note, somebody commented in an earlier chapter, where I said MC isn't a pedophile, that he is a groomer instead. No, he is NOT a groomer. Two reasons to prove that. One, Powder isn't in an age to groom. She is about 12 years old, so in my opinion, I think that's past the age of that being possible. Two, MC himself was barely out of his teens before dying. It's literally just a slight age difference.)


Heimerdinger, chuckling :"It's alright, my boy. There is no shame in trying to earn a reward for your hard work. And besides, as you've said, you need money to survive as well. In fact, working hard to forge your talent, enjoying it, and earning money in the process is a great way of multitasking! Oh, look at me, taking up so much of your time and talking so much. I apologize."

Slathilia :"It's alright, kind sir. I don't mind. In fact, the praises help my mood a lot as well. It feels good to listen to them."

Heimerdinger :"Hohoho, everybody likes getting praised, that's only natural! More so for you, my boy, who is so young! But believe, I know you'll receive many praises and compliments in the future. I just hope that you won't become arrogant and lose the passion you showed today."

Slathilia :"Hm, I'll try my best."

Heimerdinger :"I'm glad to hear that. Arrogance has destroyed many talents. I would hate to see the same happen to you. But I must say, the first two songs were filled with emotions. Are you alright, my boy?"

Slathilia, smiling gently :"Hm, I am now. Sigh, I guess, some things are just bound to happen." 'I guess Vander is kinda like Jinx's uncle Ben. He has to go, or Jinx won't be born.'

Heimerdinger :"Hm, that is the case. In life, a lot of things happen that we simply cannot stop. All we can do is watch, and hope that we won't regret anything about it. Happy moments happen that light our worlds, and sad moments come that make us realize just how much we have taken that happiness for granted. All we can do is watch and learn from them. So, whatever it is that you are facing, don't let it harm you. Let it mold you instead. Make you into someone greater."

Slathilia :"... Hm, you're right. Thanks. I guess I needed that."

Heimerdinger, smiling :"I am happy to be of help, my boy! Now, I won't take anymore of your time, and let this poor girl who has stayed silent for so long speak as well. Oh, hehe, by the way, a quick reminder, don't be surprised to see me in your shows as well."

Slathilia, chuckling :"I would be very happy to see you again, sir. And I hope you will enjoy.y music and songs in the future as well."

Heimerdinger, laughing :"Of could! Because you have gained a new fan from now on! Well, I'll be going now. And I'm sorry, my girl. I talked for too long and made you wait too much."

Girl :"Oh, no, no, don't say that, Counselor Heimerdinger! I was just listening to you two, so it's alright!"

Heimerdinger :"Oh? You know who I am?"

Girl, chuckling awkwardly :"Who doesn't know who you are, Counselor? Even if I hadn't seen you in public, I have met you with my mother."

Heimerdinger :"Oh? Now that I think about it, you do look very familiar. Have we met before, my girl?"

Girl :"Yes, professor. I've met you before at a party when I was with my mother, Counselor Kiramman."

Heimerdinger :"Ah, Miss Cassandra! That's why you looked so familiar! Then you must be Caitlyn, correct?"

Caitlyn, smiling :"That's right, Counselor."

Heimerdinger :"My goodness, you've grown so much in so little time! It feels like yesterday when you were about my height!"

Caitlyn, slightly embarrassed :"Well, time does pass. A lot faster for you, I suppose."

Heimerdinger :"Hm, that is indeed the case for an old man like me. Alright, I'll stop bothering you two now. Take care and send my regards to Miss Cassandra, my dear girl!"

As he left after a goodbye wave, the two were left alone. Not wanting the silence to turn awkward, Slathilia chuckled lightly :"I never thought I'd have not just one, but two Counselors watching my play."

Caitlyn, chuckling :"Well, technically you did only have one watching it. I'm just the daughter of a Counselor, and a simple girl before that."

Slathilia :"Well, nonetheless, I'm happy you both enjoyed my show. I don't really care about your identity. I just want people to enjoy my music, and leave the world along with all their problems even for a single moment."

Caitlyn :"Well, you managed to do exactly that. I know Counselor Heimerdinger already said it, but your music is truly amazing! Not only was the music itself beautiful, the song and the emotions you put behind them were truly inspiring! I was truly lost in the songs. Especially the second one."

Slathilia :"My pleasure. I assume you have problems yourself, huh?"

Caitlyn :"Yes, that's the case. That second music really hit the mark. It felt like it was explaining my situation itself."

Slathilia, chuckling :"You cannot believe how many people in this world are experiencing the exact same thing. It's just that we either can't see them, or they hide it."

Caitlyn :"Hm, I guess that's indeed true. But truly, you have amazing talent as a musician. I hope to see your shows again in the future. Just like Counselor Heimerdinger, I truly do believe you would achieve many successes if you work hard."

Slathilia :"Talent without hard work is useless, and so is vice versa. I know that by heart."

Caitlyn :"By the way, I've noticed you're alone this time. Hasn't your helper come along today?"

Slathilia :"Well, no. She had things to do, and I had to come alone since I had already announced my show. So this isn't the first time you've listened to my music?"

Caitlyn :"No, it's not. I actually came across your show in your first days. I was just strolling around with my mother when I heard your song by accident. And well, I think it was a very good accident, since I've come to love your songs! And I truly hope I can continue to listen to them."

Slathilia, chuckling :"And I hope you'll continue to attend my shows."

Caitlyn, smiling :"I will. Well, I hope you have a good night, and hope to see you again on another date!"

Slathilia :"Goodbye to you as well! Goodnight!"

And so, they parted ways and walked away from each other. Walking slowly, he seemed lost in thoughts. But as he walked, his speed picked up, and finally, gritting his teeth, he started to sprint towards the Undercity.

'If I'm not going to prevent their deaths, I will at least take the blame instead of Jinx!'

Before long, his speed had increased to the point where he was only a blur in the eyes of others. Even when he reached the bridge, he didn't slow down nor did he try to sneak through. He simply went even faster, rendering the enforcers unable to see him as he passed through them without a problem.

He even went as far as to use his chains to swing where he could to go even faster. But when there was no more tall building to swing from, he simply ran once again. But this time, sensing Powder in the distance, he slowed down significantly.

'Seems like the plot is in motion.' He sighed in relief before running towards where Powder was going. His movement just the average speed. He didn't stop though. Even when another weirdo appeared in his way, his punch simply went through his guts as he kept running. Consuming him while he was at it.

"Powder!" He appeared in her way, some distance away from the docks where Vander was being held in, and called out, surprising her :"Thilia?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were staying in Piltover for now!" And he shook his head :"Yeah, but I came to check when I got worried. I heard about what happened. I'm here to help."

Seeing her so nervous, he couldn't help but sigh to himself. She really did feel scared for what was happening. But well, even if he wanted to comfort her and make it stop, the most he could do was take the blame somehow instead of her so she wouldn't feel bad about things later.

"I-I..." She stuttered, not knowing what to say and too nervous to even form correct words. But she calmed down slightly when Slathilia gently stroked her head :"Hey, hey, calm down. Breath, alright? In... and out. In... and out."

As she followed his instructions, she calmed down slightly as she nodded :"Thanks." Causing him to nod :"Alright, let's go now. You can explain the details later. I don't know all the details, I just know Vander got taken by some people."

"Okay." She nodded after a deep breath :"But for now, let's help the others. I have a plan. Remember those blue crystals? I think they can explode if they are hit too hard. We can help them with that!" And he nodded in response. Nodding towards the building near the river, where some lights were on, they began to climb up the wooden wall. When his Symbiotic Sense went off, he knew that Powder was gonna fall down because of the wood under her foot breaking.

And just when it did, his hand quickly moved to grab her. But it seems like he didn't need to. With the fire of determination in her eyes, she held on by herself and continued to climb up. Slathilia quickly following her.

When they had just gotten to the outside of the floor the others were on, his Symbiotic Senses went off harder than they had ever been activated. Looking inside, he saw the same guy they had fought, Deckard, looking like a monster with bright purple veins all across his body.

'Shimmer really is one hell of a drug, huh?' He mused before turning to Powder :"Look, I will go and try to help. You stay here and do whatever you're planning to do with those crystals, alright? I'll buy you enough time to prepare them."

"W-will it be alright?" She asked, nervous that she might ruin it. Smiling softly, he stroked her hair gently :"Hey, I'm telling you to do this? If something happens, it's on me, alright? So don't worry, and let's save them. The moment it's ready, immediately set it off. I don't think I'll be able to do what I'm about to do for long, so you need to work fast."

Getting a nod as she took out her stuff, he started climbing up to get a place to go inside. Once he reached the roof, he saw Vi crawling away from the monstrous Deckard towards Vander. Deckard was about to reach her, but just when he stretched his hand to grab her, his hand suddenly went flying away when a sound of something falling was heard.

Silence took over the entire place as everybody's attention was pulled towards the arm in the air. But when it fell, and the gushing of blood from Deckard's severed arm began, they all turned to what had fallen on the metal railing. But what they saw, pulled the shock of all of them as Slathilia stood up from his kneeling position, cracking his neck as his hands, enveloped by a thick layer of slime-like black and red flesh, had four blade-like claws coming out of them.

"Thilia." Vander and Vi called out in shock. But their only answer was a smirk as Slathilia's hand turned normal, grabbed the handle of the door from inside, and pulled to close it before immediately taking out his arm to not be in the way.

"Lock the door tight." He told Vi before turning to Deckard, who was roaring in pain. Cracking his neck, his hand returned to its claw form as he smirked :"Well, guess we're taking it up a notch, huh? Cowabunga it is."


(A/N: Guys, guess who got a contract for his original book? That's right ya boy! For those who have been with me for a long time, or who have come across it, you'd know that i have a single original book of mine. Basically, it's about MC, this same one, being reborn in an original world of mine as a dragon, and getting picked up by a redhead at birth! But wait, not some ordinary redhead. But a goddamn overpowered one! And unlike most heroines, this girl is a badass woman who doesn't need saving every two minutes. Basically, I'm gonna need to start writing that, since that will pay me. But don't worry, I'll definitely write these ones as well. But well, as a hobby. That's my job now lol. Read that too, i guarantee you won't be disappointed!)

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