
Arcane Immortal

Robert Frost, CEO of a multinational company, transmigrates to the world of Immortals and Arcanists. He must confront the consequences and make difficult choices that test his will to survive in this mystic world. Follow Yuan's journey as he learns about his immortal bloodline and sets out on a quest to find out his true potential. With each challenge he faces, he gains a deeper understanding of the world around him and the true nature of his destiny. In a world where strength and power reign supreme, Yuan must find his own path and rise to greatness as an arcanist with an immortal bloodline.

Daoist_Drumstick · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
168 Chs


The Principle contemplated Yuan's words for a moment before speaking, "Since I owe you for keeping my secret, I will give them to you. But remember, I will not help you or guide you about these techniques in any way."

Yuan nodded, his voice filled with gratitude as he said, "I understand."

With a wave of his hand, the Principle summoned two tomes, which appeared to be weightless in his grasp. Another flick of his wrist sent the tomes flying toward Yuan. As Yuan caught them, he realized that they were indeed weightless, having been created from the illusion essence of the Principle.

The Principle's voice was stern as he warned, "You can read them only once, and once you are done reading them, they will disappear."

Yuan clutched the tomes, bowed once more to the Principle, and then left the hall.

The door closed behind him, leaving the Principle alone once more, contemplating the future of the talented young scribe who had just departed.

Meanwhile, Yuan clutched the precious tomes, his heart racing with anticipation. He had been granted a rare opportunity, and he was determined not to waste it. As he returned to his quarters, the weight of the knowledge he now held both excited and terrified him. He could only hope that he would be able to master the techniques and fulfill his ever-growing ambitions.

Yuan did not need to learn about the Illusion doppelganger technique. The AI could find better techniques than that of creating a doppelganger. What Yuan wanted to learn was the spatial thread technique. The AI had informed him that, for some reason, his ancestors had locked every technique that was related to Spatial Arcane Arts.

Yuan asked why his ancestors had hidden all the spatial arts. The AI told him that they must have feared the enemies of Space Immortals would try to find him if it became public that he had knowledge of arcane arts related to space.

Yuan asked," Space Immortals?"

The Ai started explaining in detail the history of the Space Immortals' bloodline.

The Space Immortal bloodline was considered the most powerful and respected of all the bloodlines. They were known to possess an innate affinity with space that allowed them to manipulate it with ease. Their bloodline was so strong that they were able to become the ruling class of the country of Xuanwu, which was known for its advanced and powerful warriors.

The Space Immortals were able to use their powers to travel great distances in the blink of an eye and to create portals through space to other locations. They were also able to create powerful barriers that could block out all external influences and protect them from harm.

However, despite their great power, the Space Immortals were not invincible. In a great battle that occurred millions of years ago, they were wiped out by an unknown and incredibly powerful immortal clan. The details of this battle were never revealed to the world, and anyone who knew about the clan that destroyed the Space Immortals was either killed or disappeared.

The kingdom of Xuanwu, which was once the stronghold of the Space Immortals, was left in ruins after the battle. The once-great country became lost to the annals of history, and no one knew its exact location. The technology that the Space Immortals had developed was lost, and no one was able to reproduce it.

Despite the destruction of their bloodline, it was rumored that there were still some Space Immortals alive and hidden deep within the multiple realms. These individuals were said to possess great power and knowledge, but they remained hidden and secretive so that no one could find them.

After informing Yuan about Space Immortals, AI told him that he should still learn the arcane art of spatial threads. It is very important that he does this, so AI can help him find the perfect weapon.

Yuan spent months diligently learning the spatial threads of arcane art. While he was at it, he also learned the illusion doppelganger technique too.

After practicing for many days, Yuan mastered them both.

Yuan resumed his training schedule after he was done learning the two techniques.

Today Yuan was going to work on improving his knife skills and hunting.

Yuan walked cautiously through the dense forest, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of prey. His goal was to hone his hunting skills and possibly obtain some useful materials from the beasts he would hunt. The forest was teeming with life, and Yuan could feel the energy of the various creatures that called it home. The soft rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds filled the air as he moved further into the wild, his senses heightened by his warrior training and innate abilities.

As Yuan continued his trek, he noticed how the sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The beauty of the scene was not lost on him, even as he remained focused on his mission. He knew that the forest held not only breathtaking sights but also hidden dangers that could prove fatal to an unwary traveler. The forest had an eerie calm to it, making Yuan more vigilant than usual. He felt the weight of his steel dagger resting at his side, a reassuring presence as he ventured deeper into the unknown. Every step he took was deliberate and calculated, his innate ability as a Truth Seeker helping him avoid any potential dangers.

As he progressed further into the forest, Yuan began to notice subtle signs of the creatures that made their home there. The tracks of small animals crisscrossed the forest floor, and he could hear the distant calls of larger beasts echoing through the trees.

Deciding to test his abilities, Yuan summoned his two companions, the Frost Flame Sprite and the Ember Hound. The Frost Flame Sprite appeared first, materializing with a swirl of frost and fire. It hovered around Yuan protectively, its eyes darting back and forth as it scanned the surroundings for any sign of danger or opportunity.


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If we reach 400 power stones, I will release a supplementary chapter.

If we reach 400 golden tickets, I will release five supplementary chapters.

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