

Jaune arc is transported by means of a force that wants him used as entertainment, dropped to our world and lost his memories, years later he is forced to return as a 19 year old freshmen college student. Now with his adopted parents thought dead but are alive, he searches the infinite omniverse to find them

Daoistle2YkH · Others
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Jaune then paused, rushed to his backpack hurriedly put everything on, and rushed after it.


Just as Jaune said, he ran and followed the truck on its tracks before he managed to find civilization.

This was too weird for him, as he was running at a speed that would have made Usan Bolt Jealous, that would make anyone jealous really, such a thing was impossible, that he was catching up to the bus.

Once the bus stopped he saw what looked like a store, the only person that he had seen was an old man who Jaune assumed to be the owner off the store and a young black haired girl, she seemed to be wearing a red riding hood cosplay out fit, with a skife that was twice the size of her body.

If he didn't know any better, Jaune would of assumed that she had just come from a Coplay party.

But he knew better, this was the REAL Ruby Rose.

Jaune watches as people in business suits come pouring out, along with them, a tall guy with glasses, and a hat, was walking towards the entrance of the store with two buddies, by his sides wearing a cane.

All of them seemed to be wearing fine suits.

Stealing something was what he immediately thought, as they did the typical thing a Robber and his gang do, one decided to walk up to Rose while she was still reading, was that book truly interesting enough for her to ignore everything that was happening around her?

Jaune's eyes widened, as she quite literally yeeted, those men out the store with a couple of Karate moves and some Hiyas!

Jaune- "I don't care what people say, to me, it's just plain weird seeing a kid wielding a skive twice the size of her body."

Jaune stood up, and walked towards her, all the while, trying his best not to look on menacingly, he got into the store and stood next two ruby, he was kind of surprised she wasn't shorter, she was too his neck. He was at least 6 ft tall.

She noticed him, and looked at him, with a look of curiosity, He had never really seen silver eyes before, he never really seen anybody with contacts that changes the pupils of the eye to an unnatural color, but he knew that they were real though simply because this was the world of remnant.

If only he knew how the silver eyes function.

Jaune- "Hello, looks like you need some help, the names Jaune."

Ruby smiled, before she raised her own hand to return the shake.

Ruby- "Nice to meet you Jaune, my name is Ruby, Ruby Rose."

Her eyes returned back to her opponents.

"Get them!" the criminal ordered.

Jaune- 'I am so thankful I learned Karate as a Kid, and did wrestling in high school

Jaune saw a guy coming after him did a sweep kick causing him to trip and fall, Jaune then punched him in the face, causing him to be sent flying a couple of meters, hiting his head against the broken ceiling becoming unconscious.

Jaune glanced at his hands in wonder knowing that even with his original strength, he could not make a guy as big as that fly. He saw a guy at the corner of his eye. He ducked, grabbed him by the wrist and flung him over his shoulder.

He then saw another guy and practically speared him into the ground next to him, Jaune got up and looked at ruby who was also finished with her set of men.

She was staring at the dude with the hat and a cane. Jaune is most likely guessing to be the leader of the organization

"He walks out of the store and straightens his hat, "You were worth every cent, truly, you were."

He took the cigar that he had in his mouth and put it onto the end of his cane.

???-"Well red, blondie, we can all say that his has been quite the eventful evening~"

Jaune's eyebrow twitched in irritation.

???-"and as much as I would love to stick around, *Thomp!! I'm afraid that I have to get going."

The guy points his cane at them.

He pulls the trigger and sends towards us a.... blast of dust? Well it is a good tatic for making an escape, completely blinding your opponents,.

Jaune immediately covered his eyes to block the smoke from coming in them.

Ruby-"Mind if we chase after him?"

after a moment he opened them and saw Rose, use the skive that was now a gun? Well in Rwby they did have changeable weapons, wonder if he could get some of those.

She pulled the trigger and launched herself onto the roof.

Jaune followed suit. He ran to the spot where Ruby was just at and looked up, he frowned, how could he possibly get there without....wait...R.o.b he said that Jaune had new abilities now that he was in remnant.

Maybe he could use them.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to find a source on the inside, that was different, once he did, he pulled on that source, and willed himself to float upwards to which he did, when he felt himself lifting from the ground he opened his eyes.

His eyes eyes widened, in shock, but he didn't have time for that, he heard the sound of a helopcopter. He tilted his head back and flew upwards landing roughly onto the cement, before running to where the two people where, he stopped next to rose. He looked at the helopcopter...it wasn't a hellopcopter, what was it called again...Bull...Bull Something...

???- "End of the line you two!"

He threw a....wait a second...was that a grenade!

Jaune out of panic and not thinking straight threw his hands forwad. Yellow light erupted from his hands and completely enveloped the grenade, impacting the whatever it was thing.

Ruby glanced at him with stars in her eyes, Jaune couldn't help but look at his own hands with amazement.


Ruby- "OhmyOumhowdidyoudothatthatwassocool.

Jaune- "umm...I have no clue..."

Jaune looked up and saw what looked like a woman in a red firery dress, Jaune recognized this woman as the woman who killed Phryyha Nikos....but he couldn't remember her name, it was... Cend...Send... Something....

She killed his best girl of rwby, just the thought made him mad, especially now that he knows the show rwby exist.

Jaune raised his hand and mimiced what he did before, a yellow light erupted towards his hands and shot towards the strange...airplane? the womans eyes widened before it impacted the side of it.


The Strange Airplane flew out of sight uncontrollably.

Jaune looked at his hands and frowned,

Jaune- "I should get going, I really should train more."

He looked up and locked his blue eyes with silver, Jaune smiled,

Jaune-"It was nice meeting you Rose, but I'm afraid I must get going."

Without looking at her reaction he turned and started to walk off.. before being forcefully stoped as a purple aura shrouded him, restricting his movements.

???- "And where do you think your going?"

Jaune turned to see a admittedly beautiful sexy woman, the woman in the airplane was beautiful, Ruby was beutiful, in an adorable sense, and this woman was a straight up mlf, no better than phrryha but still. Her eyes widened in shock as she gazed up at him in what looked like recognition She looked like she had seen a ghost.

???- "Mr. Arc?"

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