

Jaune arc is transported by means of a force that wants him used as entertainment, dropped to our world and lost his memories, years later he is forced to return as a 19 year old freshmen college student. Now with his adopted parents thought dead but are alive, he searches the infinite omniverse to find them

Daoistle2YkH · Others
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7 Chs


A young man 19 years of age with blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin, was walking out of his class with a hurry, apparently he was late for a job interview, he wasn't doing very good though, all of his other jobs he interviewed dismissed him because he had no experiencing, he was hoping that this one he would win, and finally get a job when he ran into this strange random person.

???-"Your a mess..."

Mc- "No time."

???-"I see that, mind if I had a word with you Jaune?"

The now named Jaune suddenly paused and looked at him with a frown on his face.

Jaune-"How did you know my name?"

???-"Oh Jaune I know a lot more about you more than you know about me, about your parents and the fact that they are still alive~"

Jaunes eyes widened before he glared at him.

Jaune- "I am going to punch you in the face, if you don't explain everything to me in 5 seconds."

???- "Come down Jaune, no need for threats....names Rob."


The dude gave him a half lidded look.

Rob-'Dude, I-"

Jaune- "4."

Rob-"How would you want to travel the multiverse and meet your parents?"

Jaune stared at him for a long moment. Wondering if he was serious or not. Before he scoffed at him.

Jaune Arc-"Sure whatever bye..."

Jaune turned his back on him and walked off, looking at his apple watch he silently cursed, because he realized he was late and bolted, a few seconds later he felt something at the back of his head and blacked out.

Turns out that the dude Rob was behind him.

He looked down at him and shook his head.

Rob-"Hey at least I tried to tell him before I just chucked him into another world, I'll send him a note to explain everything more clearly."

A portal opened up and he chucked Jaune's corpse threw it. The portal closed and Rob Vanished.


Jaune slowly fluttered his eyes open, and blinked, this was not where he was previously, was he perhaps Kidnapped?

Jaune-"I am definitely going to beat that guy up next time I see him."

He slowly pushed himself onto his feet before he stretched his back, backwards, he then cracked his neck and flexed his arms. Kind of Sore not going to lie. What did the guy do to him, and where is he?

Suddenly a flash of light and a paper appeared in instinct he raised his hands and caught it.

He read it.

Letter- "Hello, and welcome to the world of RWBY, this is your birth world, the world I took you from and placed you into a world where everything is nothing but pure entertainment, I was planning to take you back, but before I could your adoptive parents found out, and they were furious at me so I had to send you back, Not without a gifts of course.

I unlocked your bloodlines

Omni-Energy bloodline, the ablity to learn anything from the created omnivore.

1-pro-bloodline, which is the ability to absorb one of the positive bloodlines between each world I already gave you the omni energy bloodline so that is the start with this world.

Also your adoptive parents aren't in this world, you are going to have to find them on your own, I will give you the ability to travel the infinite universes to find them, as well as the ability to recognize them when you find them.

I Also unlocked your semblance, which was Aura amplification.

You will have to figure everything out on your own.

Again Sorry about everything.

With Love Rob

Jaune tilted his head back to look at the sky and glanced at the moon, sure enough where their was only remnants of the moon.

All the memories of his life came back to haunt him, the memories of his life with his family all the times that he has spent together with them, and then their death, their death at the hands of a Robber, becoming heart broken he had stopped reading fan-fiction and started to do more and worked twice as harder than his parents.

He was adopted, they weren't even his real parents, he new his name, so he had a big on who clue on who his parents were.

He couldn't believe it, He was freaking Jaune Arc! an Anime Character! A Fictional anime character!

That name, what was the name of the person that kidnapped him, what was his name Rob....Rob..... that stands for




Jaunes eyes widened before he tilted his head to the sky and screamed.

Jaune- "GODDAMNIT!!!!"

Jaune's life has been ruined, by a person he never thought exist, a R.O.B.

There was a loud *Bang!* Jaune looked up to where it was, he recognized this vaguely but he couldn't figure out where this place was. He hadn't watch Rwby at all, merely certain clips and the trailer, he read the fanfictions though a lot of it.

He glanced to the right and saw a truck coming in zone parking in front of a store, Jaune looked towards the paper and frowned the paper burst into flames and the paper Disintegrate into ash, before the flames disappeared as well. Jaune frowned.

My adopted parents have to be bigger than R.O.B. to force him to send me back He thought before he shook his head,

Jaune- "I wish I reviewed rwby before I got here, but now I can't."

He started to run in the direction the truck went,

Jaune, "Hopefully this would lead me to some civilization, as some civilization is better than nowhere."

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