
Chapter one

I had stood for ten minutes where the school had given me directions that the car would pick me up and still no sign of the one sent.Arabelle High was not an ordinary school like the rest,you had to have talent to get in it or to have a pretty high I.Q. or just be smart .I know you are wondering where I belong I'm in the third category I'm smart with my studies I don't have a high IQ but to be frank I'm not sure I had never had an IQ test as for talent I wouldn't say I have an impressive everyone has.I had tried to distract myself by wondering how the school would be but I got bored so I let my eyes wonder the Streets of New Orleans as I detected a limousine drive to a stop just in front of me.A guy with a black suit came out the first thing I noticed about him were his gold cufflinks written letter 'B' .He examined me carefully before asking for my name then where I came from.

After finishing his interrogation he took my bag and suitcase then he disappeared with them in the back of the limo.He then opened the door for me to get in it was so had not to give a smile at his gentleman actions.The guy had some courtesy I almost laughed at the thought of being treated like a spoiled rich kid but then I didn't too sad to laugh.From the looks of things it was pretty clear I was going to a fancy school and that was going to be a problem.I relaxed in my sit as the driver brought the engine to life.

The guy was nice and gentle I learned his name was Baileywick.He said the drive would be at least four hours to get to the school.I felt my eyelids grow heavier by the minute as sleep engulfed me.I had slept through the whole way until I heard someone calling"Miss we are here."I woke up to see massive black gates with the engravings Arabelle High.The school was so huge surrounded by a forest of trees that never seemed to end.

There was a huge football pitch and a soccer field.The buildings was a mixture of some light shade of green and jade green.Since I could not see anyone outside I knew everyone was in their lessons.The limousine stopped and Baileywick was at the door in an instant that man was truly a gentleman.As if on cue as Bailey led me through the hallway and the bell rang.Students who were clearly out of their lessons started gawking at me in open disgust.

By the way I was dressed poverty was spelt all over me.They looked like they were those bratty rich kids in the movies.The boys stared at me the girls only glared making bad expressions.Like the girl I was raised to be I acted like I didn't care.I barely heard Bailey mention my name as he came to a halt.He motioned me inside the office which now stood ajar waiting for me to come in.

I was not paying attention even when the principal told me about the school as I was asked to sign some papers since I was too tired I obliged. I was taken to the girls wing dorm where I was given a room and I was told to rest I would start my classes the next day.The most surprising thing was the room had it's own bathroom a closet a bed and my school uniforms.In my life I had never owned my own personal room tears stung my eyes but I pushed them back.I woke up free from the exhaustion of the past day and walked out of bed in to the bathroom.I looked into the mirror and saw my reflection which wasn't that bad.

If I really cared about looks I would have made some efforts to wear make up but I didn't.I only put on some pink lip gloss on my dry lips and wore my red plaited skirt and the rest of my uniform.I was done dressing when I took the paper which had my lessons for the day and excited my room to go to the principals office to be given a guide through the school.To be sincere I felt way out of place in the school since everybody looked like they were from a rich family but I don't even want to remember the only family I had was my mother the rest of them were somewhere in this world not caring if I existed or not.I was lost and I could not ask around since nobody gave me a you are not welcome vibe.I stood at the hallways looking around when a tall lean boy with ocean blue eyes and pale skin and an angelic deep voice oh did I say voice ooops he is talking to me.

I got out of my trance and stopped staring at the super cute boy but I played it cool."Excuse me the principal has sent me to show you around the school, Nova I suppose, that is your name ,"he said.I looked at him by the manner he said my name and I felt a pulse beat in my head.For the love of cheese why is he so cute I cleared my throat as I looked up at him since he was a bit taller than me.I simply nodded my head not trusting my voice.He smiled at me then he said ,"I'm Sylvain,"he said cutly.

I looked at him and ignored his tone and continued walking behind him as he led me around the school.I was quiet the whole time but never did he stop to spare me a glance he just kept talking and pointing.From what I saw the school was bigger than I thought but deep down I knew I'd love it at some point I could just feel it.As we walked around the school we got stares from the girls who looked like a real editions of barbie doll.From the look of things he seemed to be the cutest boy in school but that's an understatement he was the hottest guy I have ever seen like those Calvin Klein models on Tv.He had finished showing me around the whole school by the time he was done nobody was around the hallway to what I could tell it was breakfast and by confirming my internal guess he took me to the dinning hall.

There were huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling lighting up the whole room.By the rows of table I could tell this school had more than five hundred students.I didn't notice Sylvain had left me and disappeared in the large dinning room and joined his group of friends.I stood there stranded not knowing what to do until a girl with a black ponytail and glasses walked towards me.She looked really cute as she walked up to me and dragged me to a table in the far end of the hall.I stared at her surprised since I detested physical contact but here she was dragging me God knows where as I tried to free my hand from her iron grip.

She didn't seem to get the message I was sending by trying to pull away that I was not comfortable she just went on yapping as we passed rows of tables all eyes on us more like me.