
Chapter 02 : Welcome to Rome

"But I think it'll be good if we started travelling backwards from Rome. Because we don't know how Rome look like in the past. So we can't use portal to travel to the Rome " said Mike. " Luckly I know how Rome looks like today " Eliza stared to open the portal and both of them reached the streets of modern Rome.

Eliza casted the spell and both of them pulled into a portal of time. They started to pulled into some thing and they observed some fabrics of history while travelling backwards. Finally they reached the day before the assassination.

They roamed around the streets of Rome and finally reached the gates of palace. " How we gonna enter ? " asked Eliza. " Can you see the watch tower ? " " No Mike, my eyesight is not that good " " Poor Eliza " laughed Mike. Mike opened the portal because he's able to see that place clearly using the naked eye. They they searched in the palace for Ceaser. They saw a man in good looking dress and he had good body. He looked like a king. " That must be Ceaser " said Mike. They approached him and bowed. " Who are those little birds. What are you doing here ? " asked the man. " Dear majesty,  we have something to tell you " said Eliza. "  Are you joking? Who said to do this trick " said that man." Aren't you Julius Ceaser ? " asked Eliza. "  No,  I am < Anthony > . You guys must have lost your way " Anthony grabbed their hands and dragged them with him. " We have something to tell the majesty " shouted the Eliza and Mike. " Yeah yeah , enough with your play " said Anthony annoyingly.