
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Fake jewels

''You want to hire us, what for?'' Stuff.

''I need strong workers to help me carry crates around the city, i heard there are none strongest than giants so i came to you for help''

He seems to think about it so i continue.

''Do not worry, it is nothing illegal, why don't you tell me how much i owe you for the grog.''

He nods and says ''Three coins'' It's expensive, then again I got a bucket of the thing.

I throw six coins on the counter and say.''This includes my thanks for having a chat with me, so what do you say, can you help me''

The giant, Olan, gives me another toothy grin then grabs the coins of the counter.

''I like you, how many you need and how much you paying, i can spread the word for you''

Great, he's a reasonable fellow. ''I shall offer 10 coins for a honest days work''

''Very generous of you merchant, why so much?'' he asks.

''Because I need the best of them, and they should know that while we won't be doing anything illegal there are always rabble looking for a fight''.

He nods in understanding.''Do not worry, the tiny ones stand no chance in combat, no offense''

''None taken, i shall return tomorrow morning, enjoy the drink''

As I sit up he takes the half empty mug and chugs it down.

That's the first step done. It was cheaper than i thought, with this i have exactly 120 coins left, after days of window shopping i ended spending a bit just so that the shopkeepers spoke with me.

Next stop is one of two jewellers in this city, one of them is close by and owns the fancy item stall I visited in the square.

I hope to be able to sell him the 13 beads i have left, i need the money for what is going to happen tomorrow, i just hope i didn't get the day wrong, it is unlikely as i have confirmed it with several merchants but you never know.

It took me a short time to reach the jewel store, a fancy brick building with a fancier golden door.

Time to lie my boots off.

After I push the door open all three men present inside the room stand straight and look at me.

I nod at them and wait. After a few moments hurried steps are heard coming down the stairs.

An old man comes into view he is short even for this worlds standars, has a beer belly and shiny greasy hair, as for his age it's hard to tell, maybe 50 or so. I already met him and he probably recognized me judging by his uninterested face.

''You again, what do you want'' Grumpy.

''I told you before that i had a shipment of jewels from the Eastern desert coming, didn't I?''

''Who would even believe that, so do you want to gawk some more or buy something''.

I take out a small black wooden box and open it showing him the inside where 13 marbles sit on top of a small red pillow. This box looks nice but it wasn't very expensive, so I bought it as soon as I saw it.

''Here they are, as i promised. Now do you wish to trade?'' I say while holding the box.

His expression changes from a frown to a smile.''Why of course mister Season, come, as fellow merchants we have much to talk about''.

Hook, line and sinker.

We head up the stairs to his office where we sit down by his work station, a big desk with some contraptions on it, including a variety of magnifying glasses.

''I have yet to introduce myself, forgive my rudeness, they call me George of Lunia, merchant by profession.''

''A pleasure to meet you mister George, i came here today to sell 13 jewels belonging to a set''

''May i inspect them'' I nod my head.

''Go ahead, tell me what you think''

He picks up one of the marbles carefully and holds it under the magnifying glass, after turning it a few times he makes a surprised expression.

''This whole in the middle, how was it made?'' He asks while still staring at the so-called jewel.

With a smile i say ''With magic of course, what else could it have been''

A small 'I see' comes out of his mouth as he grabs the next marble and inspects it. He does the same for all of them.

''What do you think'' I say while still smiling in a friendly manner.

''Mister Season i have to say that i have never seen something like this before, i can tell that they must have been part of an accessory at some point, do you know what happened to it.''

I stop for a second as if pondering his question then answer. ''I believe i can guess what happened to it, but i have received them in this shape therefore i cannot be sure''.

George looked quite intrigued ''Do tell, please, it will make for a great story''

I nod and prepare to spout some bull ..cough.. true facts.

''I believe these jewels were part of a greater piece, a necklace of sorts. The original was most likely lost and they only managed to recover some parts of it, these jewels being those parts. The seller told me he is still looking for more as we speak''.

''Very peculiar indeed, how much do you plan on selling them for''. George says while still inspecting a marble.

''They are truly unique pieces so a price of 300 coins for each is more than fair''

''These can be considered as raw materials, i still have to work them into actual pieces, a 100 coins each''

Well that's unacceptable, he's either right or thinks I'm an idiot.

''I feel offended by your words mister George, after our pleasant chat I believed we could have easily performed the trade together. It seems i was wrong, now please excuse me, i shall go see mister Timothy'' Timothy is the other jeweller in town, he is much younger and much more arrogant.

''Stop mister Season, you must have misunderstood me, i meant that they are worth 100 coins as raw materials, we both know that they are works of art crafted with magic, so of course they are worth more'' Nice save George.

I sit back down and say.''What do you propose then, do tell''.

''Why I would be happy to offer 170 coins for each, i will even give you a set of accessories for the madam''.

''I am thankful for your offer, but the same way there is no madam, there shall also be no trade, the lowest i am willing to go is 200 coins and only because you can appreciate their value''

George once again starts looking at the marble, I sit by him in silence and wait. Finally he says in a resigned tone.

''In my many years working as a jeweller i have never seen such gems so i am willing to pay 200 coins for each of them, if only for the novelty''

With a glowing smile I say while showing my pearly whites. ''A man of culture i see, do not worry you shall not be dissapointed''

I am rich, so rich.

The value of items is strange, most items are valued by their rarity not by their size or importance, for example, a house may be cheaper than most of the furniture it has inside.

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Have a good day.

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