
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The King

After Saya and Sun finished customising themselves and making all their wishes, we were finally ready to enter the new world. Freed gathered us around him, and then a green circle with so many points I couldn't even estimate how many there were appeared beneath our feet. Two more identical cirles lined up by our torsos, and skulls, or rather my torso and skull since I was half a foot shorter that sun currently and he was about 5'4" in his new form.

The circles began spinning, and I could feel my mana being twisted and morphing into different forms, until the circles dissappeared, and the three of us were standing in the middle of a throne room, with a clearly evil king looking down on us. I don't think he noticed me though, since I was shorter than everyone else, and had my hair outside of sight if he was looking down, so I'd doubt it if he found out I as an Iven, which was sort of counter productive, but he did look shocked seeing Saya and Sun.

Sun ended up becoming a stone monkey like Sun Wukong or Sun Goku, literally a dragon ball fan to the very end. He was a Legendary Beastmen extinct species type. He looked like a short hairy man with a tail, but his hair and eyes were white but maintained a youthful appearance. Saya on the other hand chose something simple, an Arch Elf, she had very blond hair and blue eyes, alongside sharp ears and pale skin.

I couldn't clearly see the king or anyone else for that matter so I tapped their shoulders and asked if they could move a bit so I could see better, sort of acting like a child, but they knew I was faking it for our safety, to show our status to this mere mortal king. Being Immortal now, I could say things like mere mortal and Ithink thats cool so I'm going to keep using it.

Upon seeing my hair and eyes, the king was shocked, and I felt some malicious intent disappear from the room as fear entered.

"My dear Heroes I request your assistance for my country, the demons are invading and we need to eradicate them for the sake of all living humans."

The king was obviously nervous but put up a tough front in order to appear stronger than he really was and his pride as the king that resides over the kingdom with over 95% of humans, and the only human exclusive country in this planet.

"You pitiful king, how dare you speak such words of plea when slavery has been on your mind from before you tried to summon us. And even after seeing the 9th True Sage, a Messenger of the God Freed you still intend for us to work to exterminate a race you began a war with for your own personal gain, your lucky I don't just kill you now."

The king was furious, and called for the gaurds, but little did he know that's exactly what I wanted, in fact my new ability could be tested to the maximum right here and now.

"Sora you always do this, I know this is part of your plan and all, but did you really have to do that, you could've just accepted and raomed around the castle without doing this." (Saya)

"Saya, we've never even done this before, what do you mean he always does this." (Sun)

"But I wanted to try making friends with thr country first, after all we used to be human at one point, and even though the king has had several affairs, raped women, tortured innocent people, kill his father and siblings to become the king, drug his subordinates into submission, enslave his own family so they wouldn't spill his secrets, and instigate a war with an innocent race, we have no right to just kill him right away do we?"

"Saya listen to yourself for once, you can't just be overly kind to a bastard like him." (Sun)

"Exactly, and this is just preparation for later when we need more power, for now I'll just take the power from the strongest arch humans in existance."

I scanned the room, and decided to use [Perfect Steal] instead of {Apply to Status}, and immedeatly got incredible benefits, but of course I used [Remove] on stuff I didn't need, and because of (Parallel Thinking) and (Enhanced Brain Processing) I was able to do it in less than a second. In total I ended up with the following, but sadly no Unique Skills or anything too powerful, it was just a bunch of humans after all, and not all of them were even Arch Humans.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 1

Class: (Determined at level 10)

Patron: Freed

Gender: N/A

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal]

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat 8]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (TrisKaieiKosigon Magic) (Tailoring 6) (Item Box 4) (Disguise 2) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max)

Health: 8,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 680

Defense: 355

Evasion: 930

Intelligence: 10,030

Wisdom: 8,530

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Azure} {Equilibrium (Life + Death + Balance)} {Tiger (Intent + Strenthening)} {Pressure} {Clear} {Soul} {Sword}

Status: Healthy

I honestly found it pathetic, the amount of stats I got, honestly it was sad for a room filled with 15 people 10 Arch Humans and 5 Royal Humans. I discrded things that wouldn't fit me like strong arm, iron body, berzerker and other useless things like that, that would make me look like an idiot if I ever used them.

"I did it, they are merely fledlings now."

"That quickly, wow Sora, no mercy, damn, just like the national mock exams we took before getting here."

"That was mean Sora, why didn't you just let me talk to him for a moment?"

"He would rape you."


"Guards what are you doing, quicly enslave them while their guards are down!!"

The guards charged, but didn't do anything. They fell with the weight of their armour before they could even take a step. At this moment they were weaker than babies. The nobles all fell to the ground in a similar manner as their stats caught up to them.

We walked over to then just to see them one last time before we kill them all. I asw the pitiful king trying to speak but failing since he couldn't even pull his muscles together to speak, and crying from the pressure of both being in my presence and being weaker than a baby. Then we saw one. A literal baby. It was literally just sitting there smacking the queen in the face trying to get her up, but instead brutally ripping her skin apart revealing the muscle and bone underneath. I guess the baby wasn't affected since it was too little for me to see behind all those humans.

The baby wasn't even human, in fact it was a Legendary Beastman, it specifically was a Vampir Beastman. Now you might be thinking, "Isn't that just a vampire?" It's not, vampires don't exist in this world, instead this baby was the closest thing you can get to a vampire. A Vampir is like a normal human except requires mana to live, and suck mana permanently from anyone they bite. Blood is not required, in fact if the baby doesn't get 1000 mana by the age of 2 they die due to mana exhaustion. This is the perfect mortal species for magic users.

I decided this would be my child. Now I may look and be 10 at the moment, and be one, but my mental age is 18 and I was in my senior year of highschool before I died so I think I can raise a child. Besides it only needs mana to live right, and I have literal infinite mana so it wont hurt me, and this baby will be perfectly fine, especially with me protecting it.

"I decided, this baby is mine now." I declared to Saya and Sun.

"Eh" They both responded in unison

"Yes it will be my child."

"Do you even know its gender?" (Saya)

"Does that really matter?"

"Yes! What about a name?"

"... What about Yuuki?"

"I guess that works for either gender, but I'm still against it."

"But why not,Yuuki might just help Sora show some emotions for once."

"See even Sun agrees, and so its settled, Yuuki will be my child and you can't stop me."

I picked up Yuuki, and ripped the clothes from the queen, and used my (Tailoring 6) Skill to make it into a baby swadle to keep Yuuki warm. Then proceeded to look over Yuuki's stats to change them up and officially make it my child.

Name: Elisabeth Sophia Merl ---> Yuuki

Species: Vampir

Level: 1

Class: (Determined at level 10)

Gender: Female

Age: 96 days

Titles: [Child of the Sage] [Princess] [Mana Sucker] [Avoided the 9th]

Sage Skill: {Immunity}

Species Skill: [Mana Suck]

Skill: (Pentagram Magic)

Health: 200

Mana: 7,263

Strength: 4

Defense: 3

Evasion: 100,000 (Avoided the 9th Sage + 99,800, small baby +200)

Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 1

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Support}

Status: Excited

And so Yuuki offically became my daughter. I made her hair purple and eyes green just to be safe if anyone questioned me. As for teh Sage Skill I gave her, I just dont want her getting sick on me or getting harmed by external forces, so I used my mana to make a skill that pretty much would deny anything in the status section of her status besides emotions, so nothing like poisoned, sick, burned, or things like that so she wouldn't have to suffer.

For the baby swaddle I made, it too like my clothes were fitting for a Sage like me.

The Artistic Sage's Yuuki Swaddle: A Swaddle made for Yuuki the Vampir by Sora the Artistic Sage. The deeper Sora's love for Yuuki the stronger this will protect Yuuki from any harm +100 defense base +10 additionally for every 'bond' point esbalished between the two, bonds can be made through play and care, and are awarded randomly by Mala the Goddess of Matrons.

With all of that finished, it was finally time to end the king. While I wish I could let him suffer more, I couldn't at this point since he would just die in the pressure that surrounds me. But anywat since I got Yuuki from this I wasn't really complaining too much, but he did have to pay for his crimes.

More on the king coming soon, including his death. I was so excited to add Yuuki since the beginning, she'll end up being quite the character as she gets older.

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