
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Fate of Merl

I walked over to the king, and looked at him spitefully. I knew that I should just kill him now, but the innocent humans did nothing wrong and still deserved a chance at life, and it wouldn't be hard to just make them surrender to the demons with the head of the king, and the nobles would all become slaves as retribution for allowing the kings madness to continue to rule, while citizens just live peacefully with the demons, since to begin with demons are just humans with higher stats in a variety of human like appearances, so they were just like normal people with higher power.

"You know what king, I've changed my mind about killing you."

He tried to say really but still couldn't even pull his muscles together to speak from his place on the floor.

"Yes, really, you will be the peice that lets the humans surrender to the demons. After all you still are technically the king and need to sign away the lives of all the nobles in Merl for your retribution."

HIs eyes went white, and a few of the Arch Humans in the room had a heart attackfrom the shock. Well I say heart attack but in reality their hearts just burst since they were too weak for the rush of blood sent to them due to being scared. Now in the room there was only the king and guards, and us so it was perfect for us to make him sign the contract with no one disturbing us.

But before that, I think its best to clean up the blood and corpses. I used origin magic in a variety of combinations to wipe away everything dry it, then compress the corpses into a small orb that I could use for fertilizer if I ever wanted to start a farm. Of course I did all of this with Yuuki still in my hand, as if I would let anyone touch my daughter, especially right after I adopted her.

I wrote up a quick document of the human surrender to the demons. Of course Saya and Sun helped me make it more fair for the sake of the poor citizens and orphans that would lead bad lives if they weren't saved now. The document was the following:

Treaty of Merl

I the king of Merl, Samuel Merl, surrender my country to the demon country Delfor. As a tribute to the new rulers of humans I offer myself and every noble in Merl as a slave to the Demon Emperor. For the sake of humankind I do wish the poor a good life under the rule of the Demon Emperor, and anyone poor should inhabit the former noble households in Merl.

I then pinned his finger, which killed him because he was too weak, but was still able to use his bloody fingerprint as recognition that he read and agreed to this contract. Now the only thing left to do was find the Demon Emperor to have him sign it, and announce the human surrender as their new ruler.

Then it hit me. I just killed 15 high ranking humans, and they must've had high levels since they were in the presence of the king, so I surely got some experience from it. But it was more than I thought. As it turned out the average level in the room was 143 with the lowest being 130. That means if I, a level one singlehandedly killed them all, my level would undoubtably skyrocket.

I didn't take this into account and now I was paying for it, Leveling Sickness. It's something you have to go through if you level up more than 5 times at once. In my case I was going up 66 levels from 1 to 67 so I had 13.4 times more pain from levelling than a normal speed leveller. And beleive me, it was painful.

My bones began to creak as every fiber in my body changed and the mana that made me up became more fine and powerful since you sould see more of the clear dense mana within each and every particle.

I think it was about 2 hours of agonising pain that I went through. I was holding Yuuki the entire time, and Saya and Sun were trying to help me get up and feel better, while trying to get Yuuki so she didn't get hurt, but Yuuki was also holding my apron with all her might as she cried her eyes out.

After the 2 hours I was suddenly able to stand up again, sort of as if nothing happened to begin with. I assure them all that I was okay, as I fed Yuuki some mana to calm her down. After we all got settled, before we decided to roam the castle, I wanted to look at my status, to see just what changed after my levelling sickness.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 67

Class: The Artistic Sage

Patron: Freed

Gender: N/A

Age: 10 (18 Mentally)

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [8th Renfiner] [A Legend in the Making] [Loving Parent]

Mana Renfinement (New, Requirements Met): Ordinary, Aquired Stage

Bonds: {Yuuki 10} {Sun 8} {Saya 8}

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat 8]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (TrisKaieiKosigon Magic) (Tailoring 6) (Item Box 4) (Disguise 2) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max)

Health: 8,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 680

Defense: 355

Evasion: 930

Intelligence: 10,030

Wisdom: 8,530

Endurance (New, Requirements Met): 1,340

Stat Points: 660

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Azure} {Equilibrium} {Tiger} {Pressure} {Clear} {Soul} {Sword}

Status: Recovering

Obviously I was shocked, and was wondering if everyone got this many benefits when levelling. I assumed not so, but some things were different than what it said in the Encyclopedia that Freed gave us. I guess they were secret things you had to discover yourself, which is why they didn't have it in the Encyclopedia.

Either way, I had some stat points to distribute, so I did that real quick, and poured them split 1:1 in Strength and Defense. I also knew that my stat points were greater than what they should be. The effect of the [Reincarnator] stat made it so that instead of 5 points per level I get 10 which is a God send.

In addition to that, Mala also gave me her blessing and gave me bond points for my friends and Yuuki, so now were all connected through her blessing.

I felt like this couldn't get better, and on top of this my progress within ~3 hours of our arrival in this new world was by far the best in history, even among other Reincarnators. But anyway, we still need to deliver the message to the Demon Emperor Vala Undor the Third.

I figured that maybe teleportation was possible because of the [Dimension] element, so I did want to at least try it out.

"Saya, Sun, I'm going to see if I can teleport to the Demon Emperor to have him sign the document, but I don't know what will happen, can you watch Yuuki for a minute while I try it out?"

"Of course but why wont you take us too?"

"It could be dangerous, and i don't want to put others at risk, after I test it I'll come back and bring you too. I'll be back in like 30 seconds if it works."

I handed off Yuuki to Saya, and began to think of Vala's face, and tried to use [Dimension] to open a portal to his right. Like I thought, a large door opened up, and I could see Vala in his full glory playing with his now 3 year old daughter while his eldest son look at him like he was warching a pervert.

Of course he could see me through the portal but he was too ignorant to notice it in the first place. On the other hand, his children were mesmirised by it and lost focus on Vala until he turned his head to look at it.

I figured it must be safe so I gestured for Saya and Sun to come over, and grabbed Yuuki. We walked through the portal, and ended up just where I intended it to be, no consequences or side effects, man is it good to be a Sage.

"Hello Mr.Vala, sorry to interupt your play time, but we have come with a message."

" Grand Iven, what compells thee to enter my presence, I am not worthy that you should be this near to me."

"Mr.Vala with all due respect, although an Iven I am still but a child. My companions and I were so called heroes summoned by the human king Samuel Merl. Though we were summoned by him, his intentions and crimes were far too grave for me to allow his life to continue, so I made him sign a treaty of surrender and killed him alongside every human in the throneroom. We came to deliver this treaty and put an end to this horrible war started by those pitiful humans."

"Thank you Sir Iven, this has truly become a monumentus day for all of civilisation, for the sake of all species you eliminated the weakest and most evil, your deeds are truly commendable. But may you grace me with your and your companions names so that we can have a feast to celebrate this day."

"Yes of course, I am Sora, the Artistic Sage, and this is my adoptive daughter Yuuki."

"Hi, I'm Saya, an Arch Elf Spirit Tamer."

"And I'm Sun the almighty Stone Monkey Hero."

"And please don't use a formal tone when speaking to us, we are still far younger than you, and being your juniors we are undeserving of such treatment. And please ignore Sun, as he tends to be flamboyant and extra with his actions."

"Sora!! Why can't you just let me have this moment."

"He's a literal Emperor you idiot you have to be respectful. Plus your only level 10 for christs sake, didn't you read in the Encyclopedia he was over level 500."

Sun went grumbling around, and kicked some stones in the courtyard that we were all in. Then Vala began to laugh. I guess he wasn't expecting us to be so layed back for heroes that did just end a war in less than 3 hours of being summoned.

"Come, lets have a feast, I'll introduce you to my family, lets make this a good and prosperous relationship for time to come. For starters I am Vala Undor, and these are my children Calof and Rose."

"Nice to meet you all, and yes let us have a good healthy relationship for time to come."

At this time Calof and Rose finally unfrose from their spots and were pretty excited to see me, an Iven for the first time. For one all the other Iven have become hermits and are hidden away from society after their missions, and are studying more elements so they can ascend to Godhood and meet their Patrons again, but none have accomplished this yet. It might have something to do with the mana refinement and 'evolving species' thing in the Encyclopedia.

Rose ran up to me, and hugged my leg, and almost made me fall and drop Yuuki, but I held on just tight enough so neither Rose or Yuuki would get hurt.

"Common lets go play Sora, your a kid like me so you should play and have fun too. Big brother and daddy are no fun, they're too old to play."

"Okay lets go play then."

And so I played with Rose for some time, maybe a few hours while they prepared the feast. She seemed really interested in Yuuki, which was good so I could still hold onto her. We messed around with magic and mana as I fed her some and put on a display. Kids are truly easy to mesmerise. Vala and Calof of course were really sad since Rose had just abandoned them to play with me. Saya had began to talk to the Demon Queen, and had some tea in the courtyard. Sun was talking to Calof about battle, and different techniques and skills they can use, of course he was mainly referring to Dragon Ball but played it off as if he could do it. Wait, maybe he could because of his God Gifted Skill. No point in thinking about that for now though.

We netered the larger dining room and a grand feast was laid out for all of us to see. There were plenty of servents nearby, but they all looked really happy, I thought that Vala really must be doing a good job of running his country.

I handed him the treaty, he looked it over and immedeatly signed it, it seems like he was also in favor of helping the poor and the orphans to live a better life. And so we continued to eat and talk about small things that hardly matter, and Yuuki was sound asleep so I decided to bring up something that has been on my mind since we met Freed.

"Vala, do you know if there is a way to travel between dimensions? Or go to a place that isn't on this planet?"

"Yes of course, didn't you use a portal to get here, although it has never been done before people have been summoned by the heavens so it must be possible with the right amount of skill and mana."

That was exactly what I wanted to hear, and it seemed like Saya and Sun also got the gist of what I wanted so they were excited too. We could go back to Earth and meet our families again.

I really like this so far, but what are your thoughts as a reader, am I doing a good job so far?

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