
Apotheosis: Godhood

Born into a amalgation of worlds thought only to be fiction, watch how a new variable who seeks only power will bring change upon the entire multiverse.

Eshin_Sharma_6183 · Movies
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Eric Rangel

A/N - I do not own Harry Potter, Marvel, nor any of the fictions referenced and used in this book.


Eric Rangel. The world's most loved man. As an orphan, he quickly rose through the ranks of school and university before working at numerous prestigious companies. Using his record breaking intellect, he left and started his own company, Rangel Industries, which eventually took over every industry. At the age of 35, he was the world's richest man and greatest philantrophist, a household name.

Unbenownst to all, this was simply a facade. Rangel was a cruel and powerhungry man, who simply saw this image be the most beneficial towards the creation of his empire. However, he wasn't satisfied. As a man who was interested in movies and comics, he lusted after the personal power of his favourite characters. However, he wasn't in a comic. However much of a genius he was, the technology of his time simply couldn't enhance him past human levels. There was no supersoldier serum, or insane technology that defies physics. Hell, he had looked for the occult all his life, and couldn't find a trace of anything supernatural in any of them. This didn't mean he couldn't create his own serums and technology though. As time went on, he became more and more thirsty for power, spending all of his time in the lab and not properly cleaning up his traces.

He did everything you could think of, illegal and immoral? He didn't care. Human experimentation on children was a common sight in his labs, as was things like trying to build resistance to poisons and such by injecting them into babies in the womb. However, this craze led to horrifying consequences.

Eventually, a mistake of his led to the snapping of some horrifying photos. Eric had tried his latest super soldier serum attempt on a child, however, it was not until later that he realised that he had not disposed of him properly. The child, also a genius, ended up growing up to elude his every move, becoming stronger through his serum and working on exposing to the world Eric's true self. Eventually, after setting up his agents to be 'captured', he managed to get hard evidence which was posted everywhere on the internet. Then, he was subsequently taken by the US government to a secure blacksite to be tortured for his research before, eventually, at the age of 52, Eric Rangel was killed, never having achieved his goals and being disgraced before the entire world. However, this was just the beginning of his journey.



"Goodbye Rangel. See you in Hell" were the last words I heard before I ended up in this... void. Despite its name, I felt warm, safe and even comfortable. I took the time to reminisce on my life, my succeses, failures and everything in between. I knew that towards the end of my time, I had become increasing fervent in attempting to find improve myself to superhuman levels, and that caused my lack of concentration on other things like cleaning up after my experiments. However, instead of thinking about what I should have done, I decided to just sleep. The urge was getting too strong even for me.


I awoke for the first time in what must have been months. For the first time since I got here, I saw light. It was rapidly approaching me, before I was was met a complete sensory overload. I couldn't see anything but it was extremely bright and loud, I heard vague impressions of cheering, but why would they cheer? My image as a kind man was gone.

It took me a few months to work it out. I had been reborn. On top of that, it seemed I was destined to be without parents in both lives, as my mother died in childbirth and they didn't know who my father was. My new name was Galvin Cherrone. On top of that, I figured that it was roughly the late 20's or early 30's.

I made a game plan early on. Show my genius slow enough to be believable but not enough to be shocking, before building a company with tech not too far ahead of the timeline, while creating my own labs with the tech level of my past life and continuing my research there. However this all changed 6 years later.