
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 17: Son in Law

"Don't mention it, we can at least do this much for our son in law."

"Say what?" said Satvik with a surprised look.

"Screech" the other Demigod protested while flapping his wings.

Mayuri ignored the protest from her husband and looked at Satvik with a naughty smile. Satvik was having a Deja vu. He has seen that smile on Tharun's face as well.

"You have blessings of the Lord Murugan, the Sovereign of us Peafowls. There's no better suitable partner for our daughter than yourself" said Mayuri while caressing his cheeks.

'Now she's acting like a typical mother. 'Trying to get their child betrothed the moment they see a suitable partner without thinking about any other necessities' thought Satvik to himself while brushing away her hand.

"You know that I don't know about your daughter because I'm still 6 years old. I'm pretty sure about the customs of this world and according to them you have to be at least 18 years of age for marriage" said Satvik going full on legal counsel mode, old habits die hard.

"You are no fun. We never said that you have to marry our daughter today or anytime soon. We can decide when you should be betrothed later" said Mayuri while playing with her bangs.

Then suddenly a white blinding light made them both cover their eyes, and then came the thunderous roar.

"Never on Medini would we allow this twerp to marry our princess" said a male voice with clear authority.

Satvik turned his head to look at the owner of the voice. There stood a man around 230-235 centimetres tall.

He had similar blue hair and wore green color pants. His chiseled torso was left bare for watchers to see his bulky muscles.

"Tch!" Mayuri looked at him in annoyance and clicked her tongue.

"We don't care if he has been chosen and has been blessed by our Lord. We won't allow you to handover our princess's hand to him" said Mayuri's husband.

Satvik nodded to show his support to his protest. He didn't care a bit that he was being belittled by the big fellow.

Mayuri looked at the duo and rolled her eyes over. She felt like all of a sudden they started to gang up on her.

Then she looked at her husband and said, "You should know a mother knows very well what's best for her daughter. We never protested when our mother betrothed us to yourself."

"And unlike yourself who fawns over his youngest daughter and forgets that they have an older daughter as well, who passed her marrying age some while ago."

Then her husband turned and looked at Satvik with gentle smile and said, "We go by the name Maurya, but you can call us father as well."

His demeanor completely changes and now he stood before Satvik with a smile and rubbing his hands together as if he was a small businessman and was scamming a customer.

Satvik became vigilant and asked while pointing at Maurya, "Why is he acting like this now."

"Leave him be, he has some daughter complex issues when it comes to our youngest one" said Mayuri while shaking her head. "And although our eldest daughter is a bit of a trouble maker for us, with you she will have perfect synergy." completed Mayuri.

Satvik still looked pretty dejected towards the idea. He was not sure about the idea of his first betrothment to be with a demigod's daughter.

He has seen what families of wives do to their divorced husband, so he was paranoid of what would be the outcome if things went south between him and their daughter.

"Why are you so against the idea of marrying our daughter? Let us tell you except her age and little hot temper she has no other shortcomings, she is a perfect match for you. And if it's due to age, let us remind you that for us demigods, age is just a number."

"Or is it because of the other person who has already called dibs on you?" completed Maurya where his wife left.

This broke Satvik's line of thought and shook his core, 'already called dibs on who?' he thought it was confounded.

Seeing his confused expression Mayuri sighed and came closer to him, she removed his shirt so fast that he could not even protest. After his torso was bare she pointed to a lilac color bite-mark that was on his shoulder left by the assaulting beautiful mermaid a few days back.

"You see this bite-mark over here, it seems like a fish has left this without your permission for others to know that you are bound by her and her alone. You can think of it as a mark on one's territory or property. It's not a very rare custom, quite a common one actually between us demi humans." said Mayuri which earned a nod from her husband.

"What the hell? Is everyone in this world a shotacon or something?" asked Satvik.

Satvik could not digest the idea that he was already getting proposals while he was a minor.

'The people in this world have already turned to the darkside and this world also lacks FBI to punish these abnormal people' he thought.

"Don't judge us by the standards established in your previous world" said Maurya while fuming.

"But it's fascinating that you ended up attracting a fish who hates humans generally, that to a royalty, huh! Good for you" said Mayuri with a sneer.

Now it was Satvik's turn to roll his eyes and he thought 'A kid is being targeted by shotacon and here she thinks that it's good for me.'

"It seems you really dislike the idea of marrying that fish, why don't you leave it to our daughter to deal with her and protect you from the webs of that fish?!" said Mayuri while boasting about her daughter.

She now was acting like a saleswoman who was trying to sell him a bug repellant for his mermaid problem in a supermarket and she was not doing a good job.

Satvik simply shook his head and said, "I already have too much on my plate for now and I don't think that I will be able to handle such responsibility at such a tender age."

Mayuri looked at him and then as if an idea came to her she smiled devilishly and said, "Well it's a shame. Our daughter was an upgraded version of ourselves. She had all of our characteristics and has evolved way beyond that due to his genes." she said while pointing at Maurya.

As if understanding his wife's contention, Maurya also nodded and reiterated her words.

"Oh come on, didn't we already gave you a wedding gift. Now it's your obligation to make our daughter happy and gives us lots of grandchildren" said Mayuri with pleading eyes.

"You know the way both of you are shoving your daughter with me is making me more cautious with the passage of time" said Satvik with arched brows.

Both of them sighed and after a brief pause, Mayuri was the one to speak.

"Our elder daughter is what you call a short fused person. Because of her short temper she has borderline killed many of the suitors. Now no man from nearby clans wants to marry her due to the fear of their life."

"The other problem is her age. She's already 81 years old, which is almost 27 years according to the lifespan of humans. Her age for marriage is already passing and soon we have to marry our other daughters as well" Maurya finished the explanation.

"So if we couldn't marry off our daughter, we'll be nothing more than a failure as a parent." said Mayuri while whipping non-existent tears from her eyes.

"Wait a minute! By the time I become an adult and attain a suitable age for marrying she will almost be 40 years old" Satvik said while counting on his fingers.

""So what?"" the couple said in unison.

"so what!!, you are trying to marry me off to an old woman" said Satvik with his arm folded over each other in front of his still bare chest.

"Huh! I saw you oogling and drooling over my wife a few moments ago and she is almost 68 according to human standards" said Maurya in a haughty voice.

"No I d..."


Before Satvik could finish his sentence, a fist met Maurya's perfectly shaped chin and sent him flying vertically.

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