
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 16: Necklace

"…ke up!"

"Wake up"

Satvik's eye's popped open after hearing a melodious voice urging him to wake up.

When his eyes opened they met another pair of pearl blue eyes gently gazing on him.

"Sheesh! Who makes a beautiful woman such as ourselves, wait that long?!" said the woman.

It took a while for Satvik to realize that his head was in her laps.

His mouth opened in astonishment. Mayuri used her index finger to close his opened jaw and said, "We would love to tease you more after seeing your reaction but, you see our husband over there is getting jealous."

Satvik followed her gaze to look at the behemoth.

Although he was still in his true form, one doesn't need to be a genius to guess what expression a husband might have seeing another person salivating for his wife.

Satvik jumped up and took a defensive position with his cheeks still red from the lingering fragrance of the woman.

'How can a bird smell so nice' thought Satvik thought to himself.

"You are thinking something very rude, aren't you child?" said Mayuri with puffed up cheeks.

After looking at her expressions he thought to himself, 'I wouldn't mind dying for her.'

The male peacock waved his wings which caused gush of wind towards Satvik which made him wobble a bit.

Satvik looked at the impatient and jealous peacock and used his ability to watch the aura of the peacock. To his scarlett eyes the peacock had golden aura.

Mayuri's eyes widened with surprise, she moved towards Satvik elegantly while her gently tapping her chin and said "Well look at that. If we are not wrong, humans unlock skills and abilities at the age of 12 right?"

She then crouched next to Satvik and put her right hand on his shoulder while leaning in and said, "So tell us child, how come you have two skills?"

Satvik's face paled, how come she know about his ability.

"Ufufufu, child we are demigods of this world, you can't fool us that easily"

"And you don't have to be that cautious of us, especially after passing out in our lap."

'ack', Satvik couldn't believe he was acting in such a flabbergasted way after seeing her.

It was because of his virgin curse from previous life. Seeing a beauty up close, he had lost his reasoning and let go of any caution.

Now he started to visualize what would've happened if they were followers of the Ashanti.

Mayuri was observing his facial expression every second and thought, 'there he goes mulling over something again. He thinks a lot for his age.'

She lightly flicked Satvik's nose and said, "You know it's not good to keep a lady waiting."

"So is it a blessing of your God or..?" she didn't continue as Satvik's dejected expression gave away the answer.

"Those Scarlett eyes of yours are affiliated with quite unique ability. Throughout our lives we have only seen very few people with that ability. But it seems you aren't able to bring out its full potential."

Satvik nodded and said, "Although I have gained this skill through my mother's sacrifice at such young age, my negligible mana capacity is the biggest hurdle for now."

"Once I unlock my status and abilities then my mana capacity will also increase, then i might be able to have full command over this ability, your majesty."

Satvik said with a gentle smile thinking back about his mother.

Mayuri nodded and said, "You talk and act quite mature for your age child. It seems like you are not the follower of that Devil."

"What? There was a devil in this world. They never mentioned about th..." Satvik put his both hands on his lips to prevent further slip ups from his loose mouth.

But it was already too late. Mayuri smiled and said, "Ooh! 'They' and 'this world'?"

She looked at Satvik with naughty smile and further continued, "It seems you were sent by someone to this world child?"

Satvik started to step back but Mayuri caught him in her embrace and further questioned.

"Where are you going now, we have so many questions. What's the hurry?"

Satvik although preferred embrace of a beauty and never wanted to leave this paradise but his loose mouth has already caused a lot of trouble for him.

The sole reason he was not sweating bullets right now was because of their aura which was faint golden and was similar to that of his parent's faint silver hue.

Satvik was immensely glad that it was not purple such as of Ashanti's followers. He would have been in big trouble otherwise.

"Come on! Why don't you tell us who sent you to this world?"

Mayuri kept pestering him while squeezing him in her embrace.

"Why should I tell you that?" Satvik shouted while his head was deep down in her cleavage.

"Aww don't be like that. You were so good to us a few moments back. What did we do wrong?" said Mayuri while acting like a damsel.

His husband let out a grunt. Mayuri turned to look at him and said, "Fine we get it. And please can you stop acting so prideful and just transform yourself already like us."

Mayuri let out a sigh and looked towards Satvik with serious expression.

After being silent for a few seconds she said, "We have a hunch that you were sent by the Gods who now are called the false god by the Baimum Theocracy and those who share the faith of Ashanti."

"If yes, then you don't have to be afraid of us as we also hate that devil who claims himself to be all loving and merciful God but is nothing more than a devil to species other than Humans."

"We also want the Gods who have abandoned us to come back and replace this Devil"

After letting the information sink in, Mayuri waited for Satvik's reply. He simply nodded his head while looking at her.

Then Mayuri looked at her husband, who nodded his head as well.

"So tell us child, do you know the person who goes by the name Murugan?" questioned the Mayuri.

Satvik nodded and narrated her the whole story so far while he was sitting in her lap and she was gently caressing his head.

She laughed on mentioning of how one of the trinities went after him in full prank mode and felt pity for him because of his parent's sacrifice.

"You have been having a hard time child. Your status will remained locked till you turn 18, but due to your negligible mana your ability won't be able to help you out that much. Let us help you out a little."

"It seems you are already aware of the ways one is granted an ability. But we demigods have our own tricks up our sleeves." she said while winking mischievously at Savtik.

She put Satvik on the ground and walked towards her husband. Then she reached out and plucked one of his feather from his wings. This made the behemoth screech in pain.

"Oh please don't make a fool of yourself. At least maintain the integrity of our title of demigod and stop whining." said Mayuri while glaring at him.

He finally casted down his gaze for the first time since their arrival with an expression that he was wronged. Satvik also turned his face away. For him current Mayuri was scary as hell.

The she dropped little of her blood on the feather and used her hair strand to prepare a makeshift necklace with the feather and put it around Satvik's neck.

"Here, it will increase your mana capacity a little."

Satvik looked at the necklace and with a bow said, "Thank You, your Majesty."

Mayuri nodded with a gentle smile and said, "Don't mention it, we can at least do this much for our son in law."

"Say what!!!!!!?"

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