
Chapter 4: The Land Contaminated with Radiation, Li Tianran's First Crisis.

Li Tianran stood still, stunned.

The Destruction Era does not come all at once, but in batches!

The first Destruction Era destroys plants, and the second will destroy water sources...

Li Tianran felt as if a large stone was pressing on his chest. If that's the case, will there be a third Destruction Era, a fourth Destruction Era?

And what will they destroy?

After a long silence, the scene of destruction no longer worsened. Although the sun hanging in the sky dimmed, the stars began to shine.

Li Tianran had never felt such a sense of security from the light of these stars.

Although the light had no warmth, it was enough.

For humanity, true doomsday would be if the Earth plunged into darkness.

He looked at Hanhan in the room. She sat there in blissful dreams, oblivious to worries, with an innocent smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Xiao Hei was restless.

Animals are much more alert than humans. It seemed to sense something and was frantically jumping around in the room, whimpering with fear and anxiety.


Li Tianran opened the door, prepared to go outside and see what was happening.

Xiaohei followed closely behind him as they ran out.

As soon as he stepped outside, Li Tianran felt a discomfort. The biting cold wind hit his face like a knife.

Fortunately, Li Tianran was prepared and put on the prepared cotton coat. He headed straight towards the animal shed.

There was a smell of decay in the air, like the musty odor in a house that had been uninhabited for years. He looked up at the sky and saw that the sun had lost its light and heat, becoming a pitch-black giant stone hanging in the sky. Moreover, there were countless small black holes devouring it, causing its size to gradually diminish.

"The sun is really destroyed..." Li Tianran murmured to himself.

The impact of the first Destruction Era had changed the entire world from this moment on.

It not only destroyed plants but also severed the millions of years of the ecological chain on the Blue Planet.

Livestock, insects—these are important links in the ecological chain. Due to food shortages, they will be forced to change their way of life. Those with strong adaptability will evolve, while those with weak adaptability... will become extinct!

And this result is destined to affect all of humanity.

The future world will undergo a tremendous change!

After pondering in place for a moment, Li Tianran took another step forward.

Almost half of the cattle and sheep in the animal shed had died, and the remaining ones were restless, constantly bellowing.

Li Tianran saw this scene and wasn't surprised.

Although the first Destruction Era mainly targeted plants with indiscriminate destruction, the drastic temperature drop caused by the destruction of the sun also resulted in some animals freezing to death.

This served as a warning to Li Tianran.

He couldn't just rely on the superficial words of the system prompts; he had to consider a series of possible consequences.

At the same time, Li Tianran noticed that the door of the animal shed had been violently smashed open from the inside. After checking, he discovered that the largest and strongest bull in the shed was missing.

But Li Tianran didn't have the energy to search for it now. He fell silent for a moment before turning around and walking towards the planting area.

The lush green rice seedlings that were originally grown in the farm now appeared in a faint gray color.

A series of data appeared before his eyes.

"The irradiated rice contains severe toxicity. Consuming it has a 98% chance of causing pulmonary fibrosis and a 2% chance of disrupting and rearranging the consumer's genome structure!"

"The irradiated land contains severe toxicity. Ordinary seeds cannot grow, but seeds of radiation-resistant levels or above can be planted!"

Seeing these two rows of data, Li Tianran felt his heart sink.

The most terrifying thing had happened.

This was permanent damage!

From now on, the entire world's land would be unable to grow plants. In other words, from now on, the only food people would have access to would be the emergency and hoarded food stored by the government. Once that food was consumed, there would be no new supplies!

"A 2% chance of disrupting the genome structure... Isn't that terrifying?" Li Tianran shifted his gaze back to the irradiated rice.

As an excellent farmer, he had studied professional breeding and cultivation knowledge.

Every organism and plant had a unique combination of genes within their bodies. Generally, their combinations were stable, but accidents could happen. Once the genome structure was affected, terrible consequences would follow.

For example, growing two heads or three arms...

It was commonly known as mutation.

Just like the Godzilla from the neighboring country, it mutated from an ordinary lizard into a giant monster capable of toppling the heavens due to long-term exposure to nuclear radiation that caused a recombination of its genome structure.

Its genetic lock had been broken, and its strength, size, and intelligence had greatly increased.

But... that was the most ideal and perfect example, something that was impossible in real life.

In 99.999% of cases, genetically mutated creatures and humans would become deformed, paralyzed, with bones growing outside their bodies, or even become irrational monsters... Among the thousands of examples of genetic recombination, it was not certain that a perfect recombination like Godzilla would emerge.

The majority of mutated creatures would die in extreme pain as their bodies collapsed.

Simply put, if humans consumed these irradiated plants, there was a 98% chance of suffering a painful death as a human, and a 2% chance of causing some chaos as a monster before dying in agony.

"These things are dangerous. They must all be destroyed..." Li Tianran also felt heartbroken. He had personally sown and nurtured these rice seedlings with care, but now they were no longer food, but poison.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly became alert and started barking wildly in one direction.

A bull the size of an elephant, comparable to a tank, charged madly toward Li Tianran. Two white dragon-like gusts of air shot out of its nostrils, and the ground seemed to tremble under its iron hooves. With every step, a drum-like sound of "thud, thud, thud" could be heard!

Li Tianran could even see bloodshot eyes in its eyes!

It was the bull that had broken through the door of the animal shed and escaped!

But why was it so massive now?!

It had doubled in size, its fur stretched to the limit by its muscles, blood flowing, yet it seemed oblivious to pain.

It was constantly losing blood, and its life clearly couldn't sustain this state for long.

He suddenly thought of the "mutation theory." This bull had definitely undergone a genome rearrangement after consuming those irradiated rice seedlings!

Now, it wasn't just a bull; it was a Pius bull!

It could also be called a Cowzilla.

Li Tianran didn't know if he had bad luck or too good luck. Both of the 2% chances happened to him.

Its strength and size had greatly increased, but it had lost its rationality, becoming the purest killing machine!

Li Tianran watched as the bull approached him, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle.

At this moment, Li Tianran!

Was in danger!