
Chapter 5: A Vision of Turmoil, A Search for the Owner of the Post

The earth shook and rumbled loudly.

In reality, when danger suddenly descended, there was no time for people to react effectively within three seconds.

Li Tianran's mind went blank.

At that moment, Xiao Hei roared and rushed out frantically from his side.

There was a huge difference in their sizes, and if they were to collide, the outcome was without suspense.

But Xiao Hei was like a fearless knight, drawing his sword to protect his king from the evil dragon!

Xiao Hei did not directly engage in a head-on confrontation with the mutated yellow bull. Instead, it utilized its advantages in size and speed, moving around the yellow bull like a swimming fish, constantly attacking the already injured flesh and skin with its sharp fangs.

The yellow bull was infuriated and changed its direction, preparing to trample the despicable dog to death.

At this critical moment, a figure shimmering with a metallic luster jumped out from the side.


Hunting Dog No.1 received Li Tianran's command and pounced straight at the mutated yellow bull, knocking it to the ground. It opened its huge mouth, and its steel-forged teeth, gleaming with a ferocious light, bit into the yellow bull's neck!



With a bone-crushing sound that made one's teeth ache, the head of the mutated yellow bull was crushed by Hunting Dog No.1, instantly killing it.

Li Tianran took a deep breath, waved his hand, and said, "Xiao Hei, come here!"

After carefully checking that Xiao Hei didn't have any wounds from the mutated yellow bull, Li Tianran finally relaxed.

That was really dangerous.

In the midst of the apocalypse, hidden dangers were everywhere. It seemed that he needed to deal with these lurking threats around him as soon as possible.

If today's events had happened to Han Han, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Five minutes later.

A fire ignited within the farm.

Li Tianran burned all the plants that had been exposed to radiation to ashes, and the meat of the mutated yellow bull had also undergone changes. Although humans wouldn't mutate if they consumed it, they would be poisoned and experience uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea.

After completing all of this, the entire farm became a barren land.

Li Tianran tried planting the ordinary seeds he had stored in his warehouse, but soon those seeds lost their vitality, turning yellow and withered. When he dug them up, the data had already changed.

"Corroded Seeds: Seeds corroded by toxic radiation when exposed to the irradiated soil, unable to continue growing."

"It seems that all those stored seeds have gone to waste..." Li Tianran sighed, but soon, he took out a few radiation-resistant seeds from the system space.

He buried them in the soil and nervously observed the seed's data.

"Radiation-Resistant Rice Seed

Growth Rate: 1% (100% represents maturity and can be harvested)

Requirements for Growth: Adequate sunlight, sufficient water source

Growth Cycle: 72 hours"

Soon, after another five minutes, the seeds didn't turn yellow and withered. The growth rate in the data had increased to 2%!

Radiation-resistant seeds could be planted!

Moreover, their growth cycle was much shorter than that of ordinary rice. They could be harvested every three days.

Li Tianran silently calculated that with this, at least his and Han Han's normal life would not be a problem.

Although he had stored a large amount of food ingredients, perishable items like vegetables and fruits couldn't be stored for a long time. They would spoil in just ten days or half a month at most.

If they ran out of food and couldn't replenish it, Han Han and his own bodies would lack a significant amount of vitamins, leading to various diseases or weakened immunity.


Han Han was awakened by the aroma of grilled meat.

When she walked out of the bedroom wearing her Peppa Pig pajamas, she was almost in a sleepwalking state. But when she made an effort to open her eyes and looked towards the kitchen, her brain immediately powered on!

"Hanhan, we're having grilled lamb today!" Han Han ran towards the kitchen with her short legs, revealing a little head behind the door, eagerly looking at the meat skewers on the kitchen grill that were golden and dripping with oil. Her mouth was watering.

Li Tianran didn't allow her to enter the kitchen because the kitchen utensils and fire were dangerous.

And... Hanhan had been quite naive before.

When she was four years old, Li Tianran was also grilling meat in the kitchen. He went to the living room storage box to get some seasoning, which was only a few steps away, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He just warned Hanhan, who was squatting in front of the grill, not to touch the iron skewers with her hands to avoid getting burned.

But after taking just two steps and turning around, Li Tianran heard a cry.

Hanhan was indeed very well-behaved and obedient.

She firmly remembered Li Tianran's words and instead of touching the hot iron skewers with her chubby little hand, she stuck out her little tongue... and licked it!

From then on, the kitchen became off-limits for Han Han.

Li Tianran turned to look at her and smiled, saying, "It's almost ready. Go wait in the living room."

After the temperature dropped, most of the cattle and sheep on Li Tianran's farm froze to death, and the remaining few obviously couldn't withstand the continued drop in temperature tonight. Even if they could endure the low temperatures, he was worried that these ordinary cattle and sheep would experience mutations due to consuming radiation-contaminated plants. After thinking for a while, Li Tianran decided to slaughter the remaining live sheep and store the meat.

He could almost anticipate that in the coming period of time, the prices of vegetables, fruits, meat, and rice would soar in value.

Once news of the radiation affecting the land spread, the prices of cold-storage vegetables and fruits stored in merchants' warehouses would increase at least a hundredfold!

In the next month, vegetables would become a luxury that only the wealthy could afford.

But all of this couldn't affect Li Tianran.

After discovering that the radiation-resistant seeds could grow in the soil, he spent 20,000 points to purchase ten kilograms of radiation-resistant vegetable and fruit seeds, including oilseed rape, broccoli, cabbage, scallions, grapes, strawberries, and more. He still had the semi-automatic seeder he had previously purchased on the farm. Li Tianran spent an hour planting all these vegetable and fruit seeds in the ten-acre greenhouse planting area of the farm.

In three days, the first harvest could be obtained.

Soon, the enticing aroma of grilled lamb skewers wafted through the air. Li Tianran sprinkled some salt and sesame seeds on them and stir-fried some vegetables from the reserves in the refrigerator.

Since they didn't come into contact with the soil, these vegetables remained in the "usable" state without radiation.

The fruits he had stored in the warehouse, on the other hand, had come into contact with the soil and were now in a "radiated" state, starting to rot.

The earth was no longer pure from today onwards; it had become the source of spreading radioactive toxins.


The vegetables were stir-fried, and the millet porridge was ready. A simple dinner was prepared.

Due to taking over the manor, Li Tianran had learned some cooking skills before. Although he couldn't reach the level of a star chef, he was still quite skilled.

The grilled meat was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and a simple plate of greens had a refreshing and sweet taste.

Han Han had oil dripping from her mouth as she ate and occasionally placed large pieces of lamb fat in Little Black's bowl. They both enjoyed their meal.

During the meal, Li Tianran logged into the forum.

The forum was in an uproar.

"The sun is collapsing, doomsday is here!"

"Damn experts, didn't they say it was just an ordinary astronomical phenomenon?"

"Help! All the jujube trees in my house have suddenly withered, and my sheep vomited blood after eating a shriveled jujube under the tree. It died in three minutes!"

"A dog-sized rat king suddenly appeared in the southern district, biting everyone it sees..."

"All farmlands and plants are withering and decaying... Tens of millions of acres of crops will yield nothing!"

"Damn it! Fruits, vegetables, and rice in the supermarkets near my house have all been snatched up. Unscrupulous merchants have increased prices, selling an apple for fifty yuan! A head of cabbage for one hundred and eighty!"

Li Tianran browsed through the messages, and suddenly, he saw one of those countless posts.

"Seeking help from knowledgeable fellow forum users! Does anyone remember approximately ten hours ago when a forum user posted a thread titled 'Disasters are Coming, Please Prepare!'? Those who provide clues will be greatly rewarded!"

Li Tianran raised an eyebrow.

The name of the title and the time period matched the post he had once published, which was deleted by the forum moderators less than three minutes later!