
Apocalypse: Virus Symbiosis

In a nuclear apocalypse, mass detonation of stealth missiles the survivors liked to call Angel Fire rained down and exploded on planet Earth. There had been no warnings, no prophecies, no deductions either. A deadly virus spread, enveloping the world as evolution radiation mixed with oxygen A retired X Soldier who had previously being a failed result of a military experiment tries to navigate his way back to his daughter... An entire city apart. [You have eliminated an Armoured Zombie, 2 Evolution points have been extracted from radiation gathered.] [Warning! Evolution points contains Memory fragments, do you wish to perceive, delete or start skill extrapolation of memory fragment?] "Start Skill Extrapolation." [Scanning Memory Fragments...] [Scan completed. Skill found] [Skill: Godly Devourer(Divine Skill)!] [Godly Devour: Devour Evo points to strengthen the user!] [Learning Godly Devour will occupy you entire skill slot, do you wish to learn the technique?] "Yes!" [Skill successfully learned!]

Typhlix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The Spectator

Inside the large Bio-tech company, Ryver was currently in an elevator. There were other people in the elevator with their ID cards around their necks or in their pockets.

Although the morning was still very young, a large company like Mega-Tech still had a few hundred workers working so early in the morning.


The elevator chimed to a stop and a group of two people walked out, letting two more others within the elevator.

Another chiming sound echoed as the elevator halted on the 49th floor. "Excuse me."

Ryver's cold voice hummed as he squeezed through the crowds of six and exited the elevator. Expressionless, he walked through the hallway, passing through various offices, until he finally arrived at the end of the hallway.

There was a label written in bold letters just at the front of the door, Janitor's Closet.

Sliding his ID card through the panel, the door opened, Ryver walked in then closed the door behind him.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Ryver was now putting on a clean, well-pressed dark-blue overall while dragging a light-yellow Janitorial trolley which contained chemicals, mops and various cleaning supplies within. This morning, the 49th floor was his responsibility.

Ryver had just walked a few distances when he noticed his eye was starting to itch. He blinked his eyes in a pattern, trying to switch off the Bionic smart lens since it might be overheating.

Suddenly, he saw something from the corner of his eye, checking to see what it was, he looked through the glass walls only to see raindrops falling down to the buildings in the city below.


Ryver's eyes went wide in shock as it glowed a resplendent golden colour, reflecting the explosion that had occurred not before him.

Ryver blinked his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing things. He looked to the left and a few distances from him, three office workers also appeared to be in the same state of shock.

Ryver immediately backed away slowly from the glass wall it was then he saw those raindrops fall so close to him that Ryver noticed those weren't raindrops at all, they were missiles! Finger sized missiles!


A blast of explosion rippled through the air from the building, covering them entirely with massive flames that roared like a raging storm, devouring everything in its presence.

Massive overlapping shockwaves erupted out from it as it spread in all directions, slamming into the glass walls of Megatech as it exploded.


Ryver immediately rolled, quickly diving behind his yellow trolley but the shockwaves carried him like paper amidst a tornado, slamming into a glass door, directly making it explode as he rolled into the office.

Several glass shards and debris erupted, shooting in all directions like bullets. Ryver's body rolled unceremoniously on the ground, hitting a wooden desk and his body came to a stop.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head, he was already unconscious.

The entire building rocked back and forth as though it was about to tilt and fall. The earth rumbled like a Hugh magnitude earthquake is occurring.

A massive amount of flames raged through the entire city like wildfire!

The many individual raging flames created by the nuclear explosion suddenly merged in the skies, coalescing into one massive firestorm. The combination of many smaller fires within the city directly heats the air, causing winds of hurricane strength directed inward toward the fire, which in turn fan the flames, turning it into a large catastrophic disaster!

The standing glass walls of the skyscraper glowed golden, reflecting the explosion and wildfire storming through the city.

All of a sudden, the flames swallowing the city started to compress within themselves and then in a flash, they vanished with a puff, leaving just a large amount of smoke billowing into the atmosphere.

The three workers that were previously heading to their various offices but then had been pushed backwards by the shockwaves suddenly woke up after what seemed to be forever, three gasping sounds rang out as the three unconscious people came to.

Ryver felt his throat was dry and extremely parched. He gasped for air drawing more oxygen into his lungs, gazing cautiously at his surroundings with his left hand reaching for the dagger by his boot.

But Ryver noticed he couldn't breathe properly and he needed to force in more oxygen into his body by breathing even deeply.

Ryver stood up with confusion in his eyes, staggering out of the office, he looked to the left of the hallway.

Wishing to know what exactly happened, Ryver muttered.


[ Ryver Mvcyger]

[Sex: male]

[Age: 28]

[Strength: 1.23]

[Agility: 1.45]

[Vitality: 1.9]

[Injuries: Antisocial Personality disorder, Two Fractured ribs, Punctured skin cells, Strained muscles, Road rash, Minor bruises... ]

[Remark: It's advisable to see a therapist first then go to a medical centre for your injuries.]

[WARNING: Evacuate the Environment or use a Gasmask! The air is poisonous!!! ]

[WARNING: Evacuate the Environment or use a Gasmask! The air is poisonous!!! ]

[WARNING: Evacuate the Environment or use a Gasmask! The air is poisonous!!! ]

[Report: Due to the nuclear explosion, Radiation within the environment has risen to an extreme level (500rads).]

[Host is inhaling 1.7 units of radiation per second. If this continues, the cells within the body will mutate uncontrollably and within 5 hours, the host will be dead!]

Ryver's pupils constricted and his face darkened upon seeing the information before him.

Dismissing the words before his eyes, he scrolled through his interface and went ahead to select the Web option, wanting to find information on what had actually happened.

[Error 3011, currently unable to connect to the server.]

[Solution: Restart the Bionic Smart Lens or move to the closet WiFi location and try again.]

This time, Ryver figured out that something was really wrong. Mega-Tech owns multiple million-dollar satellites. As a worker, Ryver was able to freely connect his Smart Lens.

With the error message popping up in his sight, Ryver knew something terrible might have gone wrong.


A soft and weird moaning sound echoed from within the hallway. Ryver raises his head and his eyes refocused, attracted by the sound.

"W-what are you doing!? Ahhhhh!"

A horrified scream pierced sharply through the hallway, startling everyone within. The three office workers that had gotten on their feet had a panicked expression as one of them, a middle-aged, dark-haired woman had lunged at the other short woman, roughly biting through the neck and flesh of the other woman like a rabid dog.

"Get her off me!!!" The other lady howled in agony. The other worker; the man had a confused expression on his face, but he quickly grabbed the rabid woman by the waist, carrying her off the middle-aged lady.

"Stop! Are you crazy!?" The man reprimanded but in just a few seconds, the rapid woman managed to turn, grabbed at the man's neck and bit down on his neck maniacally.

"Sharon!? What the hell are you doing!?" The man yelled in pain.

Blood splashed on the crazy woman's face and over the ground as it seems the man's main artery by the neck had been bitten. The man was unceremoniously pushed to the ground as the crazy woman continued biting through his flesh like a savage beast

The other middle-aged aged lady was petrified, extremely frightened. She grabbed painfully at her bloody neck, staring at the bloody scene before her with wide eyes, she stepped back in alarm, but it seems her body was unable to move as she trembled like a leaf in fear.

Life drained from the man's eyes and his struggle began to diminish. The rabid woman seems to have lost interest in the man when his struggle stopped.

Her head snapped backwards as she gazed at the other woman who was still frozen in shock. Pieces of red meat and bloodied tissue hung off the corner of her lips, and her mouth and throat bulged in the process of swallowing the meal she had just had.

Without warning, she leapt towards the other lady almost like a frog, tackling her to the ground, ignoring the glass shards. This seem to have woken the lady from her shock and she screamed miserably but no one came to help her from the madly disturbed woman who was attacking her, boring through her stomach and flesh with her teeth and fingers.

In just a few seconds, the woman's scream stopped, she started choking on her blood, foaming through her mouth as the rabid woman feasted on her intestines, slurping it down her throat like noodles.

The hall finally descended into silence, and the faint sounds of screams down the city could be heard. Apart from that, the choking sounds of the man stopped and only the sounds of slurping and gulping echoed within the hall.

Ryver's tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth and his face furrowed into a frown, it was unknown whether the reason was that he was in shock, scared witless or because wasn't really impressed by the horrifying spectacle before him that seemed to come straight from a horror movie scene.