
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Seon Hye Jin

Amidst the chaos engulfing the campus, Park Doo Shi, with unwavering resolve, sheathed both steel knives. An action that spoke volumes, revealing that beneath his rough and cold exterior lay a profound wisdom.

Seon Hye Jin, her eyes filled with awe, bore witness to the spectacle. Her eyes widened as Park Doo Shi opened the mysterious box, conjuring forth objects that vanished into thin air, hinting at wonders only explainable by words of magic.

In the turmoil enveloping them, Seon Hye Jin harbored but one thought: to follow Park Doo Shi. She felt assured that in his presence, safety would somehow find its way to her.

Since that moment, the notion had taken root in her mind, incessantly gnawing at her thoughts.

As the zombie onslaught ensued, Seon Hye Jin wondered if aid would ever arrive. To survive, she realized her only hope rested in self-reliance. With resolute determination, she traversed the campus now shrouded in darkness and terror, seeking the airdrop crate.

Yet before her, she found a more promising alternative - if she could stay by Park Doo Shi's side, she felt confident she would endure.

Gender perspectives exhibited in critical moments like these crept into Seon Hye Jin's mind. She recognized the stark contrast between men and women in facing emergencies. While most men tended to be bold and fight, most women leaned towards relying on the protection provided by men. It was a dynamic revealed amidst disaster.

With a pounding heart, seeing Park Doo Shi still there, Seon Hye Jin gathered her courage and stepped closer. She carried with her the confidence gleaned from her intelligence and captivating presence. As one of the top students at the Business School and possessing a background in dance, she understood that the key to survival lay not only in physical strength but also in the intelligence and skills she possessed.

As Seon Hye Jin entered the room, Park Doo Shi reflexively tightened his grip around his dagger. He knew with certainty that the woman before him was likely to become one of the ten rulers of Future City in the years to come. Yet, he felt calm. His current strength was formidable, while the woman was merely an ordinary girl. She posed no threat to him.

However, as Seon Hye Jin drew nearer, Park Doo Shi felt the woman's allure in a deeper way.

Standing at about 165cm tall with soft facial features and an indefinable touch of charm, enough to make a man's heart tremble with protection.

The thin, tight-fitting clothing she wore only accentuated her beauty further.

A half-demon figure coupled with a half-angelic face—temptations like these could not be ignored.

"I wish to follow in your footsteps," Seon Hye Jin stated without hesitation.

Before Park Doo Shi could respond, Seon Hye Jin firmly made her declaration.

"If, I can follow in your footsteps, I will agree to whatever you desire. As long as I can survive, that's enough," Seon Hye Jin murmured resolutely.

Park Doo Shi furrowed his brow. Seon Hye Jin's heart was filled only with the desire to survive. No wonder this woman could compete among the top ten rulers. With such unwavering determination, she was indeed extraordinary.

"No need to worry, I won't drag you into chaos," Seon Hye Jin asserted firmly.

As Park Doo Shi gazed at her without uttering a single word, Seon Hye Jin felt anxiety creeping over her. The doubt-filled depths of his eyes hinted at confusion and deep-seated apprehension. This was her moment, she thought. The sole opportunity to secure safety in a world seized by destruction.

With a sweeping glance around, she realized that this last airdrop crate had been thoroughly ransacked by Park Doo Shi. In desperation, she contemplated seeking out another airdrop crate, but the question lingered in her mind: how easy would that be? Amidst the chaos inhabited by bloodthirsty zombies, searching for an airdrop crate without aid and protection was hardly a wise choice.

Yet, witnessing the bold courage of Park Doo Shi, fearlessly venturing alone into danger, Seon Hye Jin felt moved. Though no words were spoken, the action itself implied extraordinary resolve and bravery. And as a member of the Ten Masters of the Future, Seon Hye Jin felt it paramount to invest in potential allies.

Thus, with caution and courage, Seon Hye Jin resolved to invite Park Doo Shi along. She knew that if Park Doo Shi couldn't hold his own in dire circumstances, she would mercilessly leave him behind. Yet, in the depths of her mind, she was confident she could decipher Park Doo Shi's thought flow, revealing any disbelief that might betray him.

"With you, I won't feel too isolated," Seon Hye Jin spoke with a calm yet resolute voice.

"I'll follow, and if anything happens, I won't struggle to find you."

With a slight smile gracing her lips, she awaited Park Doo Shi's response, hoping her decision would prove beneficial for both of them.

In the eerie silence that enveloped the once-familiar streets, Park Doo Shi strode with purpose, his every step a testament to the resilience that glimmered within him. It was as though the world itself had mourned the deaths and horrors that had befallen it in these dark times. Yet, amidst the ominous shadows that loomed, his confidence shone brightly. The groundbreaking qualitative breakthrough he had just achieved had bestowed upon him the strength necessary to confront the looming threats.

Adorned with meticulously prepared gear and weapons strapped to his form, he exuded an air of assurance that he could face any danger that dared to confront him. Indeed, battling first-level zombies such as these, Park Doo Shi had learned that he possessed ample advantages to dispatch them with ease.

With steady strides, he pressed on through streets once brimming with familiarity, now fraught with new obstacles and perils. Yet, he did not falter. Armed with the advantages he held, Park Doo Shi knew he must leverage them to the fullest.

Though his powers had surged since the breakthrough, Park Doo Shi never forgot that fundamentally, he remained human. To ascend to the variant, to attain the levels he sought, he must absorb ten Mutation Crystals. And presently, he possessed only two.

"Eight more to go," he murmured with determination, his gaze fixed far ahead.

Yet, to achieve them, he must overcome far greater hurdles. With conservative calculations, he realized he might have to dispatch scores, even hundreds of zombies to reach his goal. Yet, he did not waver. To him, it was an opportunity to adapt to his newfound body, to comprehend the powers now at his disposal.

Yet, amidst his resplendent courage, he was not alone. Seon Hye Jin, who had watched Park Doo Shi with awe and admiration, joined his strides with a heart torn between uncertainty and bravery.

Observing Park Doo Shi march boldly towards the awaiting throngs of zombies, doubt crept into Seon Hye Jin's mind. Yet, she swiftly banished it. This was their chance to survive, to find shelter and security in a world now fraught with chaos.

"We'll get through this together," she whispered to herself, her steps growing firmer as she followed in Park Doo Shi's wake.