
Apocalypse Summoning

At the age of 22, Kio was on the way to work when screams were heard all around him. The source of all the shouting and screaming comes from man-eating humans, otherwise known as zombies. After looking for food and shelter, Kio and other people near him are trapped in a store, with zombies right outside. Shortly after, the floor beneath the group lights up due to a teleportation circle. Successfully summoning a hero into the Aeon Kingdom, the king and princess rejoice to the bright future ahead of them, but little do they know, they have brought in a catastrophe to their kingdom… Written by: VinceSocoo Cover image edited by: atarashii

vincesocoo · Horror
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62 Chs

Bullying the Weak, yet Fearing the Strong

Trying to figure out what was going on, Kio further inspected her status.

Name: Riko (Deceased)

Age: 20

Level: 1

Class: Spiritualist


'Why is her name showing Deceased…?'

As he inspected her, Kio could immediately see the extra word beside her name due to how clearly it stood out.

He then proceeded to inspect himself and the others to see if there were any new changes.

Name: Kio Nakai

Age: 22

Level: 1

Class: Assassin

Skills: [Inspect Lvl 1], [Universal Language Translation Lvl --], [Minimap Lvl --], [Stealth Walk Lvl 1], [Haste Lvl 1]


Name: Luna

Age: 17

Level: 1 [Sealed]

Class: Dragon Princess


Name: Miyu

Age: 18

Level: 1

Class: None


Looking at Miyu's status, he confirmed that she really didn't get a class from System Admin, or whoever that person was.

However, he was confused about Riko's Deceased status, since her name didn't disappear like Yuki's did.

He turned towards Miyu, as he decided to put this question to the back of his mind since nobody can provide him with an answer.

"Miyu, I promised Riko that I'm going to find the Revival Jewel so I can bring her back to life."

"Mmm… I heard a bit of what you and big sister talked about, but can it really do that?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure, but based on its name, there's a high chance it can."

"That's great! Can I help you get the Revival Jewel too?"

"Sure. But we need to get you a class before you can help me. I also need to bring Kaori over here as soon as we leave this city."

"Okay! I'll listen to what you say."

"Great, I hope you can get a good class later. We also need to get stronger, otherwise we're just going to die before finding it."

"I agree, how do I get a class though?"

"I'm not sure, I was planning to ask somebody about it later. Hey Luna, do you know how to get a class?"

Luna was deep in thought and wasn't paying attention to them.

'Should I tell them about the requirements for the Revival Jewel…? But i don't want to destroy their hopes…'


"Ah, sorry. What is it?"

"We just wanted to ask if you know how to obtain a class."

"What? Does neither of you have a class?"

"I have a class, but Miyu doesn't have one."

"Then why are you asking me? Don't you already know how to get one?"

"Ah… the way I gained my class was a bit… extraordinary."


"I'll explain it all later, but can you let us know how you normally get a class?"

"Sorry, I'm unable to help you."

"What do you mean?"

"My clan has a special way to bestow each other with a class, and I'm not sure how humans do it normally."

"Dammit, I guess we need to ask somebody else then."

At the edge of his vision, Kio noticed Ren and Saotome walking out of a different store.

They were wearing brand new armor, which was different from how they were equipped awhile ago.

"Hey Ren, where did you two get those equipment?"


Flaunting his bloody spear around, he didn't bother to reply to Kio.

"Don't tell me you guys stole it…"

"Well duh, how else would we have paid for it?"

Saotome answered instead of Ren, expressing her intention to be a part of his group.


Kio didn't know how he should even answer that. He wasn't like Jay, preaching for justice and doing the morally correct thing.

However, killing and stealing to satisfy your own greed is unacceptable. The laws of his former world were still ingrained in him, which caused him to view Ren and Saotome negatively.

'Looks like we will need to split up from them once we leave this city. I don't want him getting close to Miyu or Luna…'

As Kio had his own thoughts, Ren finally spoke up to him.

"Oi, what did you get from that store you were just at?"

"Nothing. You think we're as evil as you? Killing and taking whatever you want. We only asked about where to find a healer."

"Cheh, useless. You better not be expecting to take some of our equipment later on."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't want it anyways."

Ren walked towards his 4 slaves nearby and handed a set of leather armor to each of them.

The brown leather armor covered up most of their dirty rag, making them look slightly more appealing, yet the smell still persisted since they had been stuck inside their cages for a long time.

Their curves were more apparent after wearing the leather armor, causing Ren to stare at them with desire in his eyes.

'If only these girls didn't smell like shit, I would've tasted them in the store.'

When Fae and the other elves saw the bloodstain on Ren's spear and clothes, they could infer what happened earlier.

They all harshly glared at Ren, further reinforcing their view towards the human race.

'I knew humans couldn't be trusted.'

If it wasn't for Kio and Riko saving some of her fellow elves, Fae wouldn't even bother to invite them to her home.

"If you guys aren't gonna grab some better weapons, then I'll gladly do it instead."

Ren confidently walked towards the weapon store with Saotome following behind him.

As he walked by Kio, Ren shoved him out of the way.

"Tch, weakling."

Holding his ground in front of Miyu, Luna, and Riko's body, Kio prevented Ren from paying any attention towards the girls.


As Ren walked a few more steps, all of a sudden, an arrow flew by his head and landed on the ground in front of him.

"Stop! How dare you perform these atrocious acts in broad daylight! We won't stand here and watch you kill anymore innocent people!"

Fae had been the one to shoot that arrow, outraged at the behavior of Ren.

Even though she had no reason to protect other humans, she couldn't just ignore it when it's happening right in front of her.

"Ah? Who the fuck do you think you are to stop me? I'll kill you too If you get in my way."

As Fae and Ren directed their hostility towards each other, Dan came out of his store, with Mary shyly hiding behind him.

"What's with all the commotion out here in front of my store!?"

"Heh, coming outside to get yourself killed, what an idiot…"

Ren mumbled softly under his breath, before he proceeded to inspect Dan as a precaution.

Name: Dan

Age: 45

Class: Weapon Master


"What! Weapon master?! Shouldn't this guy be a merchant or a blacksmith?"

Ren exclaimed his discovery out loud. Although he couldn't see Dan's level, he could feel the pressure emitted by Dan.

"Oh? Looks like you used the [Inspect] skill on me huh?"

As Dan released his bloodlust and directed it towards Ren, he felt like he couldn't breathe. Being unable to repeat the same thing back at the armor store, his excitement waned.

"Fuck… oi Saotome, slaves, let's go."

Ren turned around and walked away, unwilling to confront the dangerous individual in front of him.

"Hahaha, consider yourself lucky, boy. If my daughter wasn't behind me right now, I would've taught you a lesson for what you did previously."

Dan already saw the bloodstain on Ren's steel armor, which allowed him to guess what had happened.

"Sorry about all the noise, we were just about to leave."

Kio apologized for Ren's violent temperament, which led to a commotion in front of Dan's store.

"Ahaha, it's fine. You can call me Dan, and looking at the girl over there, I'm guessing she couldn't hold out long enough to get to the priest?"

"Ah…. no, she didn't want us to go, preferring to just leave peacefully…"

As Dan reminded him of Riko's words, Kio felt like crying again.

Miyu was still quietly sobbing and caressing Riko's cheeks, removing any strands of hair that was on her face.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Dan's daughter, Mary, walked towards Kio after taking a peek from her father's back.

"Ah, um, h-here, I went to my room to get a potion for your friend, but it looks like I was too late…"

"You didn't have to give this to us since your father already said potions wouldn't be effective on her earlier. However, I appreciate the sentiment, thanks."

"Ah, y-you're welcome..."

Tears welled up in Mary's eyes as she glanced towards Riko's body.

Even though they were practically strangers, Mary hadn't been exposed much to the outside world, so seeing somebody die in front of her really hit her hard.


Dan saw his daughter's actions and went inside his store.

A moment afterwards, he came out holding a shovel and passed it over to Kio.

"Here kid, the least you could do is give that girl a proper burial."


"Don't thank me, thank my daughter. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother since I've seen way too many people die, back when I was an adventurer."

"I see. Thanks, Mary."

Kio patted her head as he thanked her, causing her to blush from embarrassment.

"Hey kid, don't you dare try to seduce my daughter, or else I won't be so polite anymore."

"Eh? Sorry, that wasn't my intention."

Pouting at Kio's physical contact with an underaged girl in front of her, Miyu quietly uttered a word beside his ears.


VinceSocoo here~


Dammit, Mary was just supposed to be a side character.

I don't know how I feel about expanding her character more, what are your thoughts on that everyone?


Anyways, please vote with your stones and leave comments below.


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