
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
74 Chs

seemed even stronger than Duncan himself

Two individuals navigated a supermarket together, with Michal also killing a few scattered zombies during the process.


With the boost from this treasured blade, Michal found chopping zombies to be a delightful experience. Of course, for the zombies, it was a disaster.


With Michal's speed, the zombies' movements seemed like slow motion to him. They were cleaved in two before they could even get close to him.


The smooth sensation felt like cutting through tofu, very stress-relieving.


Michal was even willing to trade half of his current resources for this knife!


This made him even more determined to test the stone monument.


After his Nancy brother tested it once, he received such a powerful blade. If Michal tested it, could he possibly receive an even better reward?


Thinking of this made Michal look forward to it.


The two spent half an hour searching in the supermarket and finally found the supermarket's warehouse hidden in the back corridor!


The warehouse was full of resources, including sections for clothing, fresh produce, grains, and a freezer.


The clothing section was stocked with various men's and women's clothing, underwear, sleepwear, and swimsuits, which Michal quickly stowed away into the darkness.


The fresh produce section was overflowing with fruits and vegetables.


Michal took everything.


What excited Michal the most was the grain section! The neatly stacked warehouse contained at least a thousand bags of rice!


Each bag weighed 100 pounds, making a total of 100,000 pounds, or 50 tons!


That was enough food for him and others like Vera to last ten years!


Not to mention the various types of beans—soybeans, green beans, etc.—which together weighed several more tons.


"We've struck it rich! With so many resources, I can support a whole base of survivors!" Michal exclaimed excitedly.


In this post-apocalyptic world, food was the most crucial resource.


And this was just from one large supermarket.


If he could scavenge a few more large supermarkets, couldn't he amass thousands of tons of food?


Grain was the capital!


It was critical for building his power in the post-apocalyptic world.


It could be said without exaggeration.


In a world overrun with zombies.


100 pounds of grain could be traded for 10 beautiful girls!


And if all 10 girls successfully bore children, the rewards they brought couldn't even be bought with 10 tons of grain!


This was the transformation and explosive growth of resources.


Michal began excitedly storing everything in his dark space.


Watching as the dark space filled up, now occupying one-fifth of it, he was utterly thrilled.




Outside the supermarket, near the mutated tree that Michal had cut down, a group of over a dozen ragged and menacing-looking people had gathered. Their eyes were full of malevolence, clearly not up to any good.


"This seems to be a mutated tree. The cut is smooth, cleanly sliced in two. It must have been done by that guy."


One of them, with a large nose and a red tip, kept sniffing, as if filtering the air for scents:


"The blood here is his. He's lost a lot of blood, which means his fight with the mutated tree wasn't easy. He must be seriously injured. This is advantageous for us!"


Following the scent of blood, he continued to sniff vigorously.


After a few tries, he pointed out to a man over 1.9 meters tall and as robust as a black bear, "Big Bear, he's hiding over there!"


The group followed his direction to a mound of dirt.


Looking at the mound, they exchanged glances.


Yellow Dog nodded and whispered, "According to the scent, he's inside!"


The burly man looked serious. What was that guy doing hiding in the mud?


Still, he ordered his men to start digging.




They unearthed the body of Nancy's brother.


"Dead?" The burly man's rough face showed surprise.


Duncan was among the top three in strength at the Black Tiger Survivor Base. It was unexpected that he died at the hands of a mutated tree.


Another person searched Duncan's body. "Where's his knife? That was a fine blade, and I've been coveting it for a long time!"


"It must have been taken by his sister," another man with a scarred face suggested.


"Could it be his sister who buried him here? It shouldn't be, though. Duncan was a Superhuman, yet he died here. His sister is a normal person; how could she have escaped?"


"It's likely that he died trying to protect her. Otherwise, with his abilities, self-preservation wouldn't have been difficult," another person remarked.


"That's for the best! Duncan is dead, and Nancy has escaped. We just need to capture Nancy and report back, saving us from a tough fight," the man with the big nose said casually.


"I hope Nancy is still alive. The boss of Black Tiger personally ordered us to bring her back!" the burly man said worriedly.


With Duncan dead, Nancy had no means to defend herself and was likely to be killed by zombies.


If Nancy were killed by zombies, they wouldn't be able to report back to Black Tiger.


The burly man turned to the man with the big red nose and said:


"Yellow Dog, quickly sniff out Nancy's location!"


"Got it, got it, don't rush me. I'm sniffing," Yellow Dog replied, sniffing vigorously, his expression suddenly turning grave.


"There's a strong scent of the sea... Besides Nancy, there was a man here, or maybe it was a woman. Or maybe the man had the scent of another woman on him?" Yellow Dog looked puzzled.


"Who cares whether it's a man or a woman! Just find their location. If it's a man, we'll kill him on the spot; if it's a woman, we'll have a go before killing her," the burly man said impatiently.


He was fully in charge of this operation and didn't want any complications. He just wanted to find Nancy quickly and report back to Black Tiger.


"Right, they went that way!" Yellow Dog followed the scent.


Finally, the group arrived at the supermarket entrance.


"They went in," Yellow Dog pointed at the supermarket's main entrance.


"Good, we'll go in too. Yellow Dog, you lead the way; Scarface Rat, you follow at the back, keep an eye on any movements inside, and the rest of you, follow me!" the burly man commanded.


"Alright, Big Bear," the others nodded.


Yellow Dog led the way into the supermarket, and as soon as he entered, a foul smell hit his nose—the scent of zombie blood.


Then, seeing the scene before him, he was somewhat shocked and felt a bit frightened.


The supermarket was filled with dead zombies, each one split in two, chopped in half!


He took a deep breath. "This looks like Duncan's handiwork... but he's already dead, isn't he?"


Big Bear frowned, "Something's not right. There's another expert here! Someone must have gotten Duncan's knife, brought his sister Nancy to the supermarket, and killed hundreds of zombies! This person might be even stronger than Duncan. Everyone, be careful!"


When they saw the scene inside the supermarket, everyone was shocked, and their faces showed vigilance because the supermarket resembled a battlefield, with zombie corpses everywhere!


Originally, the dozen of them were enough to handle Duncan alone.


But now.


The person who had Duncan's samurai sword seemed even stronger than Duncan himself!


This demanded their full attention!


As they continued deeper into the supermarket, the empty shelves baffled them even more.


"What in the world is going on? The entire supermarket is empty, everything has been moved out, that's impossible! Even daily necessities like clothes and dishes have been taken. How many survivors could possibly be nearby?" Yellow Dog was the first to speak up.


Searching for supplies, even with a large backpack, you can't carry much, at most enough food for a week.


To empty an entire large supermarket, how many survivors would have to be involved?


And the blood from the zombies on the ground was fresh; these zombies had just been killed.


Could it be that someone was moving items while the zombies were still alive? That seemed impossible.


So all of this was very strange.


Big Bear shook his head. "Never mind all that, let's find Nancy first!"


His primary task was to find Nancy for Black Tiger; he didn't want to bother with anything else.


Yellow Dog nodded.


Continuing to sniff, he then followed the scent all the way to the supermarket's warehouse.


Just then, Michal, with his keen hearing, also heard someone approaching.


He frowned.