
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
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78 Chs

Is this man a reincarnated war god

The zombies outside had all been taken care of by Michal. Could it be that someone saw there were no zombies in the supermarket and ventured out in search of food?


He didn't want to share his food with others.


Fortunately, he had finished collecting everything from the warehouse, just in time to meet these survivors.


Michal, holding a katana, walked out of the warehouse door with Nancy. Both parties immediately came face to face.


The moment he saw Nancy, Bear's eyes widened, and then he showed an excited expression: "Nancy? Great, you're not dead! Now I can report back!"


"Ah!" Nancy couldn't help but exclaim, her face turning pale.


She instantly showed a frightened expression.


"What's wrong? Who are they?" Michal asked warily, looking at the people opposite and whispering to Nancy.


"They're from the Black Tiger Survivor Base. That big guy is the third in command, nicknamed Bear. He's an esper with great strength, only slightly weaker than my brother!


The two beside him are Yellow Dog and Scar Mouse, also espers! The others are all tough guys from the Black Tiger Base. Before the disaster, some were mercenaries, and some were professional killers, each one very strong.


I didn't expect the Black Tiger Survivor Base to send out three espers and more than a dozen elites to capture us!"


Nancy's face was full of fear.


Three espers at the same time. Even if her brother were still alive, he wouldn't be able to take on all of them!


Three espers?


Michal gripped his katana tightly.


This was his first time encountering espers.


But judging from their appearance, they didn't seem very strong. He could probably take them out with a few ice needles.


However, Michal didn't want to kill them too quickly. He wanted to test his strength against ordinary espers to gauge what kind of ranking he might achieve in the monument test.


So he decided not to use his powers and to only use his katana to take them down in close combat.


As Michal observed Bear and his group, they were also observing Michal.


Both sides were unfamiliar with each other, so Bear and his group didn't dare act rashly.


Yellow Dog noticed Michal's sword: "Kid, we're from the Black Tiger Survivor Base. Which base are you from? It's not good to take other people's things. Leave the woman and the sword, and maybe we'll spare your life!"


"Oh? What if I don't agree?" Michal said with a mocking smile.


"Then don't blame us for being rude!" Yellow Dog showed a vicious expression, pulling out a large machete shining with a cold light.


"Then let's see how rude you can be!" As soon as Michal finished speaking, he quickly rushed towards Yellow Dog. Before the latter could react, Michal's katana slashed forward.


"Swish!" Yellow Dog's vicious expression was still on his face, but his head had already fallen.


A fountain of blood sprayed from his neck, and Michal swiftly took down a few more burly men beside Yellow Dog.


"What speed!"


Seeing this, Bear showed a shocked expression.


They quickly dodged and retreated, looking at Michal with eyes full of fear.


"Hmm? Running away? Don't retreat; I'm not done slicing!" Michal said with a cold smile.


The black katana was dripping with blood.


The supermarket was filled with the smell of blood.


Four headless bodies lay on the ground.


After this encounter, Michal roughly understood the strength of these espers.


Their basic attributes like strength and speed were about twice that of an ordinary person.


As for Michal, his strength and speed were sixteen times that of an ordinary person!


The difference was huge. To Michal, their movements were too slow.


As for their powers, Michal wasn't sure, but he guessed they couldn't be very strong; otherwise, they wouldn't have been taken down before using them.


A layer of cold sweat appeared on Bear's face.


The other base members looked even more terrified.


This man is so strong!


So strong that they couldn't even see his movements. Even the leader of the Black Tiger Base, Black Tiger, couldn't possibly be a match for the man in front of them!


Bear's heart was in a panic.


If his combat power was eight hundred, Black Tiger's combat power would be a thousand, but this man in front of him had at least five thousand combat power!


They weren't even on the same level!


How could they possibly fight him?


Unless the entire Black Tiger Base mobilized, there wasn't the slightest chance of winning!


Bear, full of caution, spoke to Michal:


"Brother, let's talk this out. It's all a misunderstanding. You can take the woman and the weapon, and we'll leave now. How about it? As long as you let us go, we promise never to appear in front of you again for the rest of our lives!"


"That's not going to work... I'm not done having fun yet!" Michal said, and then quickly charged at Bear and his men again.


Bear shouted, "Run, go back to the base and get reinforcements! I'll hold him off!"


"Bear's Strength!"




Bear's body suddenly grew larger, covered in hair, instantly transforming into a huge gray bear!


"Oh? Your power is to turn into a bear? How weak! A perfectly good person wants to be a beast!"


Michal stepped forward with his katana and decapitated Bear before he could even react.


Then he charged into the fleeing crowd, slaughtering them mercilessly. These mercenaries and professional killers were like helpless chickens before Michal, with no chance to fight back!


In less than a minute, Michal had killed them all.


"Ugh!" The thick smell of blood made Nancy gag repeatedly.


The ground was covered with the bodies of Black Tiger Base survivors.


At the same time, Nancy was shocked by Michal's strength.


Bear hadn't even been able to react and was instantly killed!


Is this man a reincarnated war god?!


Michal was not only her savior but also incredibly strong and filled her with a sense of security. He was so powerful and handsome!


Nancy made up her mind that she must follow Michal and hopefully become his woman!


Seeing that there were no more living people, Michal wiped the blood off his katana and said to Nancy, "Let's go. We've collected all the supplies. It's time to head back."


"Mm-hmm!" Nancy nodded obediently and followed Michal.


The two left the supermarket, not noticing a large hole in the ground behind a shelf...


They returned to the villa at the school.