
apocalypse judgement

What would happen if the world as we know it became...

Sow1 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Emotional damage

As the station burned everything in its path, a man in his thirties grabbed a loudspeaker and announced his words:

- "Even though this show is fascinating, if you want to survive, take anything that can catch fire and try to keep the zombies away as much as possible!"

A thought came to my mind: where does his speaker come from? But among those present, few people must have wondered since from childhood to the elderly, they all took flammable things to burn everything they had at hand while fleeing in all directions. I did the same before being lifted like a baby carried by a parent for the first time, however the parent in this case is Mahaut who was nothing more and nothing less than the MMA middleweight champion in the amateur category that I had seen earlier next to him, there was Auriane (the girl with the bat) they said to me:

<Mahaut >

- "How did you guess that the fire would weaken and terrorize these bloodthirsty monsters?"

So, I answered:

- "It's thanks to him"

pointing to Izra, who, with his mouth wide open, slapped his forehead and then said:

– "Are you stupid or what? We can't tell everyone that you have the ability to see a ghost who has lived several lives and who is probably the strongest and most cultured man!"

<Me >

– "Humble above all"

<Ariane >

- "Who are you talking to ?"

It's true what people would think and I don't have enough information on them to say anything and besides in mangas and manhwas cool guys always have secrets like Lalouch Diempire, Dark Yagami, Song Jing Woo, etc.

<Me >

- "uh nobody "Humble Above All" is the name of a video game about zombies."

<Mahaut >

– "Oh! so, you were just very lucky >

<Ariane >

- "We're in the same school, right? Because your face seems vaguely familiar to me."

<Me >

- "Yes, for five years, you and I have always been in the same class"

<Mahaut >

- "Sorry, but I never noticed you?"

<Izra >

– "Emotional damage"

<Mahaut >

- "To bend down ?"

What I did and it was certainly one of the best choices of my life since Mahaut chained a combo composed of several blows and a kick of unprecedented violence in crudeness while Ariane exploded the knees of this Mort -Alive.

<Ariane >

- "This is not to brag, if we were not here, you would have been part of the current 37,406 deaths"

She said to me, showing me the sky, a sort of giant screen in the sky that displayed: [Current death toll: 37,479] It looks like 70 more people will die.

<Mahaut >

- "We have a better chance of surviving together, so join us"

<Izra >

- "Gently refuse their offer, they are too strong compared to you, if you want to progress quickly, you have to be in a group of your level"

I accepted and expressed myself as follows:

- "I can't let Ariane say it first and I risk disturbing you on your trip"

<Ariane >

- "the idea is not bad, you could be our scout"

<Mahaut >

- "We don't give you a choice ahahaha"

<Ariane >

– "the English teacher joined us, but she died and we are sure you are hiding something from us"

should I run? I thought no, it would attract the zombies' attention and they could catch up with me in seconds

– "And you young people, come quickly here with us to the sewers" ​​shouted the man with the loudspeaker.