
Apocalypse: I Have a Space with Billions of Resources

Against the backdrop of Earth's transformation into a doomsday realm, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean becomes the catalyst for triggering natural disasters. Sudden calamities engulf the planet, as typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, hailstorms, extreme heat, and extreme cold follow one after another, pushing humanity to the brink of life and death. At this moment, Alice, a world-class assassin, unexpectedly finds herself transported into the body of a supporting female character. She realizes that her existence seems to serve only the purpose of handing over a cheat device to the female lead. However, Alice is not one to accept fate passively; her eyes gleam with determination, resolved to break free from the constraints of destiny. Confronted with the impending apocalypse where survival of the fittest becomes the only rule, Alice remains calm and resolute. Recognizing that she cannot afford to sit idly by since she's already traversed into this world, she begins to plan and take action. Amassing billions in resources, she gains control over vegetable wholesale markets, frozen warehouses, clothing markets, large-scale malls, and chain supermarkets, one by one. Amid the gloom of the apocalypse, Alice demonstrates remarkable survival wisdom. She not only defends herself but also draws confidence from the accumulated wealth, displaying resilience in the face of adversity. Facing various challenges brought by the apocalypse, Alice fights for a glimmer of hope for herself and her loved ones. This is a journey of family renaissance, a story that weaves a chapter of hope in the midst of the apocalypse.

JasonBelle · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

You're Not Even Dating Yet

So there weren't many live fish available in the market. Occasionally, some people would bring out live fish to sell, but the quantity was limited and couldn't meet the demands of most people.


Big sellers like Alice and Hurley were even rarer. Everyone was eager to grab some fresh fish to eat.


"I want this half of the fish, please weigh it for me."


"I want this piece. Hurry up and cut it for me, I'm afraid someone else will snatch it."


"I want this fish head. Can you make the price a bit cheaper?"


"No need to prepare it for me. Just cut it off and weigh it quickly. I'm in a hurry."




At first, the onlookers were calm, but as they saw the fish disappearing, they began to grab what they wanted. Hurley looked at their hands on the fish, speechless. "Everyone, please step back. To ensure that everyone can have some fish, I'll cut it into small pieces. Each person can only buy one piece."


Upon hearing this, many people were pleased. 


Alice chuckled. "Don't worry, everyone. We'll go out to sea to catch fish again in a few days."


"When specifically will you be back? I'll come to wait," someone asked.


"The time is uncertain. If we catch fish and come back to sell, we'll definitely set up our stall in the morning," Alice explained.


Everyone quietly noted it down. In the future, they would make sure to take a look when they came to buy groceries. They would rather take a few extra steps than miss out.


Florence tried several times to squeeze in to buy fish but was pushed out by others. Finally, she left in frustration, cursing Alice and Hurley in her heart, wishing they would encounter pirates the next time they went out to sea.




The fish sold out smoothly, leaving latecomers disappointed. Alice checked the points in her card and found they had earned a total of three thousand points from selling all the fish. She transferred fifteen hundred points to Hurley, smiling as she said, "Not bad at all. We earned fifteen hundred points in one trip. We've even recovered the cost of buying the boat."Their fish was abundant and fresh enough, and most people could accept a slight increase in price.


Hurley didn't really care about the points since he couldn't spend them outside of the K Base anyway. Seeing her smiling face, he couldn't help but laugh and say, "We'll go again in a couple of days."


After selling all the fish, Alice suddenly had an idea. "We should have kept two fish for ourselves. I want to have grilled fish."She hadn't thought about it yesterday but remembered it now.


"I have some in my space," Hurley said in a lowered voice. He could store live creatures in his space, but the area wasn't large, and it was already filled with other supplies. He had casually put a few fish in there while fishing.


Alice gave him a thumbs up and said with a smile, "You're the best. I'll have my second brother grill them tonight."


"Can we go to my uncle's house?"Hurley said


Alice thought for a moment and nodded. "Sure."


Hurley went back and told Ignatius about inviting the Allen family over as guests.


"Sure, you've already arranged the marriage matters yourself. It's about time to introduce her to the family."In Ignatius's eyes, since Hurley's parents were no longer around, Hurley was naturally his family. Taking care of the marriage matters for him was the right thing to do.


"By the way, how much dowry do they want? It's not like before, but we can't neglect the traditional customs. I think besides giving points as dowry, we should also give them some more goods. I have tobacco and alcohol in my warehouse. You can take them over when the time comes." Ignatius was not stingy. On the contrary, he would be happy as long as Hurley could marry a wife.


Hurley looked at him with a serious face, his magnetic voice tinged with helplessness. "Uncle, Alice and I haven't reached that stage yet. We're not even dating. I have my own pace. Don't mess things up for me."


Alice was an independent girl who couldn't be won over with just a few goods. Only sincerity could be exchanged for sincerity.


Ignatius looked at him in shock. "You're not even dating yet?"


Hurley lifted his eyelids and responded lightly, "Hmm.""You should have said so earlier, what a waste of emotions," Ignatius exclaimed. He had thought they were at the stage of discussing marriage. He had been worrying about how much dowry to give and had even inquired about it, only to find out it was all for nothing.


"We're not together yet, who knows what the future holds," Hurley added after some thought.


Ignatius realized he might have been too hasty, but there were reasons for his concern. "After the apocalypse, civilization is regressing. There's no concept of marriage in the base now. Men are stronger, have more resources, and it's safer for them to go out because many women in the base can only use their bodies as currency. No one can control mutual feelings. Also, I don't know if it's due to environmental changes, but there hasn't been a newborn in the base for a year now."


Sighing softly, Ignatius continued, "If you're sure about your feelings, you should hurry up and marry Alice. We don't know when this apocalypse will end, and the longer you wait, the more I worry that you won't be able to have children in the future."


Pausing for a moment, Ignatius added, "If necessary, you can marry into their family. I'm not conservative; I fully support it."


Hurley replied, "..."


"Uncle, ease up a bit. You've got even more white hairs on your head now," Hurley said, trying to lighten the mood.


"You ungrateful kid, I'm doing this for your own good," Ignatius retorted, giving him a stern look.


Hurley had never managed a base, so he didn't know about the lack of newborns. Looking back, he realized that he hadn't seen any babies in the M Base either. The youngest children could already walk.


"The survival of humanity faces immense challenges. Not having children might be a good thing; otherwise, being born into this world would be cruel for them," Hurley said softly.


Ignatius fell silent. It was a heavy topic.No newborns meant that humanity would disappear forever in a few decades.Forget it, he wasn't the savior; he should just take care of himself.


Ignatius didn't nag Hurley anymore and instructed people to prepare ingredients for tonight's dinner, entertaining the Allen family.


"We plan to have grilled fish. Just prepare some side dishes," Hurley said in passing.Ignatius, seeing that Hurley had things under control, didn't intervene and busied himself with official matters.