
Apocalypse I can Synthesis Anything

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."

Chaos_Gray · Sci-fi
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141 Chs

Chapter 27 Disappearance???

The following morning, Jack slowly opened his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. His gaze shifted towards the black card resting on the bedside table. Intrigued, he picked it up, but as he opened it, his brow furrowed,

reading a paragraph,

"Prove you are worthy of her by finding her.

If you can't, then you are not worthy," murmured thoughtfully, then his face changed, a bad premonition spread through his heart,

Anxious, Jack hurriedly left the room and began searching inside the castle and then expanded his senses to the entire ring world. "Luna, where are you?" he called out. "How can someone take her away from my exclusive ring?" His frustration grew as he turned the card around, revealing another sentence.

"Do you really think an Eternal Level treasure can keep her safe? You have 100."

Upon reading this, anger burned in Jack's heart, freezing a huge area around him. After a moment, he regained his composure,

Looking around, then glanced at the card in his hand, which started turning into the black smoke from a cornor,

Looking at the card, it slowly turned into black smoke, disappeared without giving him any clue. Jack sat down on the stone near the lake, frowning and thinking deeply.

Scanned the whole world few times more but couldn't find her anywhere. "Who can take her away? Also, you have 100 only, what does it mean?" muttered irritatingly.

Time passed.

Three weeks later, Jack was sitting in front of his castle, drinking thoughtfully. "It's been three weeks; I have been venturing out. I have been finding and waiting for her. It seems she can't come back," sighed while gulping the drink, then suddenly, shot the bottle at the wall; glass shards spread around.

A helpless expression spread through his face, sat down disheveled on the ground,

After bowing his head for a while, raised it again, A firm will spread through his body,

Motivated himself, "I have been reborn after all that pain, I can't stay like this, I pray for her safety, soon I will find her,"

'Once I find out who took her away, then I will show you what a true despair is,' a thought flickered through his mind with ruthlessness flashing through his eyes.

After a day, he appeared outside, looking at the muddy sky and then glanced around. There are no nightwalkers and beasts around. Summoned the RV and navigated toward the direction outside the downtown area, toward the next city. He has been staying in this down town area these days.

Jack appeared near the lake, looking at the broken bridge above it, then glanced at a few cars and vehicles parked in front and beside the entrance of the bridge.


Jack's ear moved, glanced at the south direction; he heard gunshots sound, Navigated toward that direction,

After a while,

looking at the huge golden lion eating humans and nightwalkers around.

Also, other beasts were attacking and killing humans. Jack brow furrowed; "beast tide, wasn't it going to happen after a few months? Why is it happening now?"

"It seems my action has caused a chain reaction, and the future has been changed, It's been a month and there is a beast tide already," Jack muttered, wore his tactical ops.

Walked outside the RV, flexed his both arms; two long energy sabers appeared in his hands.

Stepped on the ground.

Extreme Reflexes!

Swiftly appeared near a beast, passed beside it; a beast's head flew up, then fell far away. The next head, dodged the claw, slashing and cleaving the arms, head and legs, after transitioning his weapons in scythe and saber form,

Raised his hand, a laser gun appeared, shot a few beasts in the eye, head, chest.

Sitting while dodging claw and bite attacks, pat the ground.

Earth! Rock Spikes

Huge spike sprang around his body then In a wide kilometer range.

Except for the survivors, all beasts were pierced. Some beasts dodged and jumped above those spikes, especially the lion with more than 50m height and unimaginable reflexes.

Looking at him, Jack's eyes chilled. "Fifth Level beast, today I will have a feast and upgrade myself to the 4th level. I don't have time."

Time! Stop

Everything in a 1 km range halted; Jack appeared beside the lion, with a tactical short rifle, aimed at its head.

Power Shot!

A huge purple beam passed through its head. Jack stood up, glanced at the motionless scene around, and waved his rifle in the air in front of him horizontally.

Auto Aim!

Rapid Power Shot!

Instantly, purple beam appeared in front of a hundred or so beasts, passing through their heads, leaving smoking brains and fresh corpses,

Time started pacing again,

The survivors were startled then, shocked and horrified, looking around at the fallen beasts, even lion beast and quite battle field, then glanced at Jack, standing calmly thinking, his weapons were merging and retracting in his ops, an awe spread through survivors heart's; strong, this guy is very strong.

Jack appeared beside the Lion beast corpse, put it inside his ring world. One of the survivor who looks like their leader, was injured, stood up with the help of others, and walked toward him, "Thank you gentleman, for saving our life."

Startled, Jack glanced at him then at his injured leg, other survivors who were also injured appeared near him, "You should avoid meeting your relatives for twelve hours and shoot each other in the head, If you see any of you showing sign of change into Nightwalkers in this duration," replied, while pointing at their injuries.

All survivors face changed, some sat down on the ground with fear and horror on their face, some started crying, some laughed crazily,

"Also, If you survive after 12 hours, don't ever engage in close combat with beast again, without absolute strength, if you ever engage, avoid claw, horn and teeth" Jack adviced then shook his head, sighed at their misery, walked away taking another eagle beast, leaving rest of the beast corpses for them,

Started navigating away. After appearing in an open area, parked the RV, blurred and appeared inside the ring world.

Looking at hill-like lion beast corpse and an eagle corpse, grey energy shrouded on their bodies, devoured all their powers.

[Talent Detected]

[Deciphering and Injecting]

[Injected Successfully]

S- Dynamic Vision

A- Golden Body

A- Golden Bone

[Merging Talent; Golden Body,

Golden Bone, Extreme Reflexes, Regeneration, Dynamic Vision and

Dynamic Sense]

[Merged Successfully]

Jack opened his eyes, clenched his fist, glanced at the talent's notification. He was surprised; it seems talents of the same category will merge.

Then he looked at his panel.

**Status Panel:**

**Name:** Jack Ellis

**Level:** Evolutionary 4th

**Health:** 130,300 / 130,300 Max

**Energy:** 130,300 / 130,300 Max

**Lifespan:** 100 / 100 [Limited;100]


- Body: 13,030

- Soul: 13,030


Unknown- Synthesis and Evolution(5min) SSS- Elemental Physique SSS- Life (13Km) SSS- Golden Physique (10 times)

(Increase all body functions ten times)

SS- Body Double

Jack's face sank looking at his lifespan limited to 100 years. Gloomily muttered, "So the hundred means this; don't let me find you, don't let me find you." Gritting words reverberated around broke the silence,

After suppressing his anger he calmed down, glanced at his attributes changes, " I have to increase my strength and find her at all cost, Also, my attributes changed; agility and strength merged, also intelligence became Soul," Jack became thoughtful.

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