
Apocalypse: Domain Sovereign

The careless mistake of a powerful entity caused a mortal world to undergo forced evolution. An energy that was not supposed to exist in that world spread and contaminated the wildlife, turning them into monstrous creatures. With the changes brought upon by the mysterious energy, the world soon descended into chaos. Humanity’s advanced weapons were strangely rendered unusable so they were forced to fight off the evolved creatures using primitive methods. Despite their efforts and struggles, the humans were quickly defeated. Countries fell and all human territories were destroyed. The few surviving humans fled into various remote locations to avoid being killed by the evolved creatures. The humans who once dominated the world were now at the bottom of the food chain. Meanwhile, the powerful evolved creatures became the new overlords of the planet. Under these circumstances, it was only a matter of time before humanity would become extinct. However, humanity’s chance to rise from the ashes finally came when their gift appeared. A gift that came in the form of a system! Release Rate: 7 chapters per week Goals: Top 200 Golden Ticket Ranking (1 extra chapter) Top 150 Golden Ticket Ranking (2 extra chapters) Top 100 Golden Ticket Ranking (3 extra chapters) Top 50 Golden Ticket Ranking (5 extra chapters) Top 25 Golden Ticket Ranking (7 extra chapters) Gift Goals: 1 Castle = 5 extra chapters Trending Rank Goals: Top 200 = 7 chapters a week Top 100 = 10 chapters a week Top 50 = 15 chapters a week Top 25 = 21 chapters a week

Malignant · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Under the guidance of Rendell and Celine, everyone had leveled up.

"What should we do with the remaining rats?" Celine asked while looking at the tied-up Black Rats.

"There's enough for each of them to take another kill," Rendell responded in a calm voice.

"What about Kent and the other two?" James asked.

"There's still many of them in their nest. We can take back some once the girls' levels are high enough." Once their levels were high enough, he planned to let them fight for real. Without battle experience, having a high level was useless so they needed practical training.

"Everyone, let's do another round!" Rendell James shouted to the group.

Hearing this, the faces of Aurora and the others fell, but they still followed their instructions.

After some time, the last Black Rat was finally killed. Aurora had the highest level at Level 5. Closely following her were Sherry and Goldie who were both at Level 4. Lastly, Marie, Lina, and Ericka were all at Level 3.

"Are you ready to go?" Rendell asked Celine.

Celine nodded with a serious look.

"Be careful." Rendell reminded her.

After nodding in response, Celine headed back to the nest to pull more Black Rats.

During the next two attempts, everything proceeded smoothly and everyone's levels increased once again. However, during the third attempt to lure more Black Rats, the alpha finally noticed that something was amiss. When it sensed Celine approaching their nest again, it chased after her and even brought the strongest Black Rats together with it.

Celine was horrified when she saw the alpha personally taking action. She escaped with all her might and she was almost killed in numerous instances. For the most part, she was lucky enough to avoid being killed.

At this moment, Rendell and James were stunned when they saw the huge number of Black Rats chasing Celine. From their estimates, there were about twenty of them! She even pulled in the alpha!

Rendel turned his gaze to Aurora and asked. "Aurora, can you sense that thing's level?"

After having her fourth kill, Aurora was now at Level 6. She could now sense the level of anything below Level 9.

Aurora activated her Mystic Eyes. When she laid eyes on the leading Black Rat, her face turned grim. She looked at Rendell and shook her head in alarm.

She still couldn't sense its level!

"It looks like I have to go all out now." Rendell jumped down from the roof.

"Hey, what are you doing?" James stared at him in surprise. Weren't they supposed to ambush the Black Rats?

"You guys had enough fun. It's time for me to get serious." Rendell grinned.

"Huh?!" James stared at him speechlessly.

"Cover me while I take down the biggest one!" Rendell shouted to him before rushing towards the incoming Black Rats.

At this moment, Celine was already feeling tired. Her legs were on the verge of collapsing. When she saw Rendell rushing to help her, she felt relieved.

"Go back and rest!" He shouted at her.

Celine looked back and saw him clashing with the alpha and a few of the bigger Black Rats. Despite being surrounded by numerous enemies, he managed to hold his ground. "So strong!" She muttered.

Rendell was starting to get better at using his left hand to wield the sword. Each strike of him left a deep wound on the Black Rats.


At this moment, the alpha snuck up behind him and swiped its claws, hitting his back and sending him flying towards a nearby building. He crashed into the wall before he landed on the ground.

Rendell groaned in pain. He wiped off the blood at the corner of his lips and glared at the biggest Black Rat. Despite its size, it was the fastest among the bunch and also the most powerful. Although he had a few layers of armor, the devastating power of the alpha almost crushed him.

"Rendell!" Celine shouted worriedly upon seeing this.

James quickly released multiple fireballs at the alpha to prevent it from attacking Rendell.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rendell used this opportunity to clean up some of the weaker Black Rats.

You have slain a [Level 4 Black Rat]!

You have slain a [Level 5 Black Rat]!

You have slain a [Level 7 Black Rat]!

After killing the fourth rat, he received a level-up notification.

You leveled up!

You have reached Level 10 and randomly acquired your second Gift!

You have acquired Domain (Legendary)!

'Huh? What's this?' Rendell was stunned when he saw the notifications. He never thought that he would actually receive a second Gift after reaching Level 10 and it was also Legendary rated!

He didn't have time to read the description of this new Gift, but just like the first one, it naturally came into his mind.

Rendell's eyes suddenly flashed with golden light and the 100-meter space around him seemed to have become separated from the real world. There was a thin dome of light that isolated the small space around him from the real world.

To his amazement, he could also feel that his wounds were healing faster inside this domain. There was also an overwhelming power building up inside him, waiting to burst out.

Inside the domain, the alpha and over ten Black Rats stared at their surroundings in confusion. For some reason, they felt that they had been weakened and this made them uncomfortable.

"Let me test out this new Gift of mine!" Rendell lunged at them and swung his sword.

Two Black Rats fell under that strike.

"Woah! I didn't even feel any resistance when I cut them!" Rendell gave his status screen a quick glance and he noticed that his stats were doubled.

"Is this the effect of my new Gift?" He was pleasantly surprised by his discovery.


The alpha took this chance to attack him. Seeing the deaths of its comrades made it furious. It pounced at Rendell and opened its huge mouth, intending to swallow him whole!