
Apocalypse: Dawn of Mana

in the modern era , where wars ,poverty , corruption , and all sort of disasters plague the society , the administrator of the universe , who watched enough finally decides the fate of the earth inhabitant , a decision to supply the world with mana , for a change , for the people to finally understand, that they should appreciate what they had , rather than thirst for what they dont. our protagonist named : Cole Hunt ,20 yo , is a martial artist , a university student , and an orphan , who had to fend for himself since the age of 14 when his parent died . follow his adventure, as one of the awakeners who has to struggle in this new society plagued by zombies , mutated animals and many more dangers. note: the picture the characters and everything on the novel belongs to me as i made them myself smile [ note that my mc will be extremely op , but not enough not to struggle against enemies two ranks higher than him, but do not i will make him a army killer at first , then a world destroyer at the middle , and finally galaxy level or even more if i come up with more interesting ideas by the end of this]

ArthurNV · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Lightning, zombies , and decision

{Congratulations you got Active skill Scroll: lightning manipulation ( epic grade)}

"what. whaaaaaaaaat" cole's brain shutdown , he got shocked , and he cant be blamed ,anyone else would be shocked by what he got , no to mention he recognizes the worth of this skill. a skill that can boost movement , has insane destructive power , and is versatile in its use.

" no way , there is no way , i got this skill , i must be dreaming , ha , haha, hahahah. im gonna play on easy mode ,omg , gacha gods i love you , lightning huh , this is an element ,that is known in all novels i've read for it's countless usefulness and destructive ability, this is absolutely fantastic , i wonder how i can use it , only one way to figure it out but before that , i should check status and learn the skill fast "

{Congratulation : you have learned lightning manipulation}

at that moment . Cole could feel the electric currents in his house on his phone , but not outside , he thinks that his range is limited , and would probably develop later


Race: Human

Age: 20

Level: 7

Class: Locked

Talent : none

Affinity: lightning, light , space


 Active skills 1/5 : lightning manipulation

 Passive Skills1/5 : combat soldier 

 Self created skills : Martial arts of Asna

Attributes : 



STR: 24 

STM: 20

AGI: 19

INT: 14

CHA: 9

status points: 14

" woah i got stronger, huh? why do i have 3 affinities , didnt i have none of them , do u have to learn an active skill for them to appear , but light and space huh , space is something i wished for honestly , this element , is probably either the strongest or one of the strongest , but light , this one is a bit tricky , i doubt I'd ever use it , because it reminds me of paladins and priests , but i probably will use it, if i get a good healing skill ,hmmm , i noticed my INT increased but i dont feel smarter nor has my MP increased so I'm guessing it has to do with mental fortitude or spirit, also i noticed the 1/5 thing in skills, it means i can only have 5 passive and 5 actives , this is a bit troublesome . so i hope they increase when i reach a level threshold, now i think most people would've already turned into zombies , so I'm gonna set a trap close to the door that'll help me kill the zombies easily "

Cole gets up to search for a wire , he rips is off his TV , he sets it very low close to the door , so the zombies fall and he can finish them off easily , he only wants to clear the building so he can leave to the university , he's sure , that there would be some people trying to set a camp there soon enough , he finish setting the wire , he takes the the heavy things off the door making enough noise to attract anything in the building , he picks up the warrior's sword 

{Warrior's sword}

[ + 25 Strength , able to cut through anything under level 40]

'' good this will be enough for me for now , we just need to wait now '' not even a minute later he hears sounds of loud footsteps 

" finally" he comments 

he hears three distinct footsteps , then banging on the door 

*BANG * BANG *BANG *SMASH the door couldnt hold obviously 

Cole sees three horrendus looking zombies , bite marks apparent on them and missing flesh wherever you look , as one would expect they walk slowly in , not noticing the wire , they all fall down like domino 

Cole sees the opportunity , quickly uses his sword ,to swiftly pierce their skulls , one after the other, resulting in their death

[ congratulation you have killed a zombie lvl7] [you have gained + 4 stamina]

[ congratulation you have killed a zombie lvl4] [you have gained + 3 stamina]

[ congratulation you have killed a zombie lvl7] [you have gained + 3 stamina]

[ you have leveled up . you are now lvl 8] [you gained two status points]

" okay, there were only three living with me in the building so this is all of them, all of them turned unfortunately , now i think i should leave here, I'll leave the 16 stat points in case I'm ever in trouble , it also looks like the extra stats i get depends on the monster , and also since it decreased , it seems that if i keep killing the same monster and get closer to their stats or level , i stop getting the extra stats from them , understood , i should also try the lightning skill now " Cole closes his eyes ,and tries to use mana to create lightning , since he's clueless about the process , he just imagine it in a crude way, but the result still pleases him , Cole looks at his hands and white lightning energy vibrating in his hands , he tries to make it flow through his sword and to his surprise it works, the electric current flows through the sword ,making look extra dangerous 

" cool , i see that this takes two MP per second , but I'm guessing that it would take more if i draw more energy into it " Cole thinks looking at his MP bar 

" lets see if i got anything this time " he looks at the corpses and notices a blue orb and a white orb

" two huh , my luck stat must be insane" cole chuckles while picking them up

{ congratulations you got : wristwatch(common grade) }

{ congratulations you got : warrior's sword ( uncommon grade)}

"another sword and a useless item , i will try to keep the sword with me to either sell it for something later, or in case mine breaks ,i should get going '' Cole thinks while getting ready to leave , he looks out the window , seeing a scene that would terrify the bravest of souls , ruins everywhere , zombies ,cars crashing into buildings , people running for their lives , he makes up his mind , he picks up a mountain backpack , stuffs it with two water bottles , some snacks that had left in the appartment , and everything that would be helpful , but not heavy to slow him down, and leaves heading to his university , in hopes he finds survivors there, he knows he can't trust people in this environment but he doesnt plan on using trust , he already realized that power is the only way for survival in this new world


Race: Human

Age: 20

Level: 8

Class: Locked

Talent : none

Affinity: lightning, light , space


 Active skills 1/5 : lightning manipulation

 Passive Skills1/5 : combat soldier 

 Self created skills : Martial arts of asna

Attributes : 



STR: 24 [+25]

STM: 30

AGI: 19

INT: 14

CHA: 9

status points: 16 

Items : [Warrior's sword x2]

Hello arthur here , this is my first time writing , and english is not my first language , so please lmk if there are any errors , also as you probably noticed , this novel is inspired by many other novels , but it is also very different so dw , it will not be a repeat of anything , ty for reading, chapter 3 is after 3 days , and if u can, cheer for me with power stones

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