
Apocalypse - Zombie Evolution System

Blood Day Hangs High, the World Mutates! MC Shaun, an ordinary and unremarkable zombie, gains an evolution system in this apocalyptic world. Through countless challenges and hardships, he continuously evolves and ultimately becomes the Zombie King!

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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517 Chs


Shaun, with a detached smile, swung his purple longsword with lethal precision. The blade relentlessly slashed at the octopus king's head, causing blood to gush out continuously.

As the octopus king writhed in agony, its numerous tentacles attacked ferociously, producing terrifying howling sounds. Unmoved, Shaun stood his ground, summoning a pink piglet onto his shoulder. With this transformation, his defense rose to its peak, impervious even to lower-tier kings.

Ignoring the flailing tentacles, Shaun kept slashing at the octopus king's head. Each hit inflicted excruciating pain, causing the creature to lash out wildly. Whenever it attempted to flee, a mysterious force would seize its mind, freezing it in place.