
Apocalypse - Zombie Evolution System

Blood Day Hangs High, the World Mutates! MC Shaun, an ordinary and unremarkable zombie, gains an evolution system in this apocalyptic world. Through countless challenges and hardships, he continuously evolves and ultimately becomes the Zombie King!

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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517 Chs


At this moment, the orange cat glanced at the female zombie a few times but ultimately paid no attention. Busy digesting the contents in its mouth, it had an expression of pure enjoyment as it distanced itself from the city center.

Shaun looked around repeatedly, ensuring that the orange cat had left the area before he slowly stood up and exited the restaurant. His mind couldn't help but wander, wondering if the fat cat's words were true — could it be that the mouth of that chubby cat contained a third-tier mutant beast?

To be able to eliminate mutants of the same tier upon promotion, could it be that this cat, like him, was a genius? Shaking off these thoughts, Shaun continued on his way with the two zombies in tow.

Meanwhile, on another street near the city center, a group of fully armed humans moved cautiously forward, constantly looking around. There were eight individuals in total, seven of them wearing leather clothing and gloves, with helmets even covering their heads. Not a single part of their bodies was exposed, providing protection against ordinary zombies.

The one leading them was a man in his twenties. He wore a white short-sleeved shirt and held a knife in his hand, his expression calm. The other seven individuals gazed at him with a mix of reverence and envy. What was even more surprising was that the nearby zombies didn't gather around them. They seemed to be masking their scent, with only zombies within ten meters approaching. However, the leader dispatched them with swift and ruthless efficiency, cleanly decapitating their heads.

The group of humans seemed out of place as they walked through the city center, the epicenter of mutant beasts and zombies. "Halsey, do we really have to go to the city hospital?" Among the group, a slender man with a fearful expression looked at the young leader named Halsey.

"We must. Barber's condition cannot be delayed," Halsey replied with a decisive nod.

"But I heard that there are terrifying monsters in the hospital. People who wanted to find medicine before..." The slender man's voice trembled.

"I'll take care of the mutant beasts. You all just need to protect yourselves," Halsey's brow furrowed slightly as he deftly eliminated a zombie that had come too close. His strength appeared to be extraordinary. To be able to sever a zombie's head with a single swing wasn't something an ordinary weapon alone could achieve.

The group of humans slowly approached the city hospital in the center. However, Shaun suddenly froze in astonishment. His Foresight Eye had detected a humanoid red silhouette. Name: Human Awakener. Tier: First-tier (equivalent to First-tier Elite Zombie). Talent: Strength Enhancement. Skill: Proficiency in Swordsmanship.

This was the first time he had encountered a human with a panel. What was more surprising was that it was an Awakener, possessing both a talent and a skill. Although not particularly powerful, it held significant meaning. Humans were beginning to turn the tide.

The Awakener's strength was enough to contend with Elite Zombies and mutants. Shaun deactivated his Foresight Eye, noticing that the two groups were separated by a cluster of buildings. If they continued on, they would encounter each other at the street corner.

His heart skipped a beat, and he adjusted his appearance, putting on his mask. As three humanoid zombies approached the group of humans, Shaun felt a surge of excitement. What would it feel like to infect an Awakener?

Finally, the two groups reached the street corner simultaneously. Having advanced to the Second-tier Elite Zombie, Shaun's vision had surpassed that of ordinary humans. He was the first to spot the group of humans.

The Awakener leading the group had a cold expression and held a long knife. The other seven were similarly well-armed. Surviving humans had not only relied on luck but also their own strengths, which far exceeded that of ordinary humans.

Shaun was sizing up the group when suddenly, his body stiffened, his face froze. He flew into a nearby shop in an instant.

Standing behind the Awakeners were two individuals with cold and callous expressions. Even in the face of zombies, they remained unmoved. What was even more significant was that both of them had police handguns holstered at their waists.

This was just a small town; it was unlikely that any military force would come. If it truly reached that point, it would mean that the national situation had completely stabilized. However, less than a month had passed—it was simply too soon. The world was still dominated by zombies and mutants. The world was still in the early stages of the apocalypse, and firearms still held immense power.

According to Shaun's estimation, first and second-tier mutants would find it difficult to withstand firearms. It would merely take a few more shots. However, the threat of firearms against third-tier mutants should be greatly diminished. At the very least, that orange cat couldn't be eliminated by just a handgun. However, zombie defenses weren't inferior to those of mutants. It was probably difficult for third-tier elite zombies to resist as well.

He had initially intended to forcefully encircle the group and infect them directly. This way, he could showcase his strength, but it seemed he might have been overestimating things. The three zombies quickly took refuge in the store.

Awakener Halsey looked a bit puzzled as he glanced at the street. Earlier, he sensed someone spying on them. "Be cautious; it seems there's something watching us." Halsey warned, slightly straightening his posture, his vigilance increasing.

The seven individuals behind him had their expressions change slightly at his words. Despite being envious of the Awakener, they placed tremendous trust in him. Shaun and the female zombie had concealed themselves deep within the store.

"Willpower Transfer!" He chose to control Zombie Four's body. After advancing to an Elite Zombie, Zombie Four's strength had also significantly increased in quality. Coupled with the camouflage talent and the agility skill, his survival ability had improved a lot.

Zombie Four put on a mask and sunglasses, also stowing his machete in his backpack. Slowly, he approached the group, planning to blend in before making further decisions. Halsey, the Awakener, had the keenest perception. When both groups were about a hundred meters apart, he suddenly turned around and shouted, "Who's there?!"

Zombie Four trembled all over, seemingly frightened. His reaction was no different from that of a normal human. He raised his hands, signaling that he was just a survivor. However, what surprised Shaun was that Halsey yelled in anger, "If you don't want to die, then get lost!"

Why did it deviate from the expected script? Controlling Zombie Four's body, Shaun's raised hands continued to tremble as he tried to evoke their sympathy. Halsey's machete suddenly appeared in his right hand, the bloody-red light reflecting off the blade, adding to its sharpness. Shaun quickly turned around, prioritizing Zombie Four's survival. Having just been promoted to an Elite Zombie, he couldn't sacrifice him so easily.

He also noticed that the group of people seemed different from ordinary humans. They had undergone a transformation, becoming completely distinct from the humans of peacetime. This transformation might not increase their strength, but it greatly enhanced their survival rate. He needed to find another way.

"Halsey, isn't this stance unnecessary?" A student-looking person in the group asked, puzzled. With the arrival of the apocalypse, humans should support each other even more.

Halsey seemed to value the student, shaking his head. A faint smile appeared on his cold face. "First, that person approached us steadily, fully armed. He definitely possesses strength."

"Such a person should have no difficulty finding food, yet he's deliberately acting like a victim."

"Second, the fear he's trying to convey seems real, but his facial expression hasn't changed at all; he's completely exposed."

"Most importantly, a survivor is walking in the most dangerous city center, and he doesn't even have a weapon in his hand."

"Remember, in the apocalypse, you can only trust yourself!"

In an instant, Halsey analyzed Shaun's suspicions. His sharp insight far exceeded that of an ordinary person. The student suddenly realized as well.