
Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System

As the apocalypse descends, Howard unexpectedly acquires the Zombie Cultivation System. Instead of fleeing and fear, it's about dominance and attack! Now, these zombies that once devoured humans have become his private legion. As long as he cultivates the zombies, assisting them to become stronger, they can transform into sub-humans who do as the host desires. By continuously enhancing intimacy, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Please choose: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Versatile God", strength +5, stamina +5, male zombie affinity +100 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charm God", speed +5, recovery +20, female zombie affinity +100 Faced with these choices, Howard decisively selects the harem that belongs to him!

bomer_allen · Fantasy
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204 Chs

The Tender Miranda

After a thoroughly invigorating experience, Howard straightened up, lifting Miranda almost off the ground, pressing her against the glass.

"Phew! The human body's limits are indeed extraordinary; such strength is truly exhilarating!" Howard stepped back.

Miranda's tender body, seemingly boneless, slid down against the glass wall of the shower, kneeling softly on the ground, gasping for breath, her exhales fragrant.

"There's a little left, don't waste it!" Howard brought it to Miranda's mouth.

She obediently opened her mouth, sucking gently while her nimble tongue began to clean.

After the shower, having dried off, Howard lay on Miranda's fragrantly scented pink bed, casually browsing his phone.

Miranda, face glowing with satisfaction, lay next to Howard, resting her head on his chest, her delicate body firmly pressed against his sturdy one.

"You... seem to have body heat now!" Howard was pleasantly surprised.

Previously, Miranda's touch felt like a large block of ice. Now, Howard could feel that Miranda's body wasn't as cold, and though her body temperature wasn't as high as a human's, being close to each other raised the warmth between them.

"Mm!" Miranda shyly nodded, lifting her smooth leg over Howard's, gently caressing his solid chest muscles with her arm.

She wished to meld her entire body into Howard's, clinging to him like a spoiled child.

"Ding! Miranda intimacy +20, current 50 points, eligible for a draw, proceed now?"

"Draw now!"

"Ding! Congratulations, you've acquired the skill: Supreme Female Zombie Detection Technique!"

[Supreme Female Zombie Detection Technique]: When used, allows you to sense the location of A-grade or higher supreme female zombies within a certain range.

Note: Supreme female zombies not only possess great talent but also have outstanding beauty and figures.

"Tsk," Howard scoffed dismissively upon reading the note on the skill.

Does the system think he's the type of shallow man who only values looks and figure?! And it even made a special note of it!

What he cares about is becoming stronger, to be able to traverse the apocalypse with ease!

How could a system understand a man's ambition!

Howard's gaze lingered on the skill's note for a while, searching in vain for a place to express his approval. Finding none, his restless fingers finally settled on Miranda's smooth shoulder.

"Ding! The host's intimacy with the first contracted female zombie has reached 50! The second contract slot is now open!"

"The host can contract with another female zombie at will. When the intimacy level reaches 50, an additional contract slot will automatically open!"


Howard nodded in approval. To be able to open the second contract so quickly, and having the skill for detecting top-tier zombies at his disposal.

These two abilities were simply a perfect match!

"Activate the Supreme Female Zombie Detection Technique!"

As Howard concentrated, a map of Jiangcheng's city area immediately appeared before him, with street and building details more accurate than any navigation system.

Soon, several bright spots emerged on the map.

There were four blue dots and one golden dot in total.

The blue ones represented A-grade female zombies, while the golden one indicated an S-grade female zombie.

Of course, there must also be some top-tier girls in the city, but since they haven't been bitten by zombies, about to turn into zombies, or have already turned, they wouldn't fall under the category of female zombies.

Thus, they wouldn't be detected by the Zombie Detection Technique.

Five A-grade or above female zombies, not bad at all!

Howard observed that three of the blue dots were very far from him, all appearing to be over ten kilometers away.

Only one blue dot was close, just two blocks away.

It was marked as the Dofu Grand Hotel.

Howard knew this hotel; it was a famous establishment nearby with six floors.

The first and second floors are open halls, while the third and fourth floors are wedding and banquet venues, and the fifth and sixth floors are high-end private rooms.

Above that, there are bathing facilities and guest rooms.

The meals at this hotel are expensive, and the prices for wedding banquets are even more astonishingly high.

However, because of the high-quality ingredients and delicious dishes, it's almost always packed with people.

Such a large restaurant would definitely have a substantial reserve of ingredients in the kitchen, and possibly even its own cold storage.

The amount of food here would undoubtedly surpass what could be scavenged from a small supermarket by far!

Perfect, I'll collect supplies from here tomorrow and take care of the A-grade female zombie in the process.

With the plan set, Howard's attention returned to the golden S-grade female zombie.

Her location was in a suburb south of the city, near the streets of the military emergency command center, at the entrance of a residential area.

"Isn't the military emergency command center supposed to have the highest level of protection?

Has the military fallen?!" Howard quickly opened his phone to check today's news.

"Zombie virus outbreaks have occurred worldwide, the World Health Organization announces the establishment of a Virus Counteraction Team, which will analyze the virus genome and work on producing a vaccine as soon as possible!"

"Transportation is paralyzed nationwide, zombies are attacking public transport facilities, the military has declared a state of emergency!"

"Emergency relief stations have been established, citizens can go to the intersection of South Street in the city, after passing a safety inspection, they can enter a temporary military-controlled area!"

The intersection location?

Isn't this precisely where the military emergency command center is located?!

Howard found it odd, so he clicked on the title.

"Sorry, the post you're searching for does not exist, or has been deleted!"


Howard backed out and clicked refresh.

Indeed, the post had suddenly disappeared.

After a while, a new post appeared: "Latest Announcement from Jiangcheng City Military Emergency Command Center!"

Howard clicked on this post, and quickly, a line of text along with a video popped up.

"The military will soon organize a methodical counterattack to clear the city of zombies. All citizens are urged to store sufficient food and wait for rescue! Do not recklessly go out onto the streets. Once bitten, scratched, or if you consume food contaminated by zombies, it could endanger you and those around you!"

The video below showed soldiers exchanging fire with zombies in a building corridor.

A mountain-like pile of zombies at the entrance of the corridor, and after a fierce battle, seven survivors were finally rescued from the building.

The military organizing a counterattack?

Jiangcheng is a large city with a population of 12 million. Even if only 80% of the population were infected with the zombie virus, that would mean there are 9.6 million zombies in Jiangcheng.

The military emergency command center's standing forces, combined with the nearby stationed troops, total only about twenty thousand men.

Could they really retake the city?!

Howard drew a huge question mark in his mind.