
Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System

As the apocalypse descends, Howard unexpectedly acquires the Zombie Cultivation System. Instead of fleeing and fear, it's about dominance and attack! Now, these zombies that once devoured humans have become his private legion. As long as he cultivates the zombies, assisting them to become stronger, they can transform into sub-humans who do as the host desires. By continuously enhancing intimacy, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Please choose: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Versatile God", strength +5, stamina +5, male zombie affinity +100 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charm God", speed +5, recovery +20, female zombie affinity +100 Faced with these choices, Howard decisively selects the harem that belongs to him!

bomer_allen · Fantasy
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202 Chs

Gathering of the beautiful Women

"Master? Who is she calling Master?"

"This woman is so beautiful, and she has a great figure, plus she can command zombies? The most outrageous part is, such a woman still has a master?!"

"Damn, a woman of her strength, I'd call her master too."

As the crowd was overwhelmed with shock, Howard, accompanied by Helen, slowly walked out from among them.

"Get up. Be more precise next time. There's more at the dock that I still need to handle for you," Howard said coolly.

"Hi, I acknowledge my mistake. Please, Master, punish me!" Minako lowered her head even further.

Though she commanded a zombie army, she trembled in fear in front of Howard.

To outsiders, it might seem that the zombie army was Minako's, but only Minako knew.

Those female zombies were actually Howard's hypnotically controlled subordinates, merely temporarily under her command.

In front of Howard, she dared not overestimate herself.