
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Mutant Zombies

Holding onto a sliver of hope, Seth slowly ascended the broad marble staircase. To his surprise, he found two blood-stained handguns and three M16 rifles, commonly used by the U.S. military, lying in pools of blood on the stairs. This discovery thrilled Seth immensely!

Unfortunately, these firearms were out of ammunition.

Seth picked up a relatively clean M16 rifle and slung it over his shoulder, continuing his ascent.

The presence of so many firearms suggested that the owner of the mansion was no ordinary person, and it was possible that there was an armory inside the mansion.

Seth didn't have high hopes, but finding some ammunition for the rifles and handguns would be ideal.

Of course, if there were survivors, they might help him find what he needed in this luxurious mansion.

Due to the corpses and bloodstains everywhere, Seth moved slowly.

When he reached the second-floor corridor, he was filled with horror.

Even with his current mental fortitude, he almost vomited.

A strong smell of decay assaulted his senses, with dense swarms of flies buzzing everywhere. Amidst the bodies, clumps of disgusting white maggots wriggled slowly.

"What on earth happened here? Why are there so many zombie corpses?" Seth mumbled to himself, covering his nose.

"Who exactly is the owner of this mansion?"

It was evident that these zombies had been killed with firearms.

There were even corpses that had been blown into pieces by explosives.

Just by looking at the numerous corpses, Seth could imagine how intense the situation must have been.

The partially collapsed corridor and the dark gunpowder stains on the walls suggested that not only had a large number of firearms been used, but grenades as well.

What kind of person would have access to so many firearms and bodyguards, and even draw the attention of Navy SEALs?

How did these people get their hands on grenades?

What exactly were they protecting?

Seth, frowning in thought and covering his nose, carefully stepped over the corpses on the ground as he approached the room where the noise had come from.

Passing through the corridor, Seth noticed a portrait hanging on the wall, adorned with gilded wallpaper. He didn't recognize the person in the portrait, but he recognized the name written below it – William Jefferson Clinton. The name sounded familiar, at least the surname Clinton was well-known to Seth.

However, what did the presence of this portrait in this place signify?

With no time to ponder, Seth continued forward, sensing the oddity permeating the villa.

From the layout and the numerous corpses shot to death, it was clear that the owner of this mansion had an extraordinary identity.

"The room door is open!" Arriving at the room from where the noise came, Seth heard a rustling sound inside. The door was ajar, not locked.

"Is anyone there?" Seth whispered, knocking on the door.

No response.

The rustling sound had also ceased.

The atmosphere grew eerier.

Seth gently pushed the wooden door open with his spear, causing it to creak.


A shadow flickered, and a burly figure lunged at Seth!


Without time to think, Seth swiftly retracted his spear and then thrust it forcefully at the figure.

This time, Seth felt a resistance, the immense force almost caused the spear to drop from his hand. He staggered back two steps, nearly falling into the pile of corpses.

It was only then that Seth could clearly see the appearance of the burly figure.

A zombie!

Moreover, it was an unusually large and obese mutant zombie, with a fat, sagging jaw and razor-sharp teeth. Its greyish face was marked with distinct, worm-like blue veins, giving it a particularly ferocious appearance.

The military dagger on the spear had only penetrated halfway before getting stuck in the zombie's hard skull, a situation Seth had never encountered before.

"Creak~~~~" The sound of a door opening echoed.


Before Seth could withdraw his spear, another roar came from behind him.

Startled, Seth quickly tried to pull back his spear, but it was stuck in the zombie's skull and didn't come out at once.

A foul wind blew from behind his head. Without time to think, Seth shouted to the system, "System! Handgun!"

The moment the handgun appeared in Seth's hand, he spun around and pulled the trigger at the dark figure behind him.

"Bang!" The bullet flew accurately into the zombie's open mouth, bursting out of the back of its head with a spray of blood and brain matter. The lunging figure of the zombie staggered, narrowly missing Seth with a lethal blow.

The gunshot echoed in the hall, followed by a series of dull, hoarse growls.

"Err~~ Errrr~~~~"

"Roar!~~ Roar!~~~"

"Damn it!" Seth immediately realized that the mansion was still infested with many zombies!

The gunshot had awoken the zombies resting in the mansion!

Moreover, these zombies were stronger than those outside, having experienced something unknown.

"System! Withdraw the handgun! Summon the machete!"

As the handgun disappeared from Seth's hand, a gleaming machete appeared in its place.

In this environment, using a gun should absolutely be avoided unless absolutely necessary!

Meanwhile, five burly zombies with bulging blue bellies emerged from a room. Their teeth sharply clenched, they slowly staggered towards Seth's position.

Two of these zombies clutched decaying heads in their enormous palms, and it seemed like they were gnawing on black, rotten intestines in their mouths.

Seth turned to run, but at the staircase, a dozen odd, short-statured zombies appeared. These zombies had greenish skin and sparse white hair on their heads. Naked and hunched over, they growled as they carefully made their way up the stairs.

"Damn it! I'm trapped!" Seth gripped the machete tightly, sweat beads rolling down his forehead.

He had been too reckless and underestimated the situation.

He shouldn't have rushed upstairs so quickly.

If it weren't for the noise, Seth would never have ventured to the second floor without thoroughly investigating the first.

Now, with five formidable, burly zombies ahead and a dozen bizarre, clawed zombies behind him, resembling evil goblins from a movie, Seth was caught in a difficult position.

"I have to fight my way out!" Seth tightened his grip on the machete, gritting his teeth, preparing to fight his way through the staircase.

Even though the odds seemed slim, it was better than waiting to die.


Just then, a door opened in the corridor behind him, and a woman's head appeared. She anxiously whispered to Seth, "Here! Quick! Hide in here!!"