
Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Noah survived for ten years in the apocalypse, only to be reborn back to the beginning. Obtaining the 'Infinite Plunder', whoever he encountered was thoroughly stripped bare, as an evil gateway opened up before him. "You like hoarding supplies, huh? Bring it on!" "Your abilities are impressive, hand them over!" "Your level is quite high, hand it over!" "Even zombies have skills? Bring it on!" "The skills of apocalyptic beasts are even more formidable? Bring it on!" "This mall looks good, let's just take it away!" "This plot of land is nice, let's snatch it while we're at it!" In his previous life, he meekly survived nine cycles of the apocalypse, but in this life, he's going to traverse the apocalypse with an invincible posture, pushing through all obstacles along the way.

bomer_allen · Sci-fi
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325 Chs

Catastrophic Creature: The Goddess of Night

It took Noah half an hour to open every chest in the mountain of chests.

In total, there were 842 chests: 800 platinum and 42 diamond. What a massive haul! He had never seen so many chests in his two lifetimes combined. The platinum chests mostly contained high-grade alloy equipment, blueprints, and permanent physical enhancement drugs, among other things. From these platinum chests alone, he obtained over 1200 pieces of high-grade alloy equipment and 1528 bottles of permanent physical enhancement potions.