

This world is going to change and going to become hell to survive for humans ans other creatures on earth Our Mc is going a total transformation in a different space with a lucky chance to develop himself in something awesome read and find out the life of this Mc kid.

SaviorWrestle · Fantasy
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Last Normal Day of Earth

Last Normal Day On Earth

"Ah its hard to destroy there base" said Kripa

This game is a real time martial art fantasy and fire power game which have combined science and fantasy in a perfect balance so that its sophisticated while playing in 4 squad teams. In every game there are 120 people fighting in the world having destroyed building and having 20 Km map size and 5 landmarks of all types, from desert, sea mountains, modern cities too glaciers.

"bang" gun fire sound

"oh head shoot". someone said on video chat

"Yes, Roan good you are best choice as sharpshooter keep eye on the last two, don't let them move to windows we will win this match this chinese squad is just last one".


in a room many people sitting on the youtube seeing the live match


"Its head shoot its so cool we are going to win, its the last squad two down".

"I have bet 200$ on this useless chinese team".


The world has many colors but from today onward everything is going to change

In a torn down house there is a computer and on this computer the match of shooter online is live streaming, a 12 year old boy is seating on a chair focused suddenly in this rainy night lightning fall on his computer the boy trembled on the chair and pushed himself backward and chair broke with "Crek""Tham" he fall to the rocky ground.

He then stand up after shacking for minutes when he see his computer screen he sees a black screen on which "Do you want extra time before the earth changes" written in white.

"What is this, What happened to my computer I have used all my 2 year savings to purchase it and than repaired it its only been 2 months I am brooked" boy said in sad voice tears falling from his innocent eyes.

This boy wear an old cloth which has all his color nearly faded and torn jeans blood marks can be seen on left side of jeans, his hand is skinny and he is of nearly 5 ft in height, his hand has many scratches on the skin even one of his leg is hurt last time while he is stealing battery from a scrap of a car which is totally destroyed in an accident recently but he was caught by local thief which has this as his profession and beaten during running.

He knows how to read and write and even math and also use computer as in this era they are normal to even them as they can be purchased in market 2nd hand for less than the daily salary of one slum man and the use of computer and other devices also took a great role for all the other uses in daily life, and as some college students come to this slum, to teach in the morning 8:00 to 10:00 so they all come to study near a large tree in nearby park. He is always active in the learning process, as he always want to do some interesting things other than running for work and stealing for food. He is an orphan with only uncle and aunt which is also a part of this slum, who never talked to him even when his parents died in a construction site accident when he was 5 years old, some neighbor help him to live, but than he indulge with some teenage children's who steals from people on road and started working with them. When one of them is caught by police, this new member of this child gang quit in fear and never talked again to those children. He still steals but only to fill his stomach and nothing more than that, on the busy streets of city.

Boy approached the computer with both hands stuck to his chest and shaking unconsciously, he than use mouse to click on only option which is Yes in hope that the computer will again come to its normal state but screen changed and on it

[You are lucky draw from deck of this world, so you are given 500 years in the space where time coefficient is 1/100000 of the earth, after that you will began your journey on earth again]

again lightning fall but this time on the young boy a suddenly the space on him distorted and than he disappeared in the space void.

"Ah where is this" boy said in disbelief

He is in a black room where many weapons from knives to modern laser guns can be seen also the gym like place is there all the things are shining like silver.

[ Ding Dong . Hello there kid I am the Martial arts system and this is the training field you are here as you are one of the many which will not able to survive in recent changes and also one of the 1 million kids which are orphan with no one cares about your life. You are chosen with a random draw and given a chance to gain the skills and knowledge on body strengthening and biological advancement and evolution of a human body to the best of its condition which are achieved to the best of this human world. ]

"What is I am Mc here"

[No boy you are just one of the many useless kids here, become lucky and given chance to make yourself able to survive in the changing world]

"what changes"

[kid you are not a authorized user, but a beaten up, you are given this place and some books on best martial arts on all styles and weapons with the best cultivation arts human ever made on you earth these 8 books, which are each of nearly 50 kilos have everything in detail so please start and I will come on last day to give result of your progress]



System view

[I am an angelic system but that fucking head, deity to reduce his work made me to come here to give advice to some lucky kid, is he think I am mad to work for a Useless kid I will just give this prepared notes by heavens. Even if this human kid work for 500 years he is not going to make himself able to get me a place in heavens upper levels where those powerful king class system are If I advice him I will get the ranking on how much he get from my advice and how much he progressed after I have seen this many times and my teacher which is on 2nd class rank system said that you have to choose a powerful host or a determined host which want something and they will then progress to achieve there goals and you will get your class up by several my teacher also get her progress from a kid which want to become god and rule the mortal world and he jumped from a 5th rank to 2nd rank after his host get the godhood this host is already a heavenly emperor with talent and goal which is both the characteristic as my teacher defined for a better host]

[Even if i give him advice( which are mainly quests) my ranking will decrease as this host is not going to give his full score in all the given quests and I will lose heaven system credibility].

[This is why I asked for reward from the deity and said him my condition as he will not take any any progress in his account from this kid and also only give him just the introduction and not going to add any quests to him].

[Instead an unlucky little brother of mine which is just a newly born system and of just starting stage which is of just a system which not get any wisdom is given his first host this child as that Infant system cant interact with people as a person so I have to do this work]


After the conversation between system and kid

[I am not wasting any more time as my little brother system connected to this beggar now I will just go for a better host in other worlds]



Young boy

Ater the talk with aroggant system boy not get angry but he is confused about his present condition than a robotic voice heard

[New Host]

[Please Submit Host Name]


[Confirm "Ah" As Your Name]

No, he suddenly said in innocent voice

[Please Submit Host Name]

this time boy think about his nick name which his mother used to call him and he become emotional as afetr her no one ever used his name to call and used other social words, in there language to call him.

He said "Hans"

[Confirm "Hans" As Your Name]

"Yes" Hans said while his face looked like he is in deep thought and thinking something After which no more voice can be heard even there is a silence in that black room.



Infant system

[New host]


[Host- Hans]

[Saving first host in memory]

[hidden quest- complete training in 500 years and increase any 4 stats by 50]

[completion reward - Body evolution and saved changes in stats permanently after returning to your world]

[first host- every system have its own reward for its first host, which any system born with. This is a one time reward only ]

[Newbie pack- Its hard to get achievements in quests so this pack is given on first quest completion<host have to return after completion of hidden quest to get the pack>]

[Extra Gift- the system is linked to the host after successfully completion of his first quest ]