
Apexer System

As humanity was barely surviving in the aftermath of nuclear armageddon caused byWW 3 that began with the Ukrainian-Russian war an alien taskforce came over and started exterminating the last remmenants of humanity until there was nothing left... But as fate would have it a certain bored omnipotent being who was currently sitting in his barracks from all universes encompassing author's race decided to give a certain someone a second chance and see what will happen after a soldier from the future returns back to the past and receives an Apexer System.

scifiistheway · Sci-fi
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7 Chs



Urghhh 5 more mins...

I whispered under my breath.

Only to suddenly shoot up from my barracks bed dressed only in my underwear and for a second just sitt there on my barracks bed frozen trying to understand what's happening.

As I lowered my head and looked at my hand it finally hit me.

"Why is my hand so small and where are my unhealthy pale skin, my scars, and cybernetic implants!?"

"What the fuck?"

"Wait where am I?"

"Shouldn't I be dead?"

"Don't tell Me..."

I took a look at my barracks room with 4 two story's beds and one one story bed with my squads members still sleeping like deadmen only to freeze on the spot once again.

"It all looks so familiar and yet so foreign to me."

"No fucking way..."

I quickly grabbed my smartphone only to confirm my guess.

2022-08-03 05.55

"You got to be kidding me..."

I slumped down onto my barracks bed.

As I was still in disbelief of what was in front of my eyes suddenly in my view a holographic notification written with dripping red blood popped out.

[Loading Apexer system.]



Suddenly an inhuman head-splitting pain assaulted me and I passed out.



Wake up Dracula!


As my squads granade launchers slap landed on my face I immediately woke up.

For fucks sake! I'm awake!I'm awake!

I cursed out as I looked at my squads members already dressed in sports wear ready for the morning PT.

Private Dracula you got one minute to put on your clothes!

My platoons on duty sergeant roared at while leaning against my squad rooms doors frame with his hands crossed and an angry look on his face.

Fuck me...!

I cursed out under my breath as I jumped out from my bed, opened my locker and rapidly put on my gray sports sleeveless T-shirt, black shorts, green sport boots and without tying the shoolaises stood up and joined my already lined up platoon waiting for me.



Upon the sergeants commands I and evryone else assumed at attention position and turned to the right in two synchronized moves.

From the left to the stadium ran forward!

One after another my platoons members started running forward with the last from the left colon patting the right colons first person shoulder.


As we were running around the stadium independently at our own pace a holographic notification from the apexer system poped out in my view written in the same way.

[The user can choose to activate the apexer systems auto training function for maximum training efficiency does the user accept?]


"So I wasn't hallucinating after all huh?Alright then let's see what's this apexer systems auto training function is all about. I accept."

As I activated the auto training function I lost control of my body completely while my body started running faster and faster on its own until my lungs and muscles started burning as if they were on fire while my view started blackening from the lack of oxygen in my brain.

"Fuck!System shut down the auto training function I can't take it anymore! Fuck system I'm begging you! Your going to kill me!"

I cursed and begged in my mind only to black out from the physical owerexhaustion without receiving any answer from the system.


"Fuck! I can't even move a finger without feeling my whole body start hurting like hell!"

I cursed in my mind as I looked at my 1.8 meters tall athletic body with steam coming off from my body from the hot shower I took to relieve my still burning like hell muscles in my platoons barracks bathroom's mirror with a fresh buzz cut and my metal dog tags hanging around my neck.

I exhaled deeply at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

"So what exactly are you apexer system and why did I got a second chance by reincarnating back to the past?"

I asked in my mind as I started shaving my slightly grown out beard while gritting my teeth from my muscles aching like hell.

[As my my name implies I'm a system that can help the user reach the apex of all things and my master has taken a liking to you and decided to give you a second chance and see how will you change the future.]

"I see...but there's a price to be paid for your masters help? "

[The user is correct if the user wants to truly become this worlds called Earth apexer who holds Earth in the palm in his hand the user must make a soul contract with my master.]

"So it basically it means I have to sacrifice myself and become a slave in order to save humanity from its extinction."

I said in my mind as I spitted out my toothpaste mixed with my blood from my teeth gums.



I murmured under my breath as I started thinking about my friends, family, close ones and all of the innocent people especially children in the world who will die if I don't choose to sacrifice myself for their future.

Children like her should never have to become soldiers they should live out their childhood and teenage years happily in care of their parents...

I murmured under my breath as the monster full of wrath to the world inside me created in the nuclear flames of WW 3.

Started crawling out from the deepest and darkest part of my soul from remembering the teenage girl from my walkie-talkie who at the age of 10 who awakened her psionic powers from the radiation mutating her DNR and had to become a soldier no matter if she wanted it or not.

...and it's not like a monster in human skin like me has anything to loose by loosing his free will I accept.

[The soul contract between the user and my master has been made]

As the systems notification popped out in my view I felt my soul itself start burning with inhuman pain as if someone was carving out somenthing with a red hot glowing knife.

I looked at my left chest that was burning with the same inhuman pain only to see an upside down black glowing cross with a skeleton nailed on it appear.

[Congratulations the user has successfully unlocked all of the apexer systems functions.]

In my view the apexer systems interface appeared written in the same way showing my body stats and other things.


[Apexer points:0]

[Race: Human]

[Mental age:40]

[Biological age:20]

[Real name:***...]

[Self-given name: Dracula]

[Nickname: Drac]

[Strength: 0.8]

[Perception: 0.8]

[Endurance: 0.8]

[Charisma; 0.6]

[Intelligence: 1]

[Agility: 0.8]

[Luck: 0.6]

[A human being's natural each stats limits are 1.

An average human's stats are 0.5.]


[Psycho:Because of the monster inside the user's soul the user is an unpredictable and uncontrollable being who can kill a random person on the spot after the user gets triggered.]

[Dead heart: Due to the user's life experiences the host is numb to almost everything.]

[A person with tech knowledge from the future:Due to the user's exposure to xeno technology the user is currently more intelligent than even Einstein + 0.3 intelligencestat points]

[An all rounder battle hardened veteran soldier from the future: The user has veteran level battle experience and is proficient in the use of all kinds of infantry based weapons, cqc and exoskeleton armor.]

[Main mission:]

[Level up to level one hundred and awaken your psionic power hidden deep in your DNR and use the apexer points from leveling up to buy the items in the systems store to bring yourself closer in becoming an apexer.

Rewards: psionic power awakening percentage based on the user's levels, stats and DNR purity.]

[Side mission:]

[Use your future technologys knowledge and produce future technology to strengthen the human race or just your self for your own goals and get the fame, money and resources you'll need to fight back against the xenos that will arrive in the earth's solar system through the natural wormhole that will open up in 5 years.]

[Rewards: Depends on the user's own effort and actions.]

[Hint:Arrive after a month at Hades nightclub before 24:00 and save Morgana Hellsign from her doomed fate.]

[Miscellaneous mission:]

[Use the apexer systems auto training function to raise the user's physical stats to the maximum]

[Rewards: +0.4 Luck stat points]

"So I'm guessing receiving xp has somenthing to do with killing fellow humans right system?"

[The user is correct the fastest way to receive xp is to kill fellow humans and destroy human created things]

Just the thought of killing again made me almost throw up but I managed to swallow it down.

I see... It seems like I won't be signing the PMS(Professional Military Service) contract anymore after my voluntary 9 months long PCIMS(permanent compulsory initial military service) is over today.

I muttered under my breath as I packed up my hygiene care things and started limping back to my squads room to get dressed for breakfast which I was almost dying for after today's PT and today's military release ceremony.