
Ant King In MHA

New(better) cover done by LordValmar(this is becoming a trend) _______________________________ A strange person with an even stranger moral compass suddenly wakes up in the MHA world. He's lost and confused, even more so when his quirk turns him into a strange being... ____________________________________ The mc basically mutates into the Ant King from Solo Leveling. Pairings are undecided.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

Negotiations and Partnership

__________ POV Beru__________

The meeting place is actually just their HQ, which makes things a lot easier.

Nezu kept insisting that I should let him come as well, but I kind of want to do those things myself. The building itself is quite large. It looks pretty safe, it's got agents surrounding it.

I mean, the cameras also likely have some heat detection on them. So I can't really enter unnoticed, not that I need to. I was just told to make my way here without being followed.

And, let's be honest here, there's not all that many people that could actually keep up with me.

I still entered the building invisible, I even waved at some of the cameras. They probably expected me to come, so there was no alarm triggered.

Now, I am currently wondering what methods I should use. I mean, I have a few options, some techniques I picked up in my few years of experience.

But I don't plan on becoming a subordinate for them, this will at most be a partnership. A contract between equals.

Problem is, they are highly unlikely to think that I am at the same level of authority as them. Soo, I will have to give them a little reminder of their mortality.

I entered the meeting room, there were quite a few people gathered. Both heroes and agents.

At the head of the table was a middle-aged looking woman(she's not that old looking honestly). She shoulder-length hair slicked back and is currently wearing a nice dark suit.

Overall, quite the classy lady. She does have that cold look in her eyes though, which kind of gives away that she's the leader of the organisation.

The people at the top of shady organisations always have the same cold look in their eyes. Vlad(old boss) also had it at times.

I turned off my invisibility as I sat down in front of her. The people around us are likely for her protections.

They all tensed up when I arrived out of nowhere. But the woman didn't really seem surprised.

"Greetings~ I wasn't expecting such pleasant company~," I said in a friendly tone. Her eyes widened a bit, then she smiled.

Compliments are probably not something she was expecting to receive in this situation. It was also genuine. I was expecting yet another slob filled with arrogance and schemes.

At least she's pleasing to the eye. Not that it will help this negotiation in any way.

"I was not expecting such a tone. It's great to have you." She said with that same smile plastered on her face. It's hard to tell whether it is fake or not.

But I wouldn't bet on it being real. Still, the surprise in her tone is quite real.

She likely expected me to just randomly start threatening her as soon as I opened the door, but that's not exactly a good way to start a negotiation.

"There is no need for hostility~ We aren't enemies~," I said calmly.

"Well, someone in my position wouldn't expect such words from someone in yours. Even with Nezu vouching for you, I still prepared some reassurance..." She said as she looked at the guards surrounding the table.

They are probably just to give her some peace of mind, they should be somewhat aware of my strength. And I doubt they cooked up something strong enough to counter me overnight.

"Indeed~ It's understandable~ Now, let us talk about the important part~" I sad as I rested my hands on the table.

Her smile vanished, she gained a serious look as her eyes scanned mine.

"Indeed. As Nezu likely informed you, our organisation can agree to shelter you and repair your reputation, granted you become part of it and join our system."

Her terms are not that bad sounding, but she didn't specify what exactly I'd be doing in this organisation, this is the same as not telling me anything at all.

"Your words sound nice~ But I'd appreciate something more specific~" Before outright stating my terms, I need her to actually speak out on her own conditions.

I can work around them from there. She probably expected me to question her like this, so she will definitely have a politically correct response.

" Well, your role within the organisation would be more of a problem solver. But you will basically need to be present at most times in case something comes up." Hmm, just as expected.

Take away the sugary words and the roundabout methods of talk. And what she said essentially comes down to 'You will do everything we tell you, and you will be under our supervision the entire time'.

And that isn't exactly a good business transaction now, is it? Even if she gets rid of my bad rep, I don't really like the idea of slavery with extra steps.

I probably won't even have as much autonomy as I did with Shigaraki. All of my life will be under constant surveillance.

"I am afraid those terms are a bit... Unsatisfactory~" I sad as I locked my fingers and rested my head on them.

"You see~ I didn't come here for this type of 'agreement'~ I am here to propose a different type of deal~ Something that might give you a bit of perspective~" Her eyes turned even colder at my proposal.

She probably expected me to act a bit more 'desperate' but I am not exactly the type to panic in these situations.

She didn't have any way of knowing that, she probably just saw me as some hot-headed teenager. She made the first mistake right there.

Underestimating the intelligence of your adversary is basically a great way to lose your credibility in front of them.

"And what might that deal be? If I understand the situation properly, we are the ones doing you a favour..." Her frosty tone seemed to make some of the guards tense.

I guess they really don't want a fight to break out. But it won't. If I started a fight here, that might harm Nezu more than it harms them.

" A favour is to be repaid~ But in different means~ I have strength~ I have speed~ I have a necessary set of skills~ Any problem you point me towards, I can 'solve'~," I said as I leaned forward a bit.

My eyes locked with the woman as she seemed a bit surprised by my words.

"But~ The deal is one sided~ You are overstepping your boundries~ My services should be more than enough~," I said as I didn't break eye contact with the woman.

"You can't control me~ No matter what you do~ So, you might as well give up~ It will only make you... Less of a 'Necessity' in my eyes~" I said as I tilted my head.

She raised an eyebrow, as a small smirk appeared on her face.

"Are you perhaps threatening me?" She asked mockingly.

"Yes~ As I have stated~ I have a certain set of skills~ Don't become a 'problem' I have to 'fix'~ I came here looking for a business partner, not a new boss to take orders from~"

All of the people around the table seemed to become nervous when hearing me. I could even hear a few gulps.

She seemed to ponder my words for a second, her mocking look from before had vanished completely. She likely won't take my threat as seriously as she should be.

People in her position will always consider themselves invincible until proven otherwise. But, she should be smart enough to understand the implications of what I told her.

"Then... What do you propose?" Yes, just what I wanted to hear.

__________ POV Narration__________

The president of the Public Safety Commission was a smart woman.

She liked to consider her options before acting. But she failed to prepare properly for this meeting. She had looked down on Beru, didn't think the child would even refuse her offer.

She thought one of two things were going to happen, either he threatens them as soon as he enters the room or he desperately accepts the situation and becomes their subordinate.

She had prepared for both situations. But she was not prepared for his current self. He was composed, cold, calculated.

His friendly front was nothing but a mask, cracking more with each and every word he spoke.

His threat was thinly veiled but it wasn't meant to intimidate.

It was meant to send a message. And the president realised that.

Beru technically told her 'There is nothing you can do, you either help or you don't, if you get in my way, you will die'.

She wasn't unaccustomed to threats. At first, she thought about refusing him, and just not getting in his way, to avoid any conflicts with him.

But then she realised something else. 'Conflict with him would be unavoidable.' She could only silently grit her teeth and become frustrated at that thought.

He was by far, the most infamous and controversial villain of the era. The Heroes were bound to clash with him. To obstruct him at any given opportunity.

And she was basically their representation, she couldn't tell them not to fight against Beru, as that would make the public mad.

So, Beru was forcing her hand. She now saw his sentence as 'You are either with me or against me'.

So, she was caught in a bit of a pinch. If she refused him, her life was at stake. If she accepted, she'd have to actually negotiate terms with him, or her life would be at stake again.

She was locked in this situation. Only one choice left. Listening to him.

She could foolishly disregard his threat. But she knew better than to do something so idiotic. The entire world saw him brutalise the previous strongest villain.

She knew who All for One was, and she knew that Beru was more dangerous now. She needed to proceed with caution.

"My terms are simple~ I won't ask for the impossible and I won't ask for anything overbearing~," Beru said with a pleased tone.

"I propose~ A partnership~ I can help your organisation where is needed~ But I will only help with 'major' issues.~" He started speaking of his conditions.

The president didn't especially like what she was hearing, but they weren't as unreasonable as she expected. Beru was still giving her a way out.

"I don't feel like doing menial tasks for you~ I will also have to kindly refuse to live in your organisation~" His terms were not done yet, but the woman was expecting this already.

"However, I can accept reporting my location to you from time to time~ I can also accept having a group of your people living nearby~"

He was basically proposing that they keep minor surveillance near him. But not to the point where they would bother his day to day life.

It was like extending an olive branch to the president. Allowing her a bit of leverage and giving her some ground to stand on.

Giving her the right to at least monitor some of his moves.

Beru made this move to 'sweeten the deal' with the organisation. He didn't actually care about being checked on from time to time.

It was not 24/7 surveillance, and he kept his privacy intact.

The president was thinking about his proposal. Overall, it was much better than she expected, but it was still not as favourable as she wanted.

But, she knew that further arguing might even worsen the original deal. So, she was forced to just accept it.

"Very well... I can accept that proposal... Cleaning your name might take a while though." She said as she finally sighed.

She couldn't really hate or blame Beru for the way the negotiation went. Beru had acted with tact, it gave her no reason to actually hate him.

But she still felt a bit used. She wasn't given many options, but at least her hand wasn't forced in signing something too horrible.

And just like that, the two of them spoke a bit more. But the negotiation was over, they just got to know each other a bit better.

Beru finally learning her name, Oyama Arisu and she managed to learn more about his nature.

They both left the meeting with a good feeling. She was happy at gaining a strong ally, even if it wasn't the way she wanted. And he was happy that his plan had worked.


Hope you liked the chapter!

I had to give the current president of the Commission a name btw, it wasn't mentioned when I wrote this(dunno if it is now).

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