
Another world:With my Creation ability

A young teenage girl, living a solitary life, faces disdain from her own family and relatives. Frustrated by her surroundings and the unfairness of reality, she takes a dark path toward genocide, targeting her entire family, even attempting suicide. Just when she believes everything is over, a mysterious voice reaches out to her. Initially attempting to seduce her with a single ability, she negotiates and ends up acquiring three distinct abilities. Embark on the adventure with this teenage girl, possessing overpowering abilities, as she ventures into another world. but Is it truly just a coincidence that she arrived in this world, or is it fate, or perhaps the influence of some unknown entity? This world is full of mysteries and rich history. That she will need to uncover. English isn't my primary, secondary, or even tertiary language. Nevertheless, I've made an effort to share my story

Teaaddict03 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


'Genius are not born but are made'

-László polgár

"That's indeed true; genius is not inherently born but crafted.

In our society, geniuses are those who fulfill expectations, while those falling short are deemed worthless or even lower than trash.

Among those considered trash, some were once labeled geniuses but held back for various reasons, unable to meet expectations, and found themselves forcefully relegated to society's bottom.

Several factors, such as status, money, age, gender, caste, and time, can hinder individuals. A genius is someone who gets a chance to showcase their talent, a privilege not granted to everyone. Those who can't are unjustly labeled talentless.

I call them fallen geniuses, individuals who could change the world if given the opportunity to showcase or hone their talents. Some of these fallen geniuses transform into monsters, suppressing others out of frustration.

These monsters hide among society, revealing their fangs only when necessary. They are unpredictable and dangerous.

Although I don't consider myself a monster, deep down, I know I am one. Born into a rich but traditional family, I lived a life of solitude, ignored by my family due to archaic beliefs denying women's rights.

I was alone even though I have everything, but I don't have a chance to get them acknowledge about my existence or they didn't give me any.

Despite being surrounded by affluence, I found myself in a state of isolation, yearning for acknowledgment that remained elusive.

The familial gaze was conspicuously absent, with attention disproportionately directed towards my siblings due to entrenched societal norms that constrained women's rights and freedoms within our opulent and expansive household.

Our family, noteworthy not for its size but for its considerable wealth, adhered to traditions that marginalized women.

Throughout my sixteen years, my companions consisted solely of servants and maids, as my parents, veiled figures, never once revealed their faces since my birth.

My endeavors to break the shackles of solitude through various initiatives were met with a persistent lack of recognition.

Despite being lauded for exceptional intelligence among my peers, my brilliance became a source of rejection rather than acceptance by the adults in my life.

Undeterred, I intensified my pursuit of knowledge, yearning for a depth and breadth that surpassed conventional boundaries.

By the age of ten, I had successfully navigated high school education, and at thirteen, I achieved the unprecedented feat of completing both undergraduate and master's courses.

My insatiable thirst for learning led me to explore diverse fields of study, evident in the expansive expanse of my living quarters. With over 1600 sq ft at my disposal, half of which was meticulously dedicated to an extensive collection of books spanning various disciplines, my intellectual pursuits knew no bounds.

While others might find the acquisition of such a vast collection daunting, for me, born into a wealthy family, it was as commonplace as purchasing candy from a neighbor's shop.

This stark dichotomy between material abundance and familial detachment fueled my determination to forge a unique path, driven by intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of meaning beyond societal constraints.

I couldn't care less; just as they ignored my existence, I reciprocated by disregarding theirs.

At the tender age of 15, my family disapproved of my pursuits, opting to burn my extensive collection of books and hastily arranging a marriage for me.

It was in that critical moment that a realization clicked within me, sparking the discovery of my ultimate goal. Driven by this newfound purpose, I began meticulously formulating a plan.

By the age of sixteen, my determination reached a boiling point, leading me to commit an extreme act.

I set the entire house ablaze, and in a shocking turn of events, I took the lives of every member of my family. Notably, not everyone resided in the house at the time, as some had already distanced themselves due to disagreements with our family dynamics.

Returning to the scene of my home, I left no trace untouched, burning everything in sight and extinguishing every life within those walls. Witnesses gazed upon my emotionless face with a blend of fear and anger.

This emotional detachment stems from my condition – alexithymia, rendering me incapable of feeling or identifying my emotions, presenting a stoic or poker face devoid of any discernible sentiment.

The gravity of my actions even led some of my servants to perceive me as a psychopath, prompting them to keep their distance.

Reflecting on my current state, I acknowledge the drastic step I took: ending the lives of my entire family and reducing our house to ashes – all in pursuit of my books

Yeah, I've also got this weird thing for psychopathic stuff.

"Why are you doing this? We're family; how could you do this to your own family?"

One of my sibling shouts at me, trembling with fear. I reply with a chilling casualness, "Because it's fun."

"Fun? How can you say that after everything the family has done for you?" He shout loudly, pouring all his strength into his words.

I can't quite grasp his emotions, but I sense I've become his eternal nightmare. Before his can say more, my knife is already at his throat.

"Because of everything the family has done for me, that's why."

His eyes glance at my poker face, a mix of fear and anger.

The whole house burns with me; not a single one remains.

I know it's idiotic, but this is what I choose. My life has no meaning to begin with, living like a doll without emotion and without any goal.

Dying isn't really that bad, but for some reason, I can feel my surroundings,but cant see, or hear it.

The most surprising thing is I can feel my consciousness even after dying. "Now, that piques my interest."

"What a pity you died early. If you lived more, it would be more interesting to see you sigh."

I hear a gentle and sighing voice, but I can't open my eyes to see who or what is around me.

But I can tell the owner of the voice is a woman.

"Who are you?" I ask with an emotionless tone. What else can one expect from an alexithymia person like me?

"You don't need to know who I am, but do you want to live?"

"I can't say that for sure, but living might be more fun than dying."

"But why are you asking me that?"

"I can fulfill your wish."

"Why?" I ask in an emotionless tone.

"Just for fun."

"You do have some ulterior motives, don't you?"

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about that. The only thing you have to do is live."

"That's it."

"But why are you so sure I want to live? I just committed suicide. Why do you think I would want to live again?"

"I can grant you an ability. Wait, I'll make it two."

"Make it three, or I'll ignore you."

"Okay, three," she says, sighing.

"Okay, what type of ability do you want?"

After some thinking, I ask, "Let me ask you something before that. Am I going to the same world as before or another world?"

"As expected from you, sharp as always. Yes, you will be transported to another world with a new body."

"May I ask about this world I am going to?" I inquire curiously.

"Of course, the world you are going to is called 'Arret,' and it's every otaku's dream world."

"Otaku's dream world?"

"Yes, the world of swords and magic."

"A real fantasy world where no modern technology or science exists."

"Only magic," she says with a proud

"Magic, huh? Then I'd love to explore it."

"Then can you please name your abilities?" She says excitedly.

"Firstly, I want an immortal body, which never ages and is immune to external factors like poison or any harmful environment, such as extreme temperatures."

"Okay, next."

"Just like that." I'm surprised by her reaction and ask, "Yes, and let me stay in my original body with the age of 16."

"Now, the second one."

"If that world has magic, then I would like infinite mana or magic points, or something."

"Granted, next."


"What?" she asks.

"I want the ability to create anything and everything I've seen or have information about."

"That's interesting."

"What?" I'm startled by her response.

"No, nothing. You are granted all the abilities. Are you ready to be transported to another world?" She asks me excitedly.

"Yes, I'm ready," I respond, my tone as emotionless as always.

For two seconds, nothing happens, but suddenly, I feel my body being pulled upward and becoming very light. A surge of emotions wells up inside me that I can't identify.

"This is what it feels like to be in a vacuum."

"It's a great feeling."

Then my vision goes black, and my whole body becomes light and heavy simultaneously.