
Another Twilight fanfic

WARNING: -Expect drama while reading this, please be patient with me. It'll make sense even if it seems it doesn't. - a lot of swearing/cursing - MATURE CONTENT(kids you were warned) - Gore -GXG/WLW/BXB/LGBT+(just the gays, so homophobes, respectfully... begone please) -Forms of abuse from mental, physical, SA, etc. (It may be mentioned as someone's past or present) - THIS IS AN AU, AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Certain events might change or would not happen or have happened. Some pairings will have changes. Some facts about the story or the characters might change (Honestly, it's because I'm too lazy to research and watch it all over again) -English isn't my first language, so you will see misspellings and grammatical errors, I might or might not go back to edit them later on. -the frequency of chapter uploads depends on the mood really, so you might get more than one chapter a week or just one. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, STORY AND THE CHARACTERS OF IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OR OWNER OF IT, THE ONLY THING I OWN ARE MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS STORY, THEY BELONG TO THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS (did I do that right?) AN: This is a wish-fulfillment thing. I ran out of stories to read about Twilight, so I made one of my own. I'm not earning anything from this, I still have this boring job and responsibilities in real life, so please don't... please don't pressure me and be mean. For those who are wondering why I even published it here, it's because I wanted to motivate myself to continue the story. Thinking that there may be people wanting me to continue this as well. Basically, means I just don't want to end up forgetting about this. ~~~ This is a story of a woman who was forcefully reincarnated to another world. She was just working, kept thinking of just disappearing, and not existing. The usual shit that sadly a lot of people also think like this. Waking up every day, feeling shit because, well... I woke up. Seeing all this, a ROB plucked my soul out of my body, and just killed my healthy(not healthy, bitch be living like no tomorrow with the junk food and smoking) body and forced me to reincarnate, refusing my original wish to just disappear into oblivion! Told me I should be grateful to be alive and some shit that sounded like a 'live, laugh, love' type of culty thing. Woke up in a hellish situation, don't know which universe he shoved me in, just a clue that it was from one of the things I liked, but that didn't help to narrow it down aa, I liked a lot of stuff... Some weird too... Continued to suffer my hell for a while, cursing and begging the ass face for the sweet release of death and hopefully meet the guy again so I can punch him in the nuts, and suddenly the door opened and when I saw who it was, I now knew where I was. 'F***ing twilight?!'

EmphieIsMe · Movies
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Chapter 68

AN: haloo, sorry to those who got confused when ya'll got a notif for chapter 67 and saw the title... Desperate measures 🤷.

Online shopping for gadgets is scary... If one doesn't check carefully, they'll get scammed... Daaaaaamn... I'd buy from a physical store, but it's too pricey... Tsk...


Robin's POV

So almost 2 months have passed since the diner scene, and a lot has happened...

I first settled Olivia's divorce, and her adoption of NJ, normally, this would be a problem for a divorced woman, but did a little bit of °convincing°, and voila! Also, for those wondering what happened to the human-shaped excrement... Well, after letting him experience some firm caresses to his jewel{with gloves of course}, gentle pats on the face which gave him free tooth extractions, and some relaxing knuckle massages that put him to sleep for quite a while... I °convinced° him to agree to leave the mother and daughter alone and disappear from their lives.

Next was me officially fostering Nasu till he comes of age, which won't be long, he'll be of legal age next year. But I won't abandon the pup even after, the kid kinda grew on me, like a little bro, I've always been a little sister or the youngest in the family in this life, so having a younger sibling feels kinda nice. Plus, after a while of getting used to me, the kid's true personality started to come out, which is like a responsible, trying to be more mature than his age kinda brat. Which is more than welcome, with the life he lived, I doubt he got to really act his age.

The two kids got along well, don't let them know I said that,... They kind of started on the wrong foot when they first met, the pup mistook her for my daughter, then took it back by saying she was too ugly to come from my womb, and then the little princess got offended and called him a stinky uncle, saying that he's old enough to bathe himself but chose to smell like a wet dog who hadn't showered for a month...

Not gonna lie, when I heard her say that, I couldn't help myself, I laughed so hard, to his face, while pointing at him, while he had his eyes wide in disbelief, don't know if it's because of the diss on him, or because NJ had likened him to a dog... I then patted NJ on the head, but Olivia glared at me... I guess I was being a bad influence on the girl... Olivia then reprimanded NJ and had her apologize to Nasu, and the boy also realized his mistakes and apologized.

We've all been staying at Olivia's home, which she got from the divorce, yep I arranged that, the guy deserves to cease to exist, but I let him live, so this is his payment in exchange for his worthless life.

I also set up an account in the bank for the 2, put a decent amount there, and am planning to keep sending some even when I'm away, set up some funds for little NJ studies, they could live off for a long time with just that, but if they want to set up a business to not be idle, then it's fine too, but it would seem like Olivia wanted to pursue her childhood dream, which was to be a novel author... Which is cool, I told her I'd support her...

I'm making it seem like there wasn't any struggle when I did all this for them, but there was... The Woman was totally against it, claiming that I've already done so much for them, but I persevered in convincing her, I stood firm and even resorted to using NJ's future as an excuse... So she agreed for me to set up the accounts, but she didn't know just how much I was gonna put there, and that I was also putting funds for the little girl. I kid you not, she fainted when she saw the amount... Well, I guess it was a big amount in the period.

The woman felt so guilty and burdened that she kept asking me to take it back, so she resorted to pestering me about how she could repay me... But I just told her she didn't have to, that it'd be better to think of me as an eccentric rich lady who travels around doing random shit, and this is just one among the many deeds that I do. She still wasn't convinced, but she stopped badgering me about it for a while.

Oh, I was able to go out with that redhead from the bar, and some other women too... Also from the bar, my name has started to be talked about in hush-hush within the Female circle in that place... Some men caught wind of it, and their reaction varied, the cool ones either didn't care and still found it hot, and the bad ones felt it waste and downright wrong for me to be gay, so they tried to approach me to set me straight. We'll let's just say that it resulted in a lot of broken pipes that needed doctors to fix em instead of plumbers.

Oh here's the kicker, apparently, little button-nosed princess heard about my exploits from one of the more friendly and loose-lipped ladies who frequent the bar, and told her mom... So one night, I woke up from a knock on the door and then got welcomed by the scene of a sexy milf in her night dress...

And before any of your brains start crawling down the gutter, let me clarify this ok? I DID NOT SLEEP WITH HER, HAVE SEX WITH HER, COITUS, or whatever else you can call it.

That would be wrong because that would be me taking advantage of her, wait... I don't mean that kind of position and power, NO DOM AND SUB TALK PLEASE...

[AN: I didn't even say anything, I was keeping quiet this whole time, why so defensive? What did you do? I get that you didn't have sex... But.. Oh my... 🤭]

Ffffuck... Haaah... OK... It's true, we did not have sex, I turned her down THAT Night, and I explained to her why I didn't... She was down after hearing me out but told me that she won't give up... Since then she kept coming onto me... More subdued when the kids were home, but Nasu could still smell her arousal and complained about it to me... She went harder when we were alone... So I'm not proud to say this... For a while, I ran away every time I knew we would be left alone.

The tactic worked for a bit, but then one night, she came knocking on my door rooms door, I intended to pretend I was sleeping... But I then sense her crying... I panicked and opened the door, and guided her inside... I asked her what was wrong... And she went ahead and poured all her feelings and insecurities on me... Asking me if she wasn't attractive enough for me... And so on...

I tried to deny it, comfort her, reminded her of the reason why, but she wouldn't have it... She kept insisting that I was just sparing her feelings by not admitting she was right... She then dared me to prove it... So in the end, I did kiss her... Like a for-real kiss, I made that woman feel like she's Aphrodite's incarnate level of attractiveness.

Ok, I'm not stupid, I did realize I was being emotionally manipulated here, I know women's tricks, duh, I've been living as a woman in both lives, and I know how to use my tears bruh, and gaslighting... but whatever...

So yeah... Smooching but no sex... I have explained to her that I might have to leave soon, I will visit and still send funds, but she asked if they could come with me... Which gave me a bit of a dilemma... Because the next place gonna go to is...



AN: Another short one for ya'll.. We're gonna start the wolf arc. awooooooooooooo!!!!

Heads up, there might be some time skips after the wolves, just to speed things up. So for those that are thinking that it's going painfully slow... Well yeah... I want MC to live a life you know? I wanna see her experience it.

So there you have it, 6th upload. Yaaaaas!!! Thanks for the comments, power stones, and all the support, I'm actually also gonna thank those who decided to remove their not-so-kind comments and chose to keep the comment section friendly. You did goo. 😘

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇
