
Another story for another day

“All kind of thoughts were rushing through my mind. All the insecurities, self-doubt, fear was crawling from the depths of my heart. I wished it for to be a dream however it was only my wishful thinking. It was all real. My every fear, insecurity it was all real. But I was a fighter, that’s what my father used to say. I was determined to fight. Breathe in, breathe out. I set all my fears aside.”

A_wandering_soul · Urban
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1 Chs

The Beginning

I could hear my chest pounding…my breathing quite erratic. I could hear every single noise from where I hid but my brain was preoccupied with various thoughts. I was formulating a plan for me to either survive it or to end it. But I was biased towards saving myself. Every cell in my body was screaming to choose myself. I was running out of time and I was very well aware of the predicament I was in. I had to put a good fight to survive however it was nearly impossible. I cannot win not in this condition. I needed to call for help.

All kind of thoughts were rushing through my mind. All the insecurities, self-doubt, fear was crawling from the depths of my heart. I wished it for to be a dream however it was only my wishful thinking. It was all real. My every fear, insecurity it was all real. But I was a fighter, that's what my father used to say. I was determined to fight. Breathe in, breathe out. I set all my fears aside.

I was contemplating what to do next. Firstly, I needed to call for help. Instinctively I searched my pockets but it wasn't there. I tried to recall where could it possibly be. I remembered last time I was checking the news while sitting on the bed. It had to be there. At that moment I made up my mind. I will find my cellphone, call for help, and once again hide until the help comes.

I mustered my courage and once again took a deep breath not too loudly. Calming my trembling hands, I opened the closet making sure to not make any noise. It was pitch black. As soon as I stepped out the pain multiplied to thousand times. The wound on my stomach was hurting way too much but I could care less about that. I had more important things to do. It was pitch black. I slowly moved towards the bed. The waves of pain were coming simultaneously. As soon as I felt the bed, I frantically searched the cell phone. I felt the cold surface of the phone. A sense of relief washed over me. I unlocked the phone and was about to call 911 when I heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom once again. I hurriedly went back to the closet I was previously hiding in. I released a shaky breath I didn't knew I was holding.

I heard footsteps coming towards the closet, light but sturdy. It was right in front of me. The only thing separating me from that monster was the closet door. It stood there for a while, possibly trying to catch a sound. After a while I heard receding footsteps. When I was sure it had left the room, I was gasping for air. I hurriedly unlocked the cellphone to call for help. I immediately messaged my team for help. The moment I finished texting the closet opened where a hand caught my wrist whereas another held my neck firmly.