
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · Others
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Gym

Looking at the cleared zombie crowd, Hu Zhu signaled for the students and teachers to come. Checking the inside, it seemed to be untouched from the outside.

Checking the light switch, unfortunately, it was not working. Though Hu Zhu hoped the powerline still worked, it seemed the monsters outside broke it.

The students and teachers flooded into the giant room, celebrating. Though the room was dark, it was better than the storm outside. A haven indeed.

The teacher quickly organized all the students and ordered them to find a way to dry their clothing quickly. Staying in this state would result in many of the students catching a cold, lowering their chances of survival even further.

Leaving the teachers to do their stuff, Hu Zhu continued to check for any lurking dangers nearby, as there were other rooms besides the main gymnasium room.

Checking the cafeteria, Hu Zhu saw a couple of zombies roaming, but fortunately, it seemed they were not from the outside.

"Must be the cafeteria workers."

Deciding not to dirty the room with blood, as it was already depressing with the dark lights, Hu Zhu opted to break their necks instead. Even if they were zombies, they still had human bodies, meaning their logic still applied to a normal human.

The neck is the bridge connecting all the nerves from the brain to the whole body, meaning if she broke that connection...

*Crack* The zombie who was standing a second ago went limp.

They should all be disabled. The zombies heard the noise and looked toward Hu Zhu, but she disappeared as soon as they walked toward her.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* With her agility at 45, she was 350% faster than a normal human, making her dash almost instant to normal human beings.

Looking at the fallen zombies, she grabbed them by the legs one by one and dragged them to the main room, to the surprise of some.

"Student Hu Zhu, where did you find them?" One of the teachers asked.

"I found them roaming the cafeteria. Be careful, they are still alive." The curious student who was poking the body instantly backed off at lightning speed.

"Fortunately, there's no apparent hole in them. Likely, they were just in the cafeteria before the start of the apocalypse." The teacher nodded at Hu Zhu's words.

An idea popped up in her head, and she turned to the whole crowd of students and teachers.

"Listen up! What I have here are disabled zombies. If you kill them, you will become more powerful. What I want is for some of you to help me, help me clear the outside once we find supplies."

"If you choose to go forward and kill them, then whether you like it or not, you will help me face the danger outside. Who is willing?" Looking at the unwilling and fearful expressions, she sighed.

"I'll help!" Wu Yijun raised her hand, to the surprise of some students, especially her friends, Gao Min, Fan Wu, and Li Na, who were together in the same dorm room.

Finding the courage to join their friend, the three also raised their hands and came towards Hu Zhu.

Looking at Wu Yijun, Hu Zhu silently thanked her and gave her the glaive. Receiving the glaive, Wu Yijun suddenly felt a rush of power as she gripped it more tightly and glued her eyes to the glaive.

Seeing Hu Zhu drag one of the zombies outside to not dirty the ground with blood, she gripped the handle tightly and looked at the twisted neck of the zombie.

Slash With a downward slash, she cut the neck clean.

[You have acquired a soul power of normal zombie Level 7. 10+ stamina]

Doing the same thing to the other three, all of them hugged each other in ecstasy. They felt like they could take on the world outside with this power.

Not wanting to splash cold water on them, Hu Zhu returned to the cafeteria to change her clothing. Keeping these wet clothes would hinder her combat efficiency if she got a cold.


Bai Zemin's POV

Arriving at the gymnasium, Bai Zemin a 20-year-old student with an average appearance saw many dead zombies at the front door, indicating that someone was strong enough to take on the horde without issue.

"Looks like someone beat you to the punch," Lilith commented. Walking towards the door, Bai Zemin saw another group of survivors in the distance.

"Hey!" One of the students in their group signaled them, catching their attention. They walked in their direction, and Bai Zemin saw three survivors who stood out from the rest.

"Did you do this?" Shangguan Bing Xue a white-haired beauty is hailed to be the most beautiful woman in the whole university and her cold personality gave her the nickname cold princess, Bing Xue coldly asked, looking at the many dead zombies.

"No, we came here after them," Bai Zemin replied, looking at the white beauty without any attraction. Instead, his gaze seemed a little hostile as if he had a grudge against her.

"I see," Shangguan Bing Xue was deep in thought but quickly got back to reality.

"Well, no use standing in the rain," Bai Zemin opened the door, surprising the students and teachers inside.

Some of the students inside sighed in relief as if it were a human rather than another zombie. All the students and teachers rushed inside and looked around. Some found their friends within the group, while others quickly sat down as they were tired from running away constantly.

Bai Zemin quickly tried to find somewhere quiet away from the crowd.

Wu Yijun who was resting in the gym scanned the new group of people and noticed one of her friends Bing Xue quickly went over to greet her who was relieved and was talking to Shangguan Bing Xue about her adventure and the savior who escorted all the female in the dormitory into the gym

Wu Yijun noticed Bai Zemin entering the cafeteria, and her face turned panicked.

"Wait!" But her warning was too late.

Bai Zemin, who entered the cafeteria, was too late to notice a black-haired girl who was currently in her underwear and in the middle of changing.

"Hehe, I love dramas like this," Lilith, who was standing next to him, laughed a little as if knowing a girl was changing here in the first place. Her breasts swayed with each giggle, such a beautiful scene could cause a worldwide war to see in person.

Bai Zemin, who froze from the sudden incident, sighed and expected the woman to overreact to his presence.

"Get out." Surprisingly, only a cold voice and stare greeted Bai Zemin. Nodding along, Bai Zemin got out of there unscathed.