

Watching his family die right in front of him he sworn never to let the people that killled them go scot-free. Running away from his home town he found his way to another village thereby stumbling upon a man that promised to help him grow strong and to be able to avenge for the death of his family. “Do you wish to be strong” “yes”he answered “I don’t like when your face is down,look at me when you speak you don’t have to show me your weakness I hate weak people” “I am not weak”he bantered “hahaha ok boy I can only help you on one condition—smirking—can you do anything to avenge for your family”the man asked knowing he was desperate at this moment. “yes anything” “be sure boy no going back when the deal is settled”he frowned “anything” “deal,now I need you to call me your master”said hiko He wanted the young boy to call him his master knowing the desire and urge to kill in his eyes,he needed him for himself. Fighting all urges to face the world and be able to be strong enough removed the thoughts of love only to be stuck in the web of lust and desire.

Esther_Brown_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6.Anew

The boys following him stood with their mouth agape by what they saw,his head rolling on the ground and blood staining tte environment.

"Do you want to be next or are you ready to spit out the name that sent you"hiko moved closer to them with his sword dripping blood.

They withdrew their steps fidgeting staring at the sword,their life and loyalty was at stake here.

"I hate when I repeat myself"hiko lashed at them

"We...I…..don't know any….thing"one of them tried talking

Hiko pierced the sword inside him immediately he spoke,he had already made up his mind to kill them all even if they speak up about the name.

None of them was to leave here alive after witnessing how he killed and saw his face.it was going to bring problem for him.

He wasn't scared of them or whoever their master was he was only trying to protect the kid.

They were only wasting time delaying the response he needed,he could see the sun trying to leak out from the horizon.

"Ready now"swirling the sword moving close to them while they moved backwards

"I swear I don't know anything please....ahhhhh"he tore his back with the sword leaving blood swooshing out from him in a brutal way

"Don't say anything if you are not ready to tell me who sent you,who is next"he said smiling at them

After waiting for minutes and saw no one was coming it released the fury in him as he lashed at them killing them one by one without remorse.

They choose loyalty over their lives well he choose to keep the boy by killing them.kenshin stood watching without blinking.




Screams and shouts could be heard coming from them,blood filling the ground creating a pond.

Hiko killed every single person until it remained the last person whose legs was broken but was still breathing.

"Hahaha"he laughed "I had told you to spill the name already but I guess you cherish your master and the loyalty you have for him than to live"he continued

"I…..i…let me tell you I..will…"he begged

"Nooo I don't need the name now when I asked you for the name you were not ready to tell me so what's with all this now"

"Please spare me I promise I won't tell anyone about you or anything that happened here…."

"This is the problem with all of you"he bent down to his level staring straight into the boy's eyes "I'm not scared of whoever your master is or what you are going to say to people do you hear me"

"Then why are you killing us all"the boy questioned

"Now this is it,people that see how I kill don't live to tell it to other people"he

stood and turned to leave

The boy got into shock knowing the fact that he was gone "please…I…"

'Swosh,Splash'sound of blood splashing from the body

Kenshin moved forward after seconds "what…..won't….the bodies…"he asked pointing at them

"Leave it to me and wait here"hiko told him

Hiko cleaned everything concerning the the bodies before dawn,they left for the dojo with kenshin going straight to his room without uttering a word to anyone.

Weeks after the attack on kenshin he was recovering from the blood and bodies,he made up his mind to start his training and leave all those thoughts behind.

He shouldn't be scared of blood and bodies,if really he wanted to defeat his enemies he should have a strong heart.

Blocking every form of emotion that was going to lead him astray and that was being compassionate about people.

If they were compassionate about how he lived and his family they wouldn't have killed his family brutally without mercy.

Killing a little girl (his sister)without mercy was a definition he needs to be keep away from every form of mercy in him.

Everything died the day his parents died,with the determined heart he left for the training ground.

Hiko saw him through his side vision but left him.he joined them in training everyone looked at him awe.

He wasn't putting on the dojo attire but was on his normal clothes making him an outcast but that didn't break his resolution.

He trained relentlessly with them through the weeks,his knack in the training ground left him getting popular among the others.

It was among one of the days they finished training he was stopped by hiko to wait they needed to talk.

"I see….you are doing well in your training but I don't want you training with them"

"Why?"kenshin asked shocked by that

"Yeah I want to train you all by myself,you are getting a bit popular among everyone"

"That's normal for everyone,I don't think I'm the first"

"You may not be the first but that's not a good start in the dojo boy"

"Then tell me the reason I love it here"

"I can see you can be stubborn sometimes,everyone here wishes for me to train them personally and here you are running away from it well how funny life could be"

Dropping his head low "won't people talk about it"

"I don't think so boy,you need to trust me on this"he assured him and left

The next day was the beginning of his personal training with hiko which he was scared due to the strictness he gave the other trainers.

"You don't have to scared I don't bite I only teach you the way to bite"he laughed

"Hmmm"he only hummed

He threw one wooden sword towards kenshin which he caught very well to the fact he learnt a thing at the dojo with the others.

"That's good for a start"he smiled "fighting without a motion is not good for martial arts learner or a fighter"

"Take a good breath before observing how your opponent advances are,take it slowly when trying to know how he fights"

"You can't take it slow when he's only trying to kill you"

Hiko laughed at his silliness he was right in his own perspective but you can't start a fight without observation on how to attack your opponent.

"Fight me"hiko said to him "fight me like I was the one that killed your parents"

Kenshin knew he was trying to play with his emotions and mind but that was before he was anew now.

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