
Another kingdom

Yúzé a kid who go abandoned by his mother,so he grows up to get revenge on the demons who killed his "father" but meets a friend on the way...and found out his secret...

BrownieBear · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Death or revenge? Ch2


As Yúzé trained alone,a lady came up to Yúzé and said "Are you training to become a noble warrior?", Yúzé replied "yes!,and may I know who you are?",the lady said "I am Guo Shi,i teach kids to become Mófa zhànshi warriors"

"May you teach me?"Asked Yúzé,"yes now follow me if you want to train with the others my dear"Said Guo

"Should I call you shifu?"Asked Yúzé,Guo replies "yes my dear"

As Yúzé introduce himself

Then after Yúzé introduce himself, the kids began to train then they suddenly here a loud noise coming from the "Hépíng garden"

Guo said to the kids to stay put while she try to find out what's happening,

As Guo ran she met a Yōumíng Jiè demon rank 10 as Guo fights the demon another demon comes from the side and attack Guo ,

As Guo struggles to breathe Guo suddenly faints,

Back to the kids ,the kids were all quiet and not moving, as they hear a noise from behind them, the kids start running around as Yúzé tries to fight the demon,

The big loud noise became more louder as Yúzé got curious, Yúzé easily beats the rank 4 demon and runs to find out what that big loud noise was,

As he ran , a rank 20 demon came to Yúzé and dared Yúzé to fight him,as Yúzé gets destroyed ,a person came and Fought the rank 20 like nothing , As Yúzé asked "who are you?",the guy replied "do you mean thank you? Ha I'm joking I'm Huan zhi leader of Mófa zhànshi warriors","hmm that's cool!" Yúzé replied,

"Ok shush come on the leaders are in trouble" said Huan

as they ran to help out the leaders

They encounter a rank noble demon they both got beaten by the demon , then Yúzé still tries to grab his sword ,Yúzé takes out his sword,Huan Stabs the demon in the leg , so Yúzé can stab the demon in the heart,

As Yúzé tries ,the demon holds Yúzé by the arm ,then Huan pulls his sword out of the demons leg , Huan Stabs the demon in the eye , as the demon drops Yúzé, Yúzé Grabs his sword and stab the demon in the heart as the demon turn to ashes...

They kept running

They finally make it but what they saw was traumatizing for them...


I hope you enjoy Ch2(I just wanted to post this today btw Huan and Yúzé are a ship!!! find a ship name for them in the comments)!!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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