
Another kingdom

Yúzé a kid who go abandoned by his mother,so he grows up to get revenge on the demons who killed his "father" but meets a friend on the way...and found out his secret...

BrownieBear · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Another world Ch1

Among the world of humans, there was another world,or should I say kingdom,this kingdom was called Mófa zhànshi which translates to "Magical" fighters,so this kingdom was unknown to the humans,but there was a world that knew about the kingdom of Mófa zhànshi,the world was named yōumíng Jiè wich translate to "netherworld",

Yōumíng Jiè was full of ignorance and hatred,going back to kingdom Mófa zhànshi,

As you know,no human have seen or went to Mófa zhànshi, Until...a kid named Yúzé Wei,

He was abandoned by his mother when he was 3,then this man found him sad and alone ,this man was a warrior of Mófa zhànshi, so the man Decided to bring him into the kingdom of Mófa zhànshi then the,

master of Mófa zhànshi allowed him to raise Yúzé Wei so,years and years later on March 26 Yúzé 's 15th birthday a war happened,

Yúzé 's "dad" was fighting in the war then after the war 2 Mófa Doctors came to Yúzé and said that his dad got killed,

As Yúzé cried he plans to get revenge on the Yōumíng Jiè demon lord so Yúzé planned to become a Mófa zhànshi warrior just for revenge for his father...

12 years later

March 26 Yúzé birthday


hi so I post a chapter every sunday SOMTIMES I will post on a sat!! hope you liked this!!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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