
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 36: Fate of Broken Lies

"It's been a few days since me and Dorothy found those articles online, and since then we'd been enjoying our time with Anna together as the family she believes us to be, Atalanta and Aiden would often take turns and watch over Anna as we go to school in weekdays and it would always end with the whole room trashed and they would just leave a note of apology."

Anna proceeds to walk in front of them looking sad and holding the apology letter Atalanta and Aiden wrote "Mama, Papa I'm sorry I made a mess today." Arthur and Dorothy smile it out and gives Anna a head pat meanwhile Saya went to stay at Carla's room for the night.

"I haven't seen Liz in a while as well, there were a lot of things I wanted to ask her, what's Elizabeth's goal, what do they want with Anna?. only a few of us knows about Anna, Me, Dorothy, Carla, Saya, Emma, and Aiden and we promised each other not to tell anyone."

Arthur was passing by and noticed Anna was busy with something so he went closer and asked "Hey Anna what are you drawing there?." She covered the paper saying "Don't look! Papa you meanie!." Arthur then went away from Anna as she tried to throw all her other crayons at him he then yelled out "Okay Okay I yield! I won't see what you're doing just please stop the bombardment." She laughed and said "Okay Papa, I'll stop." and continued coloring as Arthur got out of the room Dorothy then said "Did she tell you not to look to?." Arthur then says "Why are you making it sound weird." She then replies "Pervert.".

Arthur then sits next to Dorothy, and she lays down on his shoulders while reading a book, He says "I hope this stays like this forever." he kisses Dorothy's forehead she asks "Where do yo-." They heard Anna's scream from the room and quickly reacted.

As they arrived at the room there was a droid trying to enter using the window Dorothy grabbed Anna and took her into the living room, while Arthur rushed towards the droid "Ackerman first style Thousand needles." as he did multiple swings and managed to destroy the droid, a shriek made by Anna coming from the living room.

Arthur yelled "What happened!?." as he then saw three droids surrounding them while a few droids entered using the window, he first prioritized Dorothy and Anna and destroyed the three droids with one strike.

Saya and Carla entered the room saying "What's going on Master!?." "Arthur!!." as they noticed the droids in the window, Carla directly fired two shots and landed the hits, Saya released her scythe and captured one droid while mincing the other one.

Saya says "We'll use this one to our advantage." the droid keeps on wriggling like how a fish would, once its pulled out of the ocean.

Arthur yells out "Some are escaping!." Dorothy then says "Forget it as long as Anna's safe." Arthur then clenches his fist as he stares at the wriggling droid Saya captured.

Carla then says "We need to hide everything quickly." as they could hear footsteps coming from the outside "Saya can you shut it down without damaging it?." She then replies "Yes." "Alright you take the droid and place it under my bed, and bring Anna and Dorothy to the room and if they ask just tell them she's my niece." Saya then starts to bring the droid to the room while Dorothy and Anna followed.




"Mr. Ackerman, this is Sir. Charles what's going on over there?." Arthur then opens the door as Carla was sitting on the couch, Sir. Charles entered the room to inspect it.

Arthur asks "Can I help you sir?." He turns around and says "A few students told me about noise coming from this room." He looks at every corner to check if anything's wrong in the area.

"Who's in this room?." Sir. Charles asked and Arthur replies "Dorothy, Saya and my niece sir."

"So is it okay if I go in?."

Arthur replied "Yes, Sir." Meanwhile everyone outside were curious, Gray came in and asked "What's going on here?." a random student said "We heard some noise coming from here and we called in a teacher." Gray then told the crowd outside the room "Alright everyone the show's over, it's probably just Arthur making Dorothy angry again, let's all go back to our rooms now please bye bye." Gray closes the door as Arthur says to himself "Thank you Gray, I owe you one."

Sir. Charles enters the room and takes a look at them and says "Mr. Ackerman, Ms. Brewsworth get in here this instant." as the two look nervous upon entering the room.

Sir. Charles brought in a chair and sat in it while Arthur and Carla just entered the room, he locks the door and says "Now that the audience has been taken care of, will you care to explain to me what those droids are doing in the living room?." as they all look at Dorothy she asked "What? I did used my skill you know." Sir. Charles said "That may have worked on the other students but not on me, I've seen enough of this kind of pranks over and over again, now explain or I'll send your "Niece." to the other heroes." Arthur then says "Wait! Wait! I'll explain."

meanwhile at the top of a building overseeing the dorm one of Elizabeth's clones was there checking the other areas if they're more droids around.

A few minutes have passed and Arthur has fully explained to Sir. Charles everything they know.

"So she's the missing daughter?." Sir. Charles said pointing towards Anna, Arthur then says "No she's no-." he gets interrupted "I'm grateful she managed to find great people who'd take great care of her." as they were all shock to what their teacher just said "You see, I was involved in that attempt to rescue her four years ago." Arthur asks "What do you mean rescue from her parents?."


"You see it all happened when two heroes discovered their child had been born with powers, because of that they overused her, they often would beat the child up because she couldn't control them."

The Father yelled out as he slapped young Anna "Use your powers on this pathetic criminal!."

(she couldn't even if she wanted since she couldn't control her powers at the time, she tried and tried her best but would get punished for not doing it either way by her parents.)

(young Anna would stay in an empty room with no light, with no windows, no toys and would only see the outside world once her power is needed.)

The Father yelled out "Come you little twerp! we need you!." as the Mother drags her by pulling Anna's hair towards the door she says "Start walking or I'll tear off your hair you little!."

"There was one time I walked passed by them and saw those two with the girl go into an alleyway while holding a thug, while many people were busy cheering for the heroes capturing the thief, many ignored the fact there was a beaten up child among them." Sir. Charles explained.

"I took a peak and saw them."

The Father yells "Use it now!!." he slaps her into the wall the mother then says "Useless trash!." as they then killed the thug with their own hands while young Anna was on the cold floor crying silently.

"I knew I couldn't face them alone, so I went to some of the Heroes and begged for their assistance."

"Please, they're clearly abusing their own child!." Charles said

"While some of the heroes never believed me, there were some who agreed and helped me."

(For the citizens all they noticed was the two famous heroes but never noticed a small and frail girl behind them begging to be saved, crying from the pain she's been carrying for years, longing for a Mother's warm love, longing for a Father's care.)

"Then we took action at the night of August 20, which is known as the Broken Family right?, well that's just what the Kingdom wants the public to believe." Sir. Charles said as he continued on explaining.


In Anna's point of view..

"It was dark, silent I couldn't see a thing, It was the most happiest place of my life, where I thought I'd be safe. but I always knew that... that would also be a lie." She said to herself.

as she heard a battle going on outside her room she said to herself "Why is there noise outside? are they going to hurt me again." the battle gets louder and louder as it gets closer to her room.

As a hole bursts open in Anna's room.. showing a few of the heroes with the police lighting up the room and saw.. Anna on the cold ground, while her room was painted with blood, the foul stench escaped the room and filled the house while Sir. Charles was one of the heroes who were fighting her parents.

Charles backs away from the father and says "It's over! you two are going into the Executioner's tower for eternity!." The Mother then pulls her hair as she throws multiple daggers at him and the other heroes Charles managed to block them and dodge the Mother's strike, the Father then says "She's just an object! meant to be used! that thing doesn't deserve love, or does it deserve to be loved." Charles was enraged hearing what he was spouting and rushed towards the Father and knocked him out cold.

A few hours later, they managed to capture the two parents and are in handcuffs Charles goes towards the young Anna and says "It's alright little one you're safe now." he tries to give her a head pat but because from her experiences she reacted out of fear and ran away from the heroes and police.

As they saw her turn back to them they were positive she changed her mind Charles said "It's okay now, you can trus-." She went straight passed him and went towards her unconscious parents and gave them a hug.

"We did not know what she did back then but once she let go of them they quickly woke up with no clue on what's going on."

"What? What's going on?." The Father asked as the Mother then asks "Why are we outside?."

"As we were busy asking the two whether they had forgotten everything, I turned around and the next thing I knew she was gone, and I looked back to that moment where I first saw her."

"Use it now!!."

"I believed this is what her power is, the power to erase memories."

A hero asked "Do you know what you two did to your daughter?." the Father replied "Like I told the reporter we never had one to begin with. I don't know why they keep on asking us this but we don't have a child."

After that night, the kingdom made newspapers hiding the truth about the Heroes abusing the child and made it look like random droids attacked them and they both loss their memories due to the attack to ensure the public's opinion on heroes not heading into chaos.

"And since that night, we've been looking everywhere for her in the kingdom to give her a fresh new start but we couldn't find her." Sir. Charles explained.

Elizabeth's clone said "Oh my, looks like uninvited guests." she cornered three droids trying to enter the dorm back door, the droids were skinny, and frail unlike the one they destroyed a few days ago she said "If you're watching, watch and feel despair as we tear everything you have piece by piece." the droids then launched an attack on her.

She licks her lips.

the first droid plunged towards her, she dodged it while taking off it's arms she said "What a hasty little toy." She then blasts the head destroying one of the droids meanwhile the two were going between her from both sides.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk." the two droids collided with each other as the clone jumped and said "Goodbye." blasting the two droids' heads.

Meanwhile from Arthur's room Sir. Charles was done explaining about what really happened four years ago and said "I'm grateful she's found some good people." Anna then proceeds to cling on Arthur saying timidly "Mama and Papa." Sir. Charles was surprised and said "I bet they are." and gave her a smile.

Sir. Charles then stood up from the chair and said "You can enroll her to a class for nursery starting tomorrow, she'll be more safe there with all of us around than here right?." Dorothy then asks "You're not gonna take her away to the heroes?." He replies "Even if I do I'm sure she'll come right back here, so I want you two to give her the normal life she needs." Arthur and Dorothy were very happy to know Anna isn't being taken away and they gave her a hug.

The Next day..

Arthur and Dorothy are sending off Anna to school (The room for the nursery class is right next to the high school building) Arthur says "Anna we talked about this, I'm sure you're gonna do great today." He gave her a smile and wore her bag for her Dorothy then says "Let's go." as the three of them enter the room.

Patrisha was walking by and managed to saw them enter the room she asked to herself "W-Who was that little girl??."

Sir. Charles was in contact with someone, he said "Yes, I found the girl from four years ago." the person asked "Really where is she?." Sir. Charles said "She's safe, I'll watch over her from now on." he said "Alright, I'll tell the other Heroes about her safety." Sir. Charles then says "Oh right! Tell Merlin this too, "She's home."."

End of Chapter 36: Fate of Broken Lies