
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 35: Unexpected reunion

Atalanta was checking through the cctv cameras on where the droid went after their battle and the last thing the cameras caught was that "Pause right there!." Someone entering the alleyway right after the droid went in Aiden then said "So at this point we can assume this person was the one responsible for destroying the droid back there." Atalanta then asks "Isn't there any cameras in those alleyways?." the man replied "I'm sorry but there aren't any, not every alleyway in the kingdom has surveillance cameras."

Atalanta and Aiden left the area and were patrolling the city. She asked "Is it possible he's back?." Aiden reacted and said "You mean the Villain from a month ago? you must be kidding right, he's been sent to the Executioner's tower and he ain't escaping there for a long time now." Atalanta then says "I thought so too." Aiden then says "But the thought had crossed my mind, remember the time the police officers came to us to check that abandoned factory?." Atalanta then replies "You think this could be related to that?." Aiden then says "I have no proof yet but what if." Atalanta then thoughts about it.

At Arthur's room..

"Papa, Mama can we go buy ice cream." She gave them a hug and a smile, the two were hesitant first because she still hasn't eaten her lunch yet, then she as tears were about to erupt from her eyes Arthur then said

"Alright, Alright we'll get you ice cream but we'll have to eat first." Anna nodded her head so excited to eat ice cream and went to the room Arthur then said to Dorothy "She got that from you by the way." meanwhile Dorothy replied "Yep, and I'm so proud."

Arthur heads towards his wallet and checks if he still could afford to buy ice cream, he opens it and says "Well If I buy now I'd have to live out the whole month without any money."

(Every month the school provides them with their allowance monthly.)

Dorothy says right before he goes out the door "You're going to buy one right?." Arthur freezes and turns around slowly "Pleasee buy one for me too." Dorothy said while doing the puppy eyes Arthur then says "Alright, you watch over her while I'm gone." Arthur closes the door.

Dorothy then proceeds to enter the room and sees Anna making a mess of everything "Mama look! Mama look! Papa now has a red and white shirt." Anna shows her Arthur's white shirt covered by red paint Dorothy then thoughts to herself "Arthur's not gonna like this." but then decides to "Hey Anna, if you want to color Papa's shirt try it wit-."

Meanwhile as Arthur was heading towards the convenience store to buy ice cream he felt a sudden chill running through his spine and said "What the hell was that?." as he entered, someone was standing at the front side of the store planning to enter it as well until "Hey." Someone grabbed the person and slashed the person.

*Inside the store*

He was still picking the ice cream and someone went behind him and said "Arthur don't panic, It's me." Arthur was calm about the situation and asked "And who is that me?." As her turned around him he saw Elizabeth and became even more frightened as he backed away from her and held his sword only to know he left it back at the room, out of options he asked "What do you want?." Elizabeth takes off the hat and says "We need to talk."

A few moments later they went to the bench near the store and talked there "I'm not the original." She said as Arthur was shocked as he then remembered "Wait! could you be?." She then replied "Yes I'm the one who helped you a while back I came here to warn you." Arthur got curious on what she meant and asked "Warn me about what?." Elizabeth then replied

"That girl you found yesterday? Someone has been sending out droids all over the kingdom just to look for her, many heroes from countless cities have been injured because of that and my other selves have been tasked to find the culprit behind the droids."

Arthur then says "Wait could that mean it was yo-- I mean Elizabeth who destroyed the droid too?." She then says "You can call me Liz, so there won't be any confusions for future encounters, but yes it my original who did that." Arthur was wondering and asked "Why are you here telling me this? I doubt she would let you do this." Liz was hesitant to say but said it anyways "I've been running away from her ever since we last met Arthur." He then asked "Is it even possible to ignore your original's commands?."

Liz then replies "Only for me, but I can't answer all your questions right now Arthur the thing is now that you took custody over the girl, that person might come looking for you and I came to warn you about that." Arthur then stood up from the bench and said "It doesn't matter I'll protect her with my life if I have to, she's just an innocent little girl, with no parents or clues to how she got here and I wanna give her a life that she could enjoy, and have a happy family, we wanna be a family just for her." Liz then says "That girl is wanted by the owner of the droids because of the power she possessed."

Arthur froze and asked "What do you mean?." Liz then says "Go look up what happened on August 20, The Broken Family." as she then sensed multiple presences approaching the area, because of that she stood up and said "I can't tell you anything else Arthur, I got to go." Liz then ran away as Arthur yelled "Liz wait!!." Liz then thought to herself "They arrived a little too early, I'm sorry Arthur you have to find it out on your own." Liz then runs farther away from the area.

Arthur then says to himself as he goes back inside the store "What's up with her?." He then thought about what she told him to look up on the internet "Go look up what happened on August 20, The Broken Family."

Meanwhile outside in front of the store multiple Clones arrived at an alleyway to see the clone Elizabeth tasked the one to spy on Arthur dead on the floor "Do you think it was the rogue who did this?." "I don't know Other me, either way we need to report this to Other me." the multiple clones then took the body with them and fled back to Elizabeth's whereabouts.

A few minutes later Arthur already got the ice cream and proceeded to head back to their dorm, but he couldn't get it out of his mind about what Liz told him earlier.

Once he arrived in the room Carla just got back from buying their snacks and said "Where have you been my King? if you wanted to buy something you should've just called me." Arthur laughed at himself saying "Oh yeah I should've done that in the first place." As Anna noticed Arthur carrying bags she then rushed with joy towards him yelling "YAY!! PAPA'S HOME!! PAPA'S HOME!! where's the ice cream?." She asked as she gave him a smile Arthur looked at Dorothy to get confirmation that Anna has already eaten her lunch Dorothy replies "Yeah she already has, now give some for me too." Arthur then pats Anna's head and says "Alright here, you can have this." Anna was filled with joy as she took the cup of ice cream and went towards the ice cream to get a spoon.

While Arthur looked at Anna so excited to eat the ice cream he smiled, but couldn't get the thought of what Liz said out of his head meanwhile Dorothy noticed Arthur's uneasiness but didn't say a thing.

Later that night..

Everyone was asleep except for Arthur, he was at the Dining table looking at his tablet making searches as he couldn't sleep because of the never ending curiosity that keeps him up.

He searches "The Broken Family, August 20." and various articles popped up but all had the same info.

"Two parents memories wiped, child missing?."

"Two Heroes lost their memories and don't remember anything."

"Someone erasing memories?."

Arthur then says to himself "It all says about loosing memories." as he then notices one article.

"Droids attack happy family one night, resulting memory loss."

Dorothy then pops in next to him saying "You seemed quite curious about that." Arthur was surprised to hear Dorothy next to him in the middle of the night and asked "*gasp *gasp What are you doing here?." She then replies "Did something happened out there?." He was silent as Dorothy clicks on the article.

Two married Heroes fought a couple of droids defending their child, in the process loosing both their memories of their child and the droids.

a reporter asked one day asking if they knew about having a child, the hero replied "We never had one to begin with." the reporter then asks them about the pictures inside the house but the two never gave an answer.

So the question is who and where is this forgotten child now?.

Dorothy then stood up from her chair and said "It can't be, It must be a different kid they're talking about here, there's no way this is related to our Anna." Dorothy was about to shed a tear "I never said anything and maybe you're right, but if it turns out she is the missing child you know what we have to do." tears were streaming down her face as she sat back down crying Arthur then gave her a hug "I don't want to loose our Anna Arthur." He replied stroking her hair "I know, me too Dorothy, me too." as a tear streamed down from Arthur's face.

He then thought of what Liz said "That girl is wanted by the owner of the droids because of the power she possessed."

End of Chapter 35: Unexpected Reunion