
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 2: Target Dorothy

"Glad you found me." The girl said as she gives Arthur a smile.

[Soo cute.]

Arthur shed a single tear but was able to hide it from her, he rubbed the eye that was all teary as he shakes his head and says,

"You're an idiot."

Her adorable face froze, her smile turned into something terrifying, her teeth turned razor sharp, her face became somewhat like what a killer would look like, the sheer intensity of intimidation coming from her as if her aura was telling me she was going to murder me.


[I kinda want to know who's more dangerous here, this girl or the assailant?] He thought to himself.

His eyes squinted as he saw someone's figure outside, he went a closer look and tried to peek from the inside.


"Shhh, looks like your attacker hasn't left yet."

She calmed down and peeked at the window to see for herself if what he told her was true, it was blurry but she could definitely see someone from their side of the window.

But it was fine for them since they can't be seen from the outside, meaning they have the advantage for at least their sights.

"Yeah it appears the body was fake as you said boss, don't worry I'll go look for her."

[This is bad.. with the body to serve as a decoy gone.. the assassin might believe she's still around here somewhere.. we have to get out of here and quick]

He directly grabbed her hand without a second thought as she became embarrassed and immediately let go of the hand holding her.

"W-W-What do you think you're doing!?."

"Dorothy, we need to get out of here while the attacker hasn't found you yet."

"H-Huh?... and besides how did you know my name!?."

"This is no time for that.. we need to go now!."

He grabbed her hand once again and led her towards the door, she held in her anger and her signs of embarrassment was clearly obvious, she stares into the boy's back holding her hand and wondered.

[Why is he helping me? I was pretty sure he was afraid of me because of what happened yesterday.. He's not even involved in this.. why is he?..]

"H-Hey.. what's your name?." the bashful girl asked.

"Huh? oh It's Arthur, Arthur Ackerman." He replied with a smile on his face.

In this situation Arthur chose to show her a smile so she wouldn't be worried although Arthur knows that she could hold her own against her assailant he just can't handle knowing someone's trying to kill her without doing anything so he's going to save her.

As right before he was gonna open the door Dorothy stood her ground and Arthur couldn't continue towards opening the door, she wouldn't budge, she was like a tree rooted on the ground.

"Hey? what's wrong we need to get out of here?."

"We can't go out.. if we do.. we'll be spotted."

[I haven't thought about that too..]

"Then I guess we'll just hide here until he leaves."

The two were still holding hands and sat down at the corner as they decided to talk it out while waiting for the assailant to leave.

"Hey Dorothy, do you know why there's an assassin trying to kill you?."

Her voice sounded confident, she placed three fingers on her eye patch and replied,

"Huhuhuhu, that's because I have an extraterrestrial power!! If I remove this eye patch I could unleash my ultimate power to destroy the world mwuhahahahahha."

[I don't know if she's being serious here or not]

"Well just don't take it seriously." She giggled and said with a calm voice.

"Then what's the reason then?." He asked.


They could both hear footsteps heading towards the locker room and a deep voice having a conversation with someone getting louder and louder.

It was only a matter of time until the Assassin would find them and using weapons in the school campus is forbidden, which gives them at a disadvantage.

"What is your class Arthur?."

"A swordsman, but you know we can't use our weapons here Dorothy.."

"I know that.. but since there won't be any teachers for a while now and I'm pretty sure the Cameras has been tampered by the Assailant.. when push comes to shove we may not have a choice but use our weapons."

Arthur was getting scared as the footsteps were getting louder and louder by the minute.

He immediately grabbed Dorothy's arm and they both hid inside a locker, it was cramp and dark, they couldn't see the assassin but they could still hear him.

"Hey! what if the assassin opens this one? what are you going to do?." She whispered.

The two were in a lock with each other's body, Dorothy would place her head on Arthur's chest, the two were extremely embarrassed about the situation but their lives were the line here so they chose to live with it.

[AAAAAAAA I'm alone here with a girll!! the situation itself is really extremee!!! but she's really cute up close though.]

[W-W-W-What am I gonna do here!?!?! W-W-W-We're touching bodies... and I don't wanna look up to see his cute fa--- what am I saying!?]

The door gets slammed towards the wall, it was obvious the Assassin has entered the room.

They were both being as silent as ever but both their faces were extremely red from the embarrassment of the situation they're in.

Arthur felt two fingers touching his lips and was even more embarrassed about that.


"Is that your lips A-Arthur?." She whispered softly.

[Soo cute]



[What's this sudden turn of events happening here???]

There were ten lockers in the room and they were hiding in the eighth, The Assassin pulls out his dagger and slashes everything in the room from the cabinets, to desks, papers were flying around landing on the floor making a mess.

"You can't hide from me kid!." He said out loud.

[If I don't act quickly we both could die here and now] Arthur thought to himself.

The sound of one of the lockers opening echoed around the room, they knew the attacker is checking the lockers one by one.

[I could use my sword to knock him out once he opens our locker, It's worth a shot]

From the intense situation they're currently in Arthur was slowly loosing conscience, he felt like he was about to fall, was he nervous? scared? of course he's still a teen after all.

His hands were shaking and Dorothy could notice she lets out a sigh as she bits her lip.

The attacker was getting close, that was the sixth locker he opened just one more and they'll be caught.

His heart was beating even faster, it was as if the only thing he could focus on was the beat of the sound from his heart beating faster and faster.


Arthur's eyes were closed, he couldn't do it.. what's taking him so long?, he thought to himself as he opens his left eye and saw the Assassin's dissatisfied face and decided to check the remaining two.

[That was close.. but what happened back ther--!!.]

He noticed, the heat he's feeling from his lips as he looked downwards and saw Dorothy... kissing him he really freaked out and tried to stop the kiss from going any longer she placed both hands on his face.

The aura was surrounding both of them, concealing their presences from the Assassin, It was an extreme spell, by having contact with someone they could conceal their presence until their mana would run out, it could be anything, from hands, to the body but a kiss would always be more effective the normal. Due to the fact of sharing each other's mana from giving a kiss to someone.

Arthur was extremely embarrassed about this and was about collapse, while Dorothy opened her eyes and was even more embarrassed than Arthur, both her face and ears were bright red.

But they couldn't just stop the spell now and decided to let it continue until their safe.. but either way the two were still teenagers so things like this would always be something of a mystery to them.

[I-I-I'm currently having a kiss with a g-g-girl]

[I did it!.... I mean I used the spell..]

The warmth of their lips in contact, they were getting nervous from their own actions, Dorothy's hands forcing Arthur not to break away.

"Tchh she's not here either.. where the hell could she be!"

A few minutes later the Assassin leaves the room and closes the door, they finally stopped the kiss and went outside the locker..

They both stared at different angles of the room to hide their embarrassment, Arthur scratches his head and says,

"Umm Tha--!."

"Don't get this the wrong way! I did it to save our skins!.. there was no meaning to that whatsoever."

[Seriously?? I actually thought she could've been the one for me]


"But we should stay here for a few more hours just to be safe." She said as she sat down on the floor.

Arthur was staring at her while thinking of the kiss they shared earlier and became flustered all over, he couldn't handle the thought of having his first kiss in a situation like that.

Unknown to him Dorothy too was also thinking about the kiss she had with him and was about to collapse from having her first kiss..

"Umm Arthur.."


The two stare into each other's eyes and looked in opposite ways to hide their blushes from each other.

"Y-You've seen me naked the other day.."

[But you were wearing your underwear yesterday what do you mean!?]

"And now.. you've taken my first kiss.. I hope you take responsibility for this."


[AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!] He was screaming in his mind.

The two were talking to each other for a few hours and at the same time keeping their guard up as the Assassin was still in the gym with them.

It lasted hours but nothing had happened after that, Dorothy stood up and said,

"Well I guess we should be going out.. it seems safe already."

"Aright, I'll go first." Arthur volunteered.

He opened the door and peeked but there was no one, he signals her to follow and the two decide to slowly head towards the exit.

Once they made it out they stayed at the canteen to take a breather, since it was an extreme situation for them to just forget about, I mean they couldn't forget about it even if they wanted to since something precious to them was taken from this day.

"Why did this happen...how could this happen." She was covering her eyes.

Arthur remembers something and says,

"Oh yeah by the way Dorothy!.."

She places down both her hands and looks at Arthur confused.

"W-We're roommates by the way." He said.

There was a brief silence between the two, Arthur was trying to hold his smile together while Dorothy was still processing what he just told her.


The scream echoed towards the entire campus and in a classroom which showed the room's name.

" CLASS L1 "

A teacher was in the middle of a lesson when he heard Dorothy's scream everyone in the class was silent, some were laughing to know what that was, while their Teacher merely smiled and said to himself.

"Looks like things are going to get interesting from now on."

It was an adult wearing a teacher's uniform with the school badge on his left chest, he had blue spiky hair and started writing on the chalkboard.

The end of Chapter 2: Target Dorothy