
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 23: Victory and Revealed

Saya and Carla rushes towards their teacher "A scythe user aye?." He said as he backs away from them "Look who's running!." Carla said as she fires bullets "There's always a time for retreat and a time for attack." Sir. Charles said as he deflects the bullet fire with his spear "Tchh." She reacted as her bullets get deflected "Leave it to me Carla." Saya yelled as she managed to grab unto Sir. Charles with her scythe "Hmmm you seem to have some control of it." He says right after escaping it and appearing behind her "But it's not enough." He said "Saya!!." Carla managed to fend off his attack on Saya by shooting two bullets if she hadn't predicted where he would pop up next He would've landed a blow on Saya.

"Saya cover me!." Carla said "Understood!." Saya replied, the two decided to fall back and leave some distance between them "What's this? looks like you're the one doing the running right now." He said as he controls his spear to land a hit on them but Saya managed to block every strike made from the spear with her scythe.

"You said it yourself, there's a time for retreat and there's a time for attack, now it's our turn to attack." She says right after she was done reloading her magazines "Saya!." She yelled, Saya then made afterimages of herself "Oh? looks like you're able to create afterimages of yourself, pretty impressive." Sir. Charles said the afterimages then started to disappear "You'll pop up behind me right no--." He got caught by her scythe "How did you?." He asked "Why do you always believe that whenever we have a plan you'd always think we'd go from behind." Saya said as she slams him on the ground all tied up and Carla aiming her pistols on his head "We win." Carla said with confidence "Nothing less from one of the innocents who got caught up in the Hero's attack." He said admitted defeat "A+ for the both of us!." Carla yelled out.

"I'm so glad those two managed to pass as well." Arthur said out of joy "It brings a huge smile on my face seeing on how those two have grown since we've met them." Dorothy said "You sound like an actual Mom rooting for her children Ritsu, is it perhaps you and Arthur have finally don--." Gray was then knocked out cold by Dorothy while Patrisha was still thinking of a plan on how to defeat their teacher.

"Hmmm this seems like fun seeing Charles getting beaten by his own students hehehe." George said as he was enjoying watching the fights.

"Alright next pair please come up the court." Sir. Charles said "When are we going to go Reid?." Cassidy asked timidly "Later." He replied "would I really be able to win this with her around." He thought to himself as he looked at her with disgust "How could a girl like her enroll at a school like this, she's pathetic, she won't survive in this school." He thought to himself as he talks down at her.

Time has passed and a few pairs have failed but only a few managed to pass "Gray let's go." Patrisha said in a nervous tone "Alright wish me luck Arthur." Gray said "Good luck Patrisha." Dorothy wished her friend luck "Don't screw it up man." Arthur said "What are you talking about? since when have I ever screwed up?." Gray replied as they both went towards the court.

"It's finally Patrisha's turn!." Crane said "Don't loose like Crane did!." Lisa yelled "Hey!." Crane reacted "Hey Gray don't loose to Teacher!." Luck yelled "If only you had that much confidence when you faced Teacher." Gon said "Quiet! you're luck I was your pair otherwise you wouldn't have won without me." Febby replied "Yes Ma'am." Gon replied, Cassidy at the top was getting nervous as only a few students have yet to take on their teacher meanwhile Raid was getting anxious on what he's going to do.

"It's unbelievable how Teacher can still fight with all those injuries starting from their fight with Blake and Rex." Arthur said "Hmmm I agree." Carla replied "Maybe he's already tired from all the battles but doesn't just show it to ensure everyone gets a score." Saya said "Hey Arthur when are we going to?." Dorothy asked "Right after them." Arthur then pointed to the two students who are already near the court.

"Let's give it our all, Reid." Cassidy said as she gives him a soft smile "Right." He replied but after he faced the court his expressions turned to disgust.

Meanwhile Arthur noticed his expressions from a far "Looks it's starting!." Blake yelled "Looks like it's the President and the vice I'm fighting right now, don't fail me as Class officers of L1 now." Sir. Charles said.

As everyone heard what Sir. Charles said to them they were all in shock "No way!." Luck reacted "Vice president?." Febby asked "Patrisha?." Gon was shock Meanwhile Dorothy was the only one who knew Patrisha was the vice president of Class L1 (When they were electing for their class officers on the first day of school, the Vice pres. slot was already taken but the name wasn't revealed to the class who, not even the president himself knew it was Patrisha.) "No way ! Patrisha you were the Vice pres!?." Gray was shocked to hear that "I'm sorry Patrisha looks like I blurted out your identity." Sir. Charles apologized sincerely "It's okay sir, the moment will come when I have to tell everyone one day." She replied "Alright now as the class officers of L1 you better show me a fight." He said as he twirls his lance and took his stance.

"Blades of Unlimited Edge." Patrisha said as two blades appeared out of thin air one colored purple, the other color red "To be honest this is the first time I've seen Patrisha's class with confirmation I actually thought she was a Mage class, an Assassin class huh." Sir. Charles thought to himself "Whoah." Gray was amazed by how Patrisha was taking her stance seriously and seems different somehow.

"Just follow the plan alright." Patrisha said "I will." Gray replied as he was preparing to fire an arrow "If you two won't come to me, I'll come to youuu!!." He yelled as he rushed towards them with such monstrous speed while Gray gave Patrisha something.

"I'll deal with it!." She yelled as she faced Sir. Charles's strike and tried to land a hit on him as she uses her other free hand to strike, but Sir. Charles managed to block every strike she would launch at him.

meanwhile Gray fired a few shots to help Patrisha even for a little "This is getting tiresome." Sir. Charles said as he takes a leap above her and lands a hit throwing her at the other side of the court.

"She's been thrown at the other side!?." Febby was concerned for Patrisha "I wonder how Gray will do?." Luck wondered meanwhile Dorothy was very calm as she believes Patrisha's plan will work.

"It's just you and me President!." He said as he gives off a maniacally vibes "EEEEHH!?." Gray was nervous as he fired random arrows at random places "Please aim correctly." He said as he was getting closer to him "I'm disappointe--." Sir. Charles was shock to see he got disarmed by an arrow "What?." He reacted as he dodged the arrows Gray shot with full accuracy "So that was a diversion huh?." Sir. Charles said as he commands his spear to come to him.

Gray threw his bow above and as Sir. Charles was still confused unto what Gray's intention was someone was running from behind him and jumped to catch the bow.

"Crap! Patris-." As he saw Patrisha in the air knocking her bow he then knew defeat as this specific arrow she was charging can't be caught by his bare hands and his spear couldn't make it on time.

"You underestimated my class Sir. my true class is Marksman." She said as she fires her bow and lands a direct hit and caused an explosion.

"Did they get her?." Carla asked as the smoke cleared Sir. Charles was cornered by both Patrisha and Gray with their weapons near their Teacher's neck.

"I'm so glad to know my class officers are very strong." Sir. Charles said out of joy as he pats both their heads "I see what you did there Patrisha." He said "Huh?." She wondered "As I was above you and when I landed my strike you managed to blocked yourself with the blades you had." He said.

Everyone who were watching were so happy for them and Dorothy was more happier for her than anyone else "Looks like it's our turn Reid, let's do our best." Cassidy smiles at him but he was silent.

As Patrisha and Gray got out of the court Reid slowly went towards the court without his pair "Reid?." She asked "You'll only bring me down, so I'm sorry." He then knocked her out and left her there as he entered the court while Cassidy was abandoned by his pair.

"Oh? where's your pair Mr. Reid?." Sir. Charles asked "She's not feeling well, but I'll be enough to deal with the likes of you." He said as he clenches his fist.

Meanwhile Dorothy and Arthur proceeded to head to the Court to be prepared for their match and saw Cassidy lying there on the ground.

"Is that?." Arthur squinted his eyes as it was dark "It looks likee.. a girl?." Dorothy said.

Chapter 23: Victory and Revealed